When does human human life begin?

2019-06-20 5:14 am

回答 (16)

2019-06-20 6:04 am
You're not a human until you can look into your mother's eyes and take in the soul that God has breathed into your lungs.
One of the biggest sins of our age is the constant battle for men to try to control women's bodies; to be able to legislate aspects of women's' biology about which these policy makers are totally clueless. Sounds like you are too.....
2019-06-20 12:13 pm
It begins at the same time as human human human life. Any more questions?
2019-06-20 9:33 am
At conception. From that point the new human has the full complement of genes and all going well will grow into a fetus, baby, child, teenager, and adult in turn. If it wasn't alive from the beginning it wouldn't grow.
2019-06-20 5:20 am
An individual human life begins at the time the first cell is produced

Human (homo sapien) life in general began around 100k years ago
2019-06-26 9:12 am
It depends on whom you ask. For example, Christians believe that human soul is created by God at conception, and takes "possession" of the fetus immediately. Others believe that the Soul has no reason to take possession of the fetus that early in the process, and in any case, is eternal just like God, in fact it is a "spark" of God that never gets "created", and cannot be destroyed. Others still think that the whole idea is preposterous, there is no "God" and no "soul", just consciousness of a fully formed brain. From that viewpoint, human life may begin as early as when a mother is developing in the womb of the grandmother, as this is when egg cells develop in her that become a part of the human. So from that viewpoint, death of a pregnant woman kills not only her and her unborn child, but also all her potential grandchildren.
2019-06-22 7:32 am
without consciousness, we do not know "life"; so life begins at birth, and life ends at death.
2019-06-22 12:41 am
Life begins at conception.
2019-06-21 4:19 pm
Human 'life' begins at conception.
When the sperm and the egg meet and the first cell splits.
2019-06-20 12:09 pm
Perhaps the better question is: When is a developing human life valuable?

When you understand biochemistry/genetics/biology you stop seeing "life" a moment of creation, but rather a continuum of self-perpetuating biochemistry. If an embryo is considered a human life because it is a small bundle of cells with unique DNA, then the same "value" should be applied to a few skin cells that flake off every day. If it is about potential to become a fully functional human, then I would argue that I can take your skin cells and make genetic clones of you with current laboratory techniques.

Lets just call this entire debate what it really is. An argument of the value of human life, and everyone will have a different opinion. Religious people will tend to value human life from a spiritual perspective and beleive all human life should be cherished because its "Gods creation", but non-religious people have varying shades of grey. Is something alive and worth keeping once it has the potential to grow? Once it can feel? Once it takes on identifiable living traits (heart-beat)? To me the value of human life can be measured by its relationship with others, and in the womb that relationship is often only between the mother and father. If they dont care, its none of our business.
2019-06-20 7:50 am
Most words for "spirit""soul" etc are related to breathing
參考: read it some place
2019-06-20 7:49 am
With a heart beat.
2019-06-20 6:42 am
About age 25 years
2019-06-20 6:17 am
The medical answer is different than the legal answer.
2019-06-20 5:27 am
Material objects have beginnings and ending, but life and light are not material objects and there is no place for life to come from in order for it to begin. When the sperm enters the egg neither the sperm or the egg continues to exist. and an entirely new organism is undertaking cell production and we have positive scientific evidence that this organism can and will exist outside the human body
2019-06-20 5:18 am
When brainwaves are present.
2019-06-20 5:17 am
in our mothers belly

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