Lv 7
回覆: 15
2020-05-15 7:51 am
Is coronavirus real?
回覆: 19
2020-05-15 9:58 am
回覆: 72
2020-05-11 7:44 am
Anyone notice that All democratic run cities are in disrepair and with virus deaths?
回覆: 31
2020-05-11 1:52 pm
If a family member in my household has the coronavirus does that mean I have it?
回覆: 33
2020-05-08 3:04 am
Do you blame God or Satan on coronavirus?
回覆: 54
2020-05-03 7:54 pm
Are we wrong to insist our 28 year old son pay for this? ?
回覆: 37
2020-05-06 3:59 pm
Why are Americans scared of Coronavirus but not about being 300 pounds?
回覆: 95
2020-05-05 9:41 pm
why do i have to have a curfew at 22 years old? ?
回覆: 83
2020-05-06 7:00 pm
What's your favourite seafood?
回覆: 55
2020-05-05 5:08 am
What is the most difficult to keep of all God's commandments?
回覆: 20
2020-05-03 9:03 pm
Cupcake recipe makes 24 Cupcakes how can I make it into 12 cupcakes?
回覆: 153
2020-05-03 10:28 pm
Why does the entire world lock down because of Coronavirus but Sweden stays open and they are fine?
回覆: 9
2020-04-29 8:00 pm
What happened to my dell laptop ?
回覆: 81
2020-04-25 4:26 am
Atheists, how do you come to the conclusion that a God doesn't exist, if you haven't read the Bible, haven't prayed to God, or go to church?
回覆: 19
2020-04-22 2:51 am
What if no vaccine for corona virus is found ?
回覆: 51
2020-04-23 11:36 am
which state would you rather live in california or florida?
回覆: 13
2020-04-20 7:04 pm
Why didn’t the MERS and SARS strains of Coronavirus become a pandemic?
回覆: 207
2020-04-12 12:10 am
Millions of Americans died under Obama’s mishandling of H1N1, while very few people died from Coronavirus. So why is Trump being attacked?
回覆: 21
2020-04-10 5:48 am
Which name do you prefer for a girl: Summer, Megan or Briar?
回覆: 214
2020-04-10 3:10 am
Is it irresponsible for churches to be open during the coronavirus outbreak?
回覆: 69
2020-04-06 1:13 pm
why are we concerned about 200k americans dying from coronavirus when 1 million americans are aborted each year?
回覆: 63
2020-04-06 10:54 pm
What is it like to read the bible?
回覆: 105
2020-04-06 9:04 pm
Can a job fire you due to Covid-19?
回覆: 21
2020-03-27 11:30 pm
Can you tell me if I have the corona virus?
回覆: 18
2020-03-30 7:30 pm
Covid 19: Should I wear a mask when I go to the park for walking?
回覆: 162
2020-03-29 6:50 am
Do you think America's coronavirus cases is weeks or months away from its peak?
回覆: 206
2020-03-21 11:08 pm
Will the Coronavirus kill millions, crash the global economy and open the door for the rise of the Anti Christ?
回覆: 49
2020-03-20 9:10 am
What percent of Alzheimer’s patients recover from the disease?
回覆: 99
2020-03-14 6:56 pm
We're all going to die, aren't we?
回覆: 30
2020-03-05 3:27 am
Whereabouts in the Bible is Evolution mentioned. I cant seem to find the page?
回覆: 21
2020-03-03 1:03 am
is it okay to wash colothes with handsoap?
回覆: 27
2020-02-28 11:11 pm
Is there a material I can put on my furniture to stop my cat from scratching it up?
回覆: 80
2020-03-01 1:14 am
Should babies get baptized?
回覆: 11
2020-02-28 6:20 am
How many concerts have you been to?
回覆: 10
2020-02-28 5:59 am
Is this a good road trip playlist?
回覆: 17
2020-02-28 7:01 am
If Americans were to receive $1,000 a month in Universal Basic Income, would landlords be saying, "Sorry, rent just went up $1,000."?
回覆: 21
2020-02-28 4:34 am
Need to replace toilet seat on our toilet but we live in an apartment complex?
回覆: 23
2020-02-26 12:25 am
Do most Americans hate their jobs?
回覆: 54
2020-02-19 5:27 pm
I'm getting old. What supplements or herbs will help me go back young again?
回覆: 17
2020-02-20 12:53 am
How many pillars hold the Earth up according to christianity?
回覆: 57
2020-02-19 1:42 am
Is it better to be republican or democrat?
回覆: 80
2020-02-20 12:40 am
Do most christians deny Evolution?
回覆: 12
2020-02-13 12:25 am
Is it natural for a child to believe in magical entities like Santa and God?
回覆: 96
2020-02-06 1:12 am
Do you smell good?
回覆: 26
2020-02-04 1:22 pm
If God was real, wouldn't there only be 1 religion?
回覆: 55
2020-02-03 5:15 am
Music survey ????:: What musical instrument can you play ?
回覆: 39
2020-01-25 2:28 am
Why do atheists like to believe in stupid things instead of God?
回覆: 21
2020-01-21 1:40 am
Can the government read our thoughts?
回覆: 17
2020-01-23 1:29 am
Why do we believe logic and reason are fundamental and reliable methods through which we can discern truth?
Yahoo Answers Team
回覆: 99
2019-10-01 6:23 pm
If I only have 5 days which islands should I visit and why?
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