
2020-05-15 9:58 am
Is the corona virus getting better or worse in the U.S?

回答 (19)

2020-05-16 5:24 pm
The situation in the US is not improving as quickly as it has in other countries with more compliance with proper mitigation methods. I suspect that abandoning the precautions put in place by health experts will result in a surge of cases. As others here have correctly noted, the virus is unlikely to disappear anywhere without a vaccine. 
2020-05-18 1:53 am
worse ................
2020-05-15 11:20 am
The coronavirus that cause the MERS I had about 15 years ago is worse, since it just lounges around like a bum.
2020-05-15 10:00 am
That depends where in the U.S. In many places, including New York, the rate of new infections is down drastically. But other parts of the country were hit later and are still ascending on the graphs. The number of deaths per day has stayed fairly stable at around 1500-2000 a day. 
2020-05-16 12:52 am
Worse.  A dozen states are relaxing restrictions this week, and we are no better at PPE, testing, tracing, or treating.  As we saw in Wisconsin, people who go to the restaurants and bars that re-open are not following protocols.  There will be a HUGE spike in a couple of weeks. 
2020-05-15 11:54 pm
still increasing.  Wait till we open and then 2 weeks after opening. We will DOUBLE THE DEATH COUNT.
2020-05-17 12:03 pm
Better. Far better. We have the best coronavirus in the world here. The most and the biggest. I mean HUGE. People are always talking about how much better our coronavirus is getting and I tell them, it’s amazing. You wouldn’t believe it. And we like that.
2020-05-15 10:20 am
im hoping its getting better, i hate all these shutdowns
2020-05-15 10:04 am
Everybody on YA is blocked from asking about the Coronavirus until further notice. Go watch the news.
2020-05-17 3:55 pm
It is fading away in places like NYC and Italy, simply because many people had it already and got some immunity. Other places are only entering the worst times, such as Russian and Brazil, and some US states besides New York. Before vaccine is in production, life won’t be normal.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:36:26
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