Do most Americans hate their jobs?

2020-02-26 12:25 am
Is it 90% or more? 

回答 (23)

2020-02-26 12:04 pm
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I'm not American but I'd say yes, a lot of the time. Going off the answers here you get "fired" just for farting and have little if any paid holidays. It would be illegal in some countries for employers to act like they do in the US.
2020-02-26 12:29 am
If you hate your job , you are in the wrong line of work .
2020-02-26 5:57 am
Yes, for a variety of reasons. I would like mine a lot better if I had more supportive management.
2020-02-26 12:36 am
It's not that high and the percent depends on the job category. Those who work at minimum wage low skill jobs are most likely to hate their work. It's typically boring mundane and of course pays very little.

On the flip side, those who work in white collar executive level jobs, typically love their work. That's why the divorce rates are so high in this group. They love their work more than they love their spouse.

Can't give you a number, because it does depend on the work category. But also because the surveys and such that garner those kind of data don't give us consistent numbers. Check this out:

More than 85 percent of workers in North America and Europe say they're satisfied with their jobs. Employee engagement programs, fair pay, and respect are crucial factors contributing to positive job satisfaction statistics. Savvy employers understand that satisfied staffers contribute to business growth.Jun 19, 2018

How Many People Love Their Job? | Job Satisfaction › how-many-people-actually-love-their-job

And compare this with the next one:

52 percent reported finding love at work, compared to only 48 percent. The Conference Board reports that 53 percent of Americans are currently unhappy at work.Mar 8, 2018

10 Shocking Workplace Stats You Need To Know - › sites › davidsturt › 2018/03/08 › 10-shocking-workp.

So which is it? 85% like their jobs or 47%? Bit of a disconnect there don't you think? In any case, none of the data shows 95% not liking their jobs.
2020-02-26 5:42 am
no idea, but I hate working. period.
2020-02-29 12:27 am
What is it got to do with where you're from. Why would you want to enslave yourself? Unless the job fits in with your hobby or the job is your hobby.
2020-02-27 10:45 pm
Most of Americans are as like as potato. They have no muscle power to do a job. 
2020-02-27 10:01 am
I like my job even though I honestly shouldn't. I could do better but I am content doing mediocre tasks. I just can't stand management. I do a better job of running my departments than they do. I've even said that to their faces and they have yet to fire me. My results and reputation speak for themselves. 
2020-02-26 2:09 pm
A 'millennial therapist' explains why young people hate their jobs―and ... But I had to agree with the guy ― to an extent: Most millennials do 
2020-02-26 12:28 am
100%. Socialism is the only way out. Sanders 2020. FREE FREE.....

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