Whereabouts in the Bible is Evolution mentioned. I cant seem to find the page?

2020-03-05 3:27 am

回答 (30)

2020-03-05 3:33 am
Evolution is not mentioned in the Bible because the Bible is a book of fiction written as a control manual by people who knew nothing of science.
2020-03-05 3:48 am
2020-03-05 9:59 pm
Thanks again Stevan, for giving me the venue to educate the masses... those who love to learn vs. those who choose to stay ignorant.

We were all programmed to believe the world is billions of years old and evolution is a thing.

I believed it too; why wouldn’t I?

I mean we had PROOF… walk into any natural history museum and see for yourself: obviously there was a prehistoric world before the one we know. The dinosaurs were somehow obliterated and God ‘started again’. Right? Well… that begs the question…. what was He doing? “Practicing”? That made no sense.

So instead of ‘weaving’ what I knew into the evidence to try to make it fit, I did the unthinkable: I actually dared to ask God about it.

The following is just a tiny portion of two years of God-guided experience, using only secular science (before there was anything like a ‘creationist website’).

Enjoy and share - but be kind as you help people reach your level of understanding. Test everything.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. He created everything in the beginning, before He called the things He had made into being during the increments of darkness and light He called ‘days’. You were there, in the heart of God in the beginning; and you have been called into being NOW. That is why you are called a human, being. God created and sustains the material world from the - more real - supernatural dimention. I will tell you how to enter it at the end of my answer.

Don't allow anyone to dictate to you what to think; including me (and don't believe everything you think). Fish eggs are still fish eggs and chicken eggs are still chicken eggs. Horse spermatazoa is still horse spermatazoa. Speciation - as within dog breeds - or changes within a species to adapt to environment cannot change one kind of animal into another. Look at the evidence honestly - putting all biases aside- then make your decision.

The word 'dinosaur' came from two Greek words that mean 'terrible lizard': a word made up in the 1800s to describe reptile fossils (fossil is from the French for 'dug up').

Tsunami waves engulfed everything in mud, then under the forces of extreme pressure turned them into stone. For a year and a half minerals (silica mostly) permiated plant and animal tissues. The mud also solidified as it compressed under the weight of billions of tons of water. Stone cannot be dated. Once around the sun is a year: you cannot hold up a rock and decide how many times it travelled around the sun.

When a fish dies, it rots or gets eaten; it does NOT turn into a fossil. But there are fish fossils everywhere; even on mountains. Every fossil is the result of the world-wide flood. Period. Do you want to see evolution? God can raise children for Abraham from the stones if He wants.  He doesn't need any of us. He can change what is in the blink of an eye.... He doesn't need millenia.

In the beginning, the world had a subtropical atmosphere... the temperatures were warm over most of the world. I know this because reptiles are cold blooded; they can't survive in cold climates, they need heat. Reptile fossils are found in regions that have freezing winters, so there must have been no winters before the flood. The 'water canopy' kept the world in a state like a terrarium; it never rained. This could mean the world wasn't spinning on a tilt back then: it's axis may have been parallel to the sun.

Bubbles trapped in amber (fossilized sap) prove the air had 50% more oxygen. Oxygen-packed air meant everything lived ten times longer: horns, tusks, fangs, reptiles, bugs, grasses and trees grew huge. We know the age of tigers by the length of their fangs. You don’t think sabre-toothed tigers were born that way, do you? Tigers are born without teeth.

You've heard of bacteria 'evolving'? No such thing: simply, the hardier bacteria were never killed off by the antibiotic in the first place. The weaker bacteria were. All that's left is 'resistant' bacteria. They were never subject to antibiotics to begin with. They never 'evolved': they are still and always will be, just bacteria.

 Oxygen molecules bonded to hydrogen to form the water that filled the oceans. There were no oceans before the flood, only seas.

Eight people survived the flood 4500 years ago.  One hundred years later, their offspring directly disobeyed orders to disperse and instead came together to build the Tower of Babel."Nothing will be impossible for them." God said... So to slow technology (so we wouldn't kill ourselves off) He mixed up their languages and scattered them - also dividing the land. Pangea - the great post-flood continent - was split at this time. See Gen. 10:25 and 11:8-9

I mean - can you imagine? Electricity has always existed... we just recently learned how to harness it. What would have happened if the ancient Egyptians had that power?

The people were scattered throughout the world - and we are all descendants of them. They took the stories of God, creation, the pre-flood people and world, and the stories of the flood with them. The ancient Chinese language is a pictograph of Genesis 1-11, and their ancient word for 'boat' contains the number 8 for the 8 people that were on the ark. 

There are stories about these events found in every ancient culture around the world (230 at last count).The pyramids found all over the world are replicas of the tower of Babel.

