Why are Americans scared of Coronavirus but not about being 300 pounds?

2020-05-06 3:59 pm

回答 (37)

2020-05-08 5:42 am
Not all of us are like that. Don't generalize it makes you look ignorant.
2020-05-07 8:46 pm
Priorities. Being 300 pounds isn't going to kill you in two weeks.
Coronavirus might. 
2020-05-07 5:24 am
I am not 300 lbs, so your question is irrelevant.
2020-05-06 7:50 pm
Being 300 pounds is treatable. Someday, coronavirus might be treatable also. But right now, getting coronavirus is a terrifying thought, no matter how large you are.
2020-05-10 5:35 am
I'll speak for myself. I'm NOT afraid of Coronavirus and absolutely NO WAY would I ever want to weigh 300 pounds.
2020-05-07 2:19 pm
Because covid-19 is terrifying. You might unknowingly pass it along to someone who it would affect horribly. Weighing 300lb? Well I don't think the majority of people with that level of unhealthy weight are aware of just how scary the repercussions are.
2020-05-07 6:46 pm
cause most americans have been 300 pounders since they was grown, they are use to be heavy waits, they aint died yet. Withe the Commoda Virus its all new a fresh.
2020-05-10 2:59 am
Cause Americans are stupid.
2020-05-06 4:02 pm
All I know is now more than ever that its important for people to start a close relationship with God while they are still living and with that being said if anyone on here wants to improve their life and experience true happiness then they should make the best choice of their life right now and start a close relationship with God by them praying to God everyday for his help in every decision of their life everyday and in every situation of their life everyday for I guarantee if they do this everyday then their life will get better, they will have more peace, they will be more successful, they will have more happiness, and all their dreams will come true that’s because when they pray to God then God will make all good things possible for them and they must not forget to read the “Holy Bible” everyday and a great place for them to start in the holy Bible is (Psalms 1) and everyday after that read a chapter in Psalms till they finish all the chapters in Psalms then after that start on (Proverbs 1) then everyday after that read a chapter in Proverbs till they finish all the chapters in Proverbs and after that read every chapter of the Holy Bible until they finish it for it will change their life in the most amazing way
2020-05-07 6:02 am
Because this is America hun. 

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