Millions of Americans died under Obama’s mishandling of H1N1, while very few people died from Coronavirus. So why is Trump being attacked?

2020-04-12 12:10 am

回答 (207)

2020-04-13 12:46 am
"MILLIONS?"  Bullcrap! Only 12K Americans died. There weren't even "millions" WORLDWIDE--only a little over HALF A MILLION on the entire planet!  You should get your facts straight, pal. First cases were reported in the US in April, 2009 and it was largely FINISHED by mid-July. It was OVER in November. 

And just HOW was Obama responsible for this? NO funding was cut to either the CDC or WHO. In fact, within a year, they had developed a vaccine for it. 

Either you're believing some really stupid reports from people who have NO IDEA what they're talking about, or you're just trying to be stupid on purpose. 
2020-04-12 7:58 pm
That is a lie.  
2020-04-12 12:18 am
Careful. there are enough idiots here who are confused by multi-digit  numbers here who  might think you are actually serious. 
Covid-19 is peaking in many places in the US right now and has killed more people than the entire 2009 H1N1 run.  That is with the counter measures we currently have that were not in place for H1N1.  There are fools, idiots, and brainwashed out there claiming Covid-19 isn't so bad.
2020-04-13 12:16 pm
The Obama administration started to address H1N1 just as the disease emerged in April 2009. A public health emergency was declared on April 26, 2009, when there were about 20 confirmed cases in the United States. The Obama administration renewed this declaration twice in the ensuing months before declaring a national emergency in October 2009. 
2020-04-12 9:15 am
Lies & misinformation spread by Trumpsters contribute to the counter-attacks.  Defending the indefensible doesn't help either..Sometimes Trump is unfairly attacked or misrepresented by the media.. But your statement is an outright lie..So you & Mr. Trump end up in the same boat & that is sort of unfair & counter-productive for Mr. Trump .
2020-04-14 6:58 am
define few? lmaooo y'all just be saying anything on here
2020-04-13 12:55 am
You know how libs are. He could cure cancer and they'd whine that oncologists have to find a new speciality.
2020-04-14 6:35 am
The pandemic isn't over yet, so your question is absurd, and I believe about 13,000 died of H1N1, but don't remember for sure.
2020-04-15 11:43 pm
• please HEAR WHAT BARACK OBAMA SAID in 2014 about pandemics

• please READ WHAT TRUMP DID in 2018
President Donald Trump’s failure to respond to the coronavirus pandemic didn’t begin with the administration’s inability to send out the millions of test kits and the protective medical gear for health care workers that experts say are needed to tackle the crisis. It didn’t start with Trump’s bungled messaging downplaying the crisis even as it’s worsened, nor with his mid-March insistence that social distancing measures could be lifted by Easter (he later backpedaled).

It began in April 2018 — more than a year and a half before the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the disease it causes, Covid-19, sickened enough people in China that authorities realized they were dealing with a new disease.

>>>> The Trump administration, with John Bolton newly at the helm of the White House National Security Council, began DISMANTLING the team in charge of pandemic response, firing its leadership and disbanding the team in spring 2018. <<<<
The cuts, coupled with the administration’s repeated calls to cut the budget for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other public health agencies, made it clear that the Trump administration wasn’t prioritizing the federal government’s ability to respond to disease outbreaks.

That lack of attention to preparedness, experts say, helps explain why the Trump administration has consistently botched its response to the coronavirus pandemic.
2020-04-12 8:43 am
God sends things for balance

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