Is coronavirus real?

2020-05-15 7:51 am
Do you know anyone who has had it? None of the people I know, know any, also I heard doctors have been asked to report deaths not of coronavirus in nature, be reported as a coronavirus death

回答 (15)

2020-05-15 9:52 pm
Ask those who have had it. The staff in the Hospitals. And the relatives of those who have died from it. I think that they will answer your question.
2020-05-15 8:14 am
Are you kidding me? Just because you personally don't know anyone who's had Covid-19 does not mean that the epidemic is not real. A hurricane is still real even if it doesn't affect the place where you live. A snowstorm may not affect people in Florida, but it's still real to the people shoveling out their driveways. Ask the exhausted doctors and nurses in the New York City hospitals if this virus is real. This pandemic has killed 80,000 Americans and infected more than 1.3 million Americans. Stop reading conspiracy sites and get your news from a reliable source (not Faux News).
2020-05-15 8:29 am
I know several people and have taken care of more people that died from it than I'd care to count.

Be thankful that you don't live where it's prevalent...
2020-05-17 3:28 pm
It is very real. One of my friends tested positive for it and recovered just a couple of weeks ago. 
2020-05-17 11:41 am
Absolutely 200% REAL. Not a joke, not something to make light of. It is alive and very real to us in my neighborhood as it has been living among us and ravishing the neighborhood for quite some time. Just yesterday evening I saw it running down my street and people were screaming and going inside to hide. I pulled out my revolver and shot it 6 times. But by the time I got to it, it had turned back into my neighbor’s ferret. Pesky little rascal tends to divide at an alarming rate so doubtless tomorrow it will be back and in greater numbers. 
2020-05-16 4:35 am
It is real, I had MERS about 15 years ago
2020-05-18 1:55 am
hate able..........
2020-05-17 7:53 pm
It's true that in some countries ALL deaths in which the deceased tested positive for the virus are listed as Covid-19 related, even though many of them died of completely other causes. That does confuse the figures.

But the virus certainly exists, and is certainly causing deaths that are particularly high in certain groups of the population.Yes, I know one person who has had it, was hospitalised, and is now home again and working; I also know that the grown-up children of one of my neighbours were diagnosed with it, self-isolated, and are now well again.
2020-05-17 9:37 am
I don't personally know anyone who has it, although I'm nervous that I have it since I cough every now and then these days
2020-05-15 9:29 am
I know 2 ppl that have recovered from Covid-19, one with permanent lung damage. The fatalities are not being over-reported and in fact, experts all over the world agree the figures are undoubtedly *higher than those counts. In the USA, hospitals & doctors do not label a patient's cause of death. That's determined by the county's medical examiner /coroner. The claim that ppl dying of other diseases or accidents are being labeled as coronavirus victims is a myth.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:37:03
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