Why do people refer to mother nature as having a mind of it's own when the real power is God.?

2019-04-19 5:50 am

回答 (6)

2019-04-19 5:57 am
Mother Nature is like a regional manager...whereas the CEO is God
2019-04-19 5:53 am
Why do you think nature is subjected to your beliefs about what it is, or what you believe about a god? Nature is as nature does not what you think it should be.
2019-05-20 6:36 am
Nominal paganism.
2019-04-19 10:28 am
Because when it gets down to the nitty gritty, Mother Nature is the real decider.
2019-04-19 7:25 am
There's no such thing as god. Nor as mother nature, in point of fact. The reason people talk like that is that humans like to anthropomorphize things. We pretend cats and dogs and other animals and even weather and earthquakes and the like have human emotions or think in human terms. It's called primitive superstition, and your god is just another example.
2019-04-19 6:40 am
Nature is as Nature does. You never know what you’re gonna get.
2019-04-19 6:23 am
Much like Adam and Lilith (the original presentation mother nature is figurative not actual.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:32:42
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