Why am I being attacked and called a troll when I say something climate alarmists dont like?

2019-11-30 2:47 am
unlike some climate alarmists , I do have a college education, can read a graph, know when I am being lied to and not being paid by the Government. Have a great day

回答 (14)

2019-12-02 3:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
I like your blunt, down to earth honesty. Good for you. Its because of peoples half baked biases that progress takes so long to become a working solution, that by the time its put into operation, its been long out of day. Hence what may once have been a good idea is rendered bloody useless by the inability to get your finger out.
2019-11-30 10:06 am
If you believe your own answers, you clearly do NOT know when you're being lied to.  Here is one of your answers where you talk about global warming:

"There is no solid evidence, this whole thing is a hoax, they are messing with the data to try to make you beleive it"

This answer is pathetically bad and shows that you have bought into denial propaganda lock, stock and barrel. Unfortunately many fairly bright people--even college educated people like yourself--are fooled by slick propagandists. If you don't understand the science very well (and it's quite clear that you don't) then it's easy for clever liars to convince you of conspiracy theories and scientific nonsense.

People probably believe you're a troll because a lot of your answers support or parrot one of the denial trolls in here.
2019-11-30 6:36 am
You are not  a member  of the Climate  Cult
2019-11-30 3:16 am
Change is the only constant.......

2019-11-30 7:37 pm
Are you saying with all your education, maybe 4 yrs . And what maybe spent an hour or two googling online, You with your vast knowledge of Climate change and global warming, you have decided 80% of scientists, in the world are wrong and you know more then them. wow. We have double the amount of people in the last 100 years, and we raise 4x more cows then we did 100 years ago. And we have lost over 20% of our rain forest. And you believe there is no Climate change problem. I am not sure if i would call you a troll. Not too bright, delusional, arrogant , maybe .
2019-11-30 9:33 am
You have a basis for suing your college. They did a lousy job of educating you. You wouldn't win but you do have a basis. You have a great day, too.
2019-11-30 3:20 am
Many people blindly believe what they were told by someone of questionable accuracy and they just cannot change their mind or believe their source is of questionable accuracy so they shut down opposition.
2019-11-30 2:54 am
Climate  change has a mass of data supporting it. Anyone who refutes that is going to be considered naive, or simply trolling.
2019-11-30 2:59 am
if you are saying things they know to be untrue, then of course they will think you are just messing with them.
especially if you don't show any proof of your theories. i'm only guessing though.
2019-11-30 4:38 am
Who are the "climate alarmists" you speak off?

Are they the people who claim that it is thousands of scientist around the world, working together to persuade politicians to increase taxes on every one, including the scientist. and trying to bring about a tyrannical one world government?

Are they the people who claim that without fossil fuel we will have to live in caves and only the lucky ones can afford candles?

Are they the climate scientist, only because they are funded by tax dollars?   If you want to argue financial incentives, why would big oil not be suspect?

In any case, labeling a person an alarmist without evidence is silly at the best of times. Winston Churchill was labeled an alarmist and he was ultimately proven right.  Normal people know you are trolling because of your choice of words.   (Just like the words "contard" or "libtard" are only meant to troll)  That does not mean all people who deny global warming are trolls, but you are not helping the honest skeptics.
2019-12-02 12:49 am
another fool states his case for being a fool
2019-11-30 3:57 am
I'm not a climate alarmist I'm totally politically neutral and I've read the statistics myself the global temperature has only reason a degree and a half in the last hundred years. But with only one and a half degrees we know how this thing called bee colony decline. perhaps you and other people don't understand how serious one and a half degree is 2 a bee it makes the difference between it's time to lay eggs and build up the colony and the difference between it's time to die. Bees pollinate your food. If colony decline continues Earth will have 1/3 less vegetation. 1/3 less food one third less oxygen. Unfriend this can happen in one single year. If your pollinating insects die by that time next year the food supply the air will go straight down hill. The year after that carbon dioxide level will increase to the point that global temperature will rise another degree in a half. Well what can I tell you if it's no concern to you let it happen!
2019-12-01 2:21 pm
These are the forum's trolls, who are paid to slur, intimidate and defend the hoax. They have nothing to offer.
2019-12-02 5:22 pm
Just ignore what others say don’t give a damn about it 

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