Covid 19: Should I wear a mask when I go to the park for walking?

2020-03-30 7:30 pm

回答 (18)

2020-04-03 4:39 pm
Rest on Home, Its better 
2020-04-01 8:20 pm
There are so many people asking about masks. While doctors and nurses do wear the masks they still got infected but ask yourself how did it happen? They are in a room with infected people. I would check your county or city website to see if any current outbreaks where noted in the neighborhood. As for the park, it would be safe as long as there are no other person there and if there were make sure you do not come face to face. So far, there is no evidence that it travels more than 6 feet. What bothers me about this virus is how it transmits to person to person who have no symptoms. It claims that this virus comes from sneezing so if you know that you feel the urge to sneeze why don't people carry tissues and protect others. I been telling people just know your environment. As for the park, walk in the same paths and if you see someone approaching make sure you turn your face away from them. I am not a expert nor a doctor. Its common sense. I have been doing this for years especially since the Aids/HIV crisis and the West Nile virus. I admit when I see someone wearing a mask I feel as though they're infected with some kind of contiguous disease. For instance, I went into a Target and there were more people wearing no mask and had their children with them. Right now, we are so concern about masks and forget about insects and squirrels-rodents who carry diseases. I feel as those who wears the masks are afraid of death. I understand no one wants to be sick. We still have other situations that do not require masks like a car accident, tornado, earthquakes etc. I heard this from a doctor of a university. For the last 3 months I haven't worn a mask. I know my area where I go shopping and when I go for a walk. There are times I have to take the city bus and those are the times I get scared. I know this sounds crazy but when I enter a store and someone else is entering the same time I would act as though I am wiping my nose but instead I am holding my breath. Enjoy your walks. Be safe and alert. Know your surroundings.
2020-04-01 10:02 am
Sure, if you have the sniffles. It may help confine your own germs. Doesn't work the other way though.
2020-03-31 10:05 pm
Do as you see fit.

I'm approaching 24/7 with this.
2020-03-30 8:36 pm
Just stay at home.. 
2020-04-02 2:04 am
only people who are sick should wear masks, wearing a mask will not prevent you from becoming sick.
2020-04-03 2:49 pm
For maximum protection yeah, scarfs don't work they absorb moisture, get a proper mask or grab a dust mask and make custom filters. Wash your hands before and after you come back. Leave the mask if it's reusable in hot soapy water before putting it back on again, and for the love of god DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE
2020-04-01 6:50 pm
There are two kinds of masks- regular medical masks that help someone with an infection not spread that infection to other people and N-95 respirator masks that medical professionals can use to prevent an infection from spreading to them. N-95 masks are more difficult to come by and are highly specialized- even going so far as to being fitted to someone's face- so it's not recommended that laypeople use these kinds of masks in daily life.

When it comes to normal medical masks, public health officials are asking people to only wear these masks if they themselves are infected or  potentially symptomatic. This is as a courtesy to the ones around you to prevent spread. The only benefit of a regular medical mask for someone as a preventative measure is that it helps someone remember to not touch their face- one of the most frequent methods of spread. 

As long as you are avoiding touching your face and you are practicing safe hygiene and social distancing measures (ie 6 ft apart from everyone in this public area!) there is no reason to wear a mask. If you are not sick, consider donating your masks to a local health facility- especially if you have your hands on one of those specialized N-95 masks. We're all in this together and need to allocate resources wisely. 
2020-03-30 9:10 pm
'?' is right. unless you have an n95 mask, you only need one if you are sick. That is to prevent others from breathing in sneeze droplets. Of course, if you are sick, do not go out at all. Also, as you know, make sure to stay 6 feet from people.
2020-04-02 1:55 pm
no, take a chance...whatever happens, happens

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