Atheists, "What if" hell turns out to be real? Aren't you afraid of hell?

2019-03-14 6:02 pm

回答 (49)

2019-03-14 6:06 pm
To be fair, thinking about what Hell could be, can be scary.
But no I'm not afraid of a lie.
2019-03-14 6:13 pm
You almost went all the way to Pacal's Wager. What if the Hinduism version of samsara is real? You live your whole life in fear of hell only to find out the Hindus are correct?
2019-03-14 10:01 pm
If I don't have to spend eternity with the sort of folks who spew hate in the name of their god, I won't be in hell.
2019-03-16 1:31 am
If you really are scared of hell, then figuring out this God thing should be paramount in your life. So instead of atheist baiting, why don't you just go out and find God - if you think you have already, why the hell are you here doing this ****?
2019-03-14 7:59 pm
According to theists even theists go to hell so if anybody can go to hell, what is your solution? According to theists, even believing is not enough to avoid hell since Satan knows there is a God yet he is supposedly in hell. Because of this, I find "good" reasoning is the best path to take, where I can envision a scenario where not believing in all of the man made Gods is the path to the real God and atheists turn out to be the winners for using the brain God gave them. Perhaps the real hell is not a lake of fire but rather theists debating for all of eternity whose man made God is the one true God, unable to let go of their irrational, blind faith. In this scenario, you should fear not using "good" reasoning for you decision making.
2019-03-14 6:32 pm
God told Adam that he was dust and that is what he would return to be. Non existence. When the first two sinned it did not change what God had planned for this planet. He has waited this long to get enough righteous people to fill the earth. In Noah's day most or everyone was so wicked he would never get enough people so he started over and until today there has not been enough good people to make a descent earth full of people. So soon once again he will destroy the majority of people and put the planet back into a cleaned up state. But what would be the purpose of keeping all the wicked alive anywhere? that doesn't make any sense. Why would he want to keep wicked people alive?
2019-03-14 8:53 pm
2019-03-16 11:07 pm
Your fears are your hell
2019-03-16 6:49 am
Then somebody has been taking the piss.
2019-03-15 5:44 am
why would i be il be dead

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