why do i have to have a curfew at 22 years old? ?

2020-05-05 9:41 pm
i am 22 years old and my dad says i have to be home by 12. I tell him where i am at and who i am with. Yesterday i got home at 1:30am and he was furious. Even said the next time i will get kicked out. I even told him in advance i might be late. I feel at this age i shouldn't be treated like a child. I try to contribute to the house in a way i can.  I pay for my own things. And sometimes i pay for groceries. In my point of view i feel like he is overprotective and doesn't want to see that i have grown up. My brother is 24 and gets treated the same way but he don't get after him as much cause he is a guy and i am a female. 

回答 (95)

2020-05-08 8:04 am
Well, you are over 21 and thus an adult according to the law. 
So legally, unlike minors you don't have to HAVE a curfew, and you can move out at any time. However, your dad's house, his rules. 
2020-05-07 5:22 am
If you live with parents, their house, their rules.
2020-05-06 8:15 pm
I agree with you--22 is too old to have a curfew and your father should realize that. Your only recourse is moving out on your own, however, because it doesn't seem like he's going to be doing much changing. I'd get ready to do that if I were you. 
2020-05-07 10:10 am
kid I'm 40 and my mum phones to ask if I'm home - 100 miles away, they care. When you live under their roof respect their rules. 
參考: 20 years of ass whooping.
2020-05-06 7:32 pm
Find a better job. If you need some education to get a better job, do it while you're living cheap in your parents' house.  Do SOMETHING TODAY to get ready to move. out.
2020-05-06 4:27 pm
Cos you live under their roof. If you don’t like just move out simple! 
2020-05-05 9:55 pm
Even though you may pay for some things I think if you were to sit down and add up what he pays for you'd realize that you still depend on him for most of the things you are provided with like the roof over your head, hot water to bathe with as well as the water itself, electricity, the mortgage payment or rent, and the majority of food that you eat. In addition, other things that might apply to you would be a cellphone, internet, cable television, use of the washer and dryer, the detergent that you use, a car to drive on occasion, insurance, and maintenance for that car. The point is that if you don't need or have any of these things then you should be living on your own. If you do then be an adult and recognize that you should appreciate and respect your father and the rules in his home. The real question is was it worth the extra hour and a half considering what kind of reception you got once you got home? Your father isn't being over protective, he is just being a responsible parent. I think if you ever have children of your own you'll understand better where he is coming from. Realize that you are blessed to have a parent like that rather than one who isn't at all concerned with anything about you like some people your age have.
2020-05-05 11:12 pm
Their house.   Their rules.
2020-05-06 3:25 am
Sorry, his house his rules. If you don't like it, move out.
2020-05-06 4:14 pm
That might be the best for you

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