why are we concerned about 200k americans dying from coronavirus when 1 million americans are aborted each year?

2020-04-06 1:13 pm
I think it's great that we are concerned about 200k americans dying from coronavirus... but i think it's illogical to be concerned about 200,000 americans dying from that virus whereas at the same time each year around 1 million american babies are aborted..

why so much incoherence?

回答 (69)

2020-04-06 1:16 pm
they arent americans they are fetuses
2020-04-07 6:04 am
One has nothing to do with the other.
2020-04-07 11:21 pm
Your numbers are not accurate. There were not a "million" abortions in ANY year. And the statistics do not separate those that are voluntary and those that are necessary to save the life of the mother. If you got your facts straight you might have an argument, though it would be one of those 'apples/oranges' arguments--comparing two things that aren't related in order to make a point. 
2020-04-08 11:25 am
If we did nothing about the coronavirus 2.2 million people would have died. The virus stopped our economy, businesses are shutting down people are losing their livelihoods, it crashed the stock market, it's a global pandemic. At best we're facing a recession.

Comparing abortions to this virus is just idiotic. Whoever heard of abortions affecting the world the way this virus has. If you wanted to compare it to the flu that would have made more sense but the flu has a vaccine.
2020-04-06 1:25 pm
Agreed. It's funny how we consider it a human right to kill the unborn, but a virus killing a few thousand is something to destroy the economy over. 
2020-04-08 10:18 am
I had all my stuff packed up and ready to go when I was living with my ex-fiance of 4 years. He abused me, belittled me, isolated me, and hurt me more than anyone should ever be hurt. I found out I was pregnant and I was barely even 2 weeks along and I decided I wasn't ready, I wasn't going to raise a child with someone who would abuse me and possibly the child as well. That wouldn't be right for either of us. 
My family is extremely Christian and they were the first people I told and they told me to do what I thought was best and so I did. For my own safety. Maybe it looks selfish to others but I couldn't stand the thought of being forced to stay with someone I didn't love and someone who didn't love me either. I don't regret my decision and eventually I got out of that relationship and got an education, found someone truly special who isn't abusive and wants what's best for me, and there's not a day that goes by that I think where I would be right now if I didn't make the most important decision of my young life. How depressed would I be? How happy would I be? I don't think I'd be happy at all and without a doubt I know my family and my ex-fiances family would have made us stay together.
Don't sit there behind your computer and pretend like you know anything about why people get abortions. Everyone has a story. A reason. 
I hope everyone stays safe through covid and if you're sick, pregnant, deciding on getting an abortion that no matter what you know there is someone here who wants what's best for you and that I hope anyone struggling at this time pulls through and it gets better soon. 
2020-04-06 1:24 pm
2016 election was decided by a total of only 77K votes distributed among 4 key states.
Those 200K people might be voters and taxpayers. The babies, none do that.
2020-04-09 2:05 am
The Virus attacks people at random and left unchecked, doubles ever 3 to 4 days. The women who chose abortion are acting on their own self medical, financial and psychological best interest and the number of Abortions are dropping.

The number of abortions fell by 196,000—a 19% decline from 1,058,000 abortions in 2011 to 862,000 abortions in 2017.1,2
2020-04-10 1:27 am
you make a very good point.... but the pro-life people are as much to blame as the pro-choice people..... both agree power and money are most important wanting government to tax  and provided/fund 

if the pro-life people were strong anti-government funding and strong anti-welfare (where abortion funding comes from)  and VERY VERY PRO_adoption then I would see your point 

but the Covid-19 advocate people are pro-tax payer money not really that concerned about life.... otherwise they would not list a man who enters hospice to die of cancer who contract covid-19 while waiting to die as a covid-19 death 

the answer to your question POWER AND MONEY 

FYI there is a huge shortage of new born healthy infants put up for full adoption in the USA WAY more than those infants killed in abortion yet pro-life people as a rule will deny this this beside the pro-choice people because they both want money and power - not to save lives 
2020-04-09 1:26 am
Because potential to become a person is not the same as being a person.  Sperm has the potential to become a person too but people don't mourn the death of millions every time a man has sex.

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