Go to Google earth and search 'Tower of Babel'... the site is still there. Then Google 'Noah's Ark TURKEY'... a tourist attraction since the 70's.

Trees like this one - buried upright in the mud-turned-to-stone during the world wide flood are found everywhere in the world. You don’t think it grew through ‘billions of years of rock’ do you?
2020-03-05 3:31 am
The Bible evolved from one lie to another lie and on and on.
2020-03-06 3:50 am
Cats aren't mentioned, but we all know they exist. Time to rethink the value of your reference.
2020-03-05 9:34 am
Doubting Like Thomas has best answer
2020-03-05 8:28 am
Genesis chapter 1 verses 20-25, specifically verse 24.

"20 And God said, “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds[g] fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.” 21 So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” 23 And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day.

24 And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds—livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so. 25 And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that creeps on the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good."
2020-03-05 5:27 am
Heb 11:1 - “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” 
Only Christians believe what the Bible says...  Are you a Christian?  Facts defeat faith!
2020-03-05 3:44 am
You won't find any mention in Scripture, Evolution is a relatively modern theory and that is all it is, even those who support it speak of design, well if something is designed it has a designer, that one is Jehovah God the Universal Sovereign and Creator.
2020-03-05 3:29 am
 Acts 30:12-15 
2020-03-06 9:32 am
It does not exist on any page of the Holy Bible. Not now or ever will.
2020-03-06 2:31 am
What a give away ! That's a puzzler to be sure. No INTERNET! No mention of the man on the grassy knoll or frilly garments  NOT A WORD ON CUBA   How can they leave all that out?
2020-03-05 4:45 am
It's not discussed in so many words, of course. The latest-written books of the Bible are from the late first or early second century, and even Lamarck's notion of evolution (the one that didn't turn out to be correct, but introduced the term applied to the later, proven theory) is nineteenth-century work. 
But Genesis 1:20-26 describes, in general terms, the process.
2020-03-05 10:00 am
The Bible doesn't deal with biology. It doesn't mention mitosis or cell division either.
2020-03-06 7:16 pm
Search as you will, the page doesn't exist.  We have to give credit where it's due,  our loving creator, Jehovah God, created all things.  Revelation 4:11 says:  “You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created.”
2020-03-06 2:39 pm
Nowhere. But this is.

Exo 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
2020-03-06 6:02 am
Evolution is not a Bible teaching.  It is only a theory.
2020-03-05 3:49 am
Evolution is not mentioned in the Bible
or in any document predating the 1700s.
2020-03-06 4:14 am
There is a reason for that. Evolution is of man's creation. Plus, there are no lies in Jehovah's word.
2020-03-05 1:12 pm
Keep looking, at least you're finally reading something of value.
2020-03-05 7:21 am
it MIGHT be near the passage where GOD revealed that slavery is IMMORAL, and that all Believers must immediately set free all of their slaves.
2020-03-05 3:45 am

Many who do not believe in the Bible embrace the theory that living things emerged from lifeless chemicals through unknown and mindless processes.

Supposedly, at some point a bacteria-like, self-replicating organism arose, gradually branching out into all the species that exist today. This would imply that ultimately the mind-bogglingly complex human actually evolved from bacteria.

The theory of evolution is also embraced by many who claim to accept the Bible as the word of God. They believe that God produced the first burst of life on earth but then simply monitored, and perhaps steered, the process of evolution. That, however, is not what the Bible says.

The Bible account of creation does not conflict with the scientific observation that variations occur within a kind.

According to the Bible, God created all the basic kinds of plant and animal life, as well as a perfect man and woman who were capable of self-awareness, love, wisdom, and justice.

The kinds of animals and plants created by God have obviously undergone changes and have produced variations within the kinds.
2020-03-05 3:33 am
The Bible was completed several hundred years before people began to understand evolution. These people already knew that you could breed animals to have different characteristics - more milk, more wool, less sickness, make dogs less like wolves and cross breed plants.
2020-03-06 12:00 am
Not a very good question,Television and airplanes were never mentioned either.
The only truly documented evolution is the change within species over generations
I am different than my great-grand fathers.
2020-03-06 9:41 am
Well the bible was written by humans around 100-300 a.d. Charles Darwin's theories were published in 1859.  What else did writers not foresee 1500 years into the future?
2020-03-05 6:47 am
 Colossians 1:16
2020-03-05 3:54 am
i agree, if anything, the book of genesis specifically says God "created" the first man, but after the whales, and then the animals and than a woman
2020-03-06 4:48 am
Do you doubt God your creator!!!
2020-03-05 9:26 am
You’re looking down the wrong hole. 
2020-03-05 5:55 am
It's next to the chapter that discusses the rebuild of a Chevrolet autobox.
2020-03-05 3:39 am
Look under Austin 3:16.

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