
Lv 7
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2016-03-18 3:48 pm
two properties common to Arrhenius acids?
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2016-03-18 3:57 pm
1. You use an ice bath when adding nitric acid to sulfuric acid. Why?
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2016-03-17 1:41 pm
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2016-03-18 12:21 pm
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2016-03-09 2:12 am
What's the derivative of x^e^x?
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2016-03-09 2:08 am
If I mix 8 mL of 0.50 CH3COOH with 2 ml of 0.50 M NaCH3COO, how do I calculate the concentrations of acetic acid and sodium acetate...?
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2016-02-16 8:42 am
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2016-02-15 1:11 pm
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2016-02-14 6:13 am
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2016-02-12 2:05 pm
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2016-02-11 1:42 pm
what is 17 x 3/4?
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2016-02-01 2:03 pm
Math Question. With full solution. Thanks?
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2016-01-23 1:36 pm
. 在人類循環系統中下列血液的流向,何者是不正確的? (1)大靜脈→左心房ˉ(2)右心房→右心室ˉ(3)左心室→大動脈ˉ(4)右心室→肺動脈。?
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2016-01-11 1:34 pm
Concentration and pH?
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2015-12-27 3:43 pm
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2015-12-21 3:54 pm
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2015-12-19 4:37 am
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2015-11-23 7:23 am
已知H2O與CO2之標準莫耳生成熱為a與b CH4之標準莫耳燃燒熱 為c 則CH4之標準莫耳生成熱為多少?
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2015-11-12 1:13 pm
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2015-10-31 6:37 am
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2015-10-25 10:18 am
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2015-10-09 6:34 pm
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2015-10-06 5:53 am
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2015-09-29 7:36 pm
what is organic chemistry?
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2015-09-21 2:58 pm
Imaginary number problem (help fast)?
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2015-09-15 9:42 pm
4阿維在實驗室配置40C甲物質的飽和水容易 https://www.flickr.com/photos/101292575@N06/20792155084/in/dateposted-public/?
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2015-09-10 6:31 pm
a block of mass 2kg rest on the floor of an elevtor. which is moving down with an acceleration g . then the apparent weight of the block is?
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2015-09-07 2:42 pm
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2015-09-01 4:40 pm
Solve the following system of equations. y = -3x -6x - 3y = 6 a) (-3, 4) b) (6, -2) c) (2, -6)?
回覆: 10
2015-09-01 5:23 pm
what is 15 diivided by0?
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2015-09-01 5:18 pm
how many feet in a mile?
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2015-09-01 4:46 pm
Physics Question?
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2015-09-01 4:44 pm
How many electrons move past a fixed reference point every t = 2.90 ps if the current is i = 3.3 μA ?
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2015-09-01 4:34 pm
cu+2agno3-- cu(no3)2+2ag how much silver can be made from 17 g of silver nitrate?
回覆: 4
2015-09-01 4:25 pm
factor the trinomial completely: 14y^4 + 94y^3 - 28y^2?
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2015-09-01 10:21 am
propan-2-ol is MISCIBLE in water? and in cyclohexane? and what about water and cyclohexane together? thanks?
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2015-09-01 10:07 am
Examples of an acid salt?
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2015-09-01 9:54 am
What amount of heat (kJ) could be produced by burning 1 kg of ethanol?
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2015-09-01 9:43 am
Find the value of x when the number of views first exceeds 2 000 000 according to the exponential method.?
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2015-09-01 9:16 am
how many pounds in an ounce?
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2015-09-01 8:32 am
1 mega watt hydral power project produce how many units per hour?
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2015-09-01 9:01 am
Probability question?
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2015-09-01 8:59 am
1 mega watt plant generate howmany units per hour?
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2015-09-01 8:35 am
Factor the difference of squares / Reverse Foil help?
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2015-09-01 8:14 am
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2015-09-01 8:02 am
What's the derivative of 27^cosx + 81^sinx ?
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2015-09-01 8:03 am
Suppose M is the midpoint of FG. Use the given info to find the missing measure or value. FM=5y+13, MG=5-3y, FG=?
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2015-09-01 6:26 am
高職化學參考書記載:固體分為~離子固體/分子固體/網狀固體/金屬固體! 那離子固體就是電解質嗎? 請板上各位化學達人賜教~謝謝!?
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2015-09-01 5:43 am
math help! r=log12(9) s= log12(23) t=log 9(23). rewrite the expression below in a form with no log of a product,quotient or power.?
回覆: 2
2015-09-01 5:27 am
Help with Math?
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