Lv 5
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2017-10-10 11:36 am
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2017-10-10 1:59 pm
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2017-10-09 4:44 pm
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2017-10-08 6:23 pm
John’s and Mary’s mon is a doctor.這樣的造句方式 是否有錯誤?
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2017-10-08 10:18 pm
they are radios造原問句?
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2017-10-08 1:59 pm
pls check the answers below for me, thx. I go to the___family.a.Johns' b.John c.John's My car's behind__house. a.the Lins' b.Lin's?
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2017-10-08 2:55 pm
For an assignment, can anyone translate the chinese characters into english please? thanks a lot?
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2017-10-08 4:52 am
Hey guys What does this picture say ? Translate please.
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2017-10-08 7:19 am
What does ne mayo kee see wa mean in chinese?
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2017-10-07 9:32 am
What is the best name for a spoken English club?
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2017-10-07 12:20 am
Hello, can somebody here who understand chinese translate this for me? I barely know the meaning, but i still want the most accurate meaning?
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2017-10-05 10:25 pm
請幫我中翻英謝謝~ 我喜歡舞台上光鮮亮麗的妳 也喜歡舞台下心思細膩的妳 各式各樣的妳我都喜歡 我一定不會讓妳失望的 就如同妳也從不曾讓我失望過 不管未來的路途上有多艱辛 我都想一直默默地陪著妳走下去 我們之間相隔1450公里的距離 但只要彼此的心沒有距離就行了?
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2017-10-05 10:28 pm
請幫忙中翻英謝謝~~~ 遇見妳 是我這輩子最幸福的事情 謝謝妳 讓我遇見這麼好的(人名) 也謝謝妳 參與我生命中的一部分 每個人都有傷心沮喪的時候 但只要想起妳 一切都會好轉 我一直在找尋人生的意義 而妳就是我存在的理由 我一定會實踐這些諾言 因為這是我們之間的約定?
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2017-10-06 11:57 am
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2017-10-05 11:18 pm
Negation in mandarin?
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2017-10-05 7:16 am
請幫忙中翻英謝謝!!! 無論是見面會 簽名會 或是演唱會都好 我一定要見到妳本人 就算賺錢不容易 妳們的專輯我也一定會幫忙衝銷量 這個承諾我會想辦法做到 但我必須以自己最好的狀態去見妳 所以這段期間 我會好好的提升自己 正因為無時無刻都惦記著妳 所以希望自己也能夠被妳記住?
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2017-10-04 7:02 am
I'm trying to write a thank you in Chinese and I think there are some grammar errors. Any corrections or suggestions?
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2017-10-02 3:44 am
what is tone?
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2017-10-02 3:15 pm
What is a fume cupboard? When will it be used?
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2017-09-30 12:56 pm
Can Someone Please Translate This Chinese?
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2017-09-29 7:37 pm
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2017-09-29 11:16 am
she get hurt .請問這兒出現雙動詞get跟hurt都是動詞嗎?
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2017-09-28 11:05 pm
請幫我中翻英謝謝 我愛妳 對我來說 妳就像是我的一切 這一路走來 在我的人生當中 妳一直是我前進的動力 總是默默的的給予我勇氣 如果不是因為妳 或許我現在還過著毫無目標的人生吧? 每個人都有個夢想 而妳就是我的夢想 我無時無刻都想念著妳 想跟妳面對面坐著 輕鬆的談話?
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2017-09-29 6:14 am
Is there a simpler way to say 平行支持鏡 Heikō shiji-kyō? It means parallel support mirror?
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2017-09-28 10:00 pm
Can I make '到達、落下 tōtatsu, rakka' one word? Like 到達落下 tōtatsurakka?
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2017-09-28 6:47 am
請幫我中翻英謝謝 回到韓國後請一定要好好休息哦 必須先跟妳說聲抱歉 難得妳們來臺灣 我卻因為繁忙沒能到現場看妳們表演 或許是我們最好的相遇時間還沒到來吧? 我為了這封信準備了許久 因為我的韓文不是很好 所以只能用英文寫信給妳 或許寫的不是很好 但希望我的心意依然能夠完整傳達給妳?
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2017-09-28 7:38 am
Is it racist or okay to tell a person who doesn't speak English as their first language that they do speak good English?
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2017-09-27 6:00 am
Doodling hearts?
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2017-09-26 12:14 pm
can any one tell me "one of the few" in Chinese? DON'T COPY AND PASTE FROM GOOGLE TRANSLATE PLS< ID DOESN'T MAKE SENSE?
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2017-09-26 11:54 am
可以幫我以下中文翻譯成英文嗎 我第一次去日本旅行,遇到一位女孩 我給了她一個驚喜 後來我們就在一起了(男女朋友)?
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2017-09-25 9:08 pm
英文作業 goofy、selfie、tits、cam-corder 請幫我用這4個單字造一個英文句子 拜託!!!!?
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2017-09-25 6:29 pm
他兩年前就已經在美國生活了。這句話英文怎麼說?謝謝! (我指的是兩年前就已經在美國,而確切去美國的時間我不知道)?
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2017-09-24 9:31 pm
‘这不是弄巧反拙嗎?’的英文 唔該?
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2017-09-24 3:05 pm
Tempting Apple
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2017-09-23 8:12 am
Native English speakers, is the verb in capital letters in the following sentence appropriate (please, see below):?
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2017-09-20 8:23 pm
what should we do when you are watching a music show in the theatrer?
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2017-09-21 6:46 pm
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2017-09-20 9:10 pm
Chinese grammar (about a prepositional phrase)?
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2017-09-20 2:18 pm
英文問題But the people who fail are 37 times more likely to succeed the second time?
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2017-09-20 2:36 am
Can someone please translate this tatttoo?
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2017-09-20 2:51 am
請問 "仰著腦袋裝糖蒜" 設什麼意思?如何翻譯成英文?
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2017-09-19 11:13 pm
excitement and intrigue follow you closely wherever you go是什麼意思,求翻譯!謝謝?
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2017-09-18 10:28 pm
十萬火急💣💣翻譯英文 1. 小食部問題,應該賣多啲健康食品,例如沙律等,同時不要賣咁多不健康的零食。 2. 午膳訂飯應該有多啲選擇,少肉多菜,價錢賣平啲,鼓勵同學留係學校食唔好成日出去食,因為餐廳多數都多肉少菜又多油,好不健康。?
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2017-09-18 8:39 pm
My brother's name is Tom.(將My brother's改為人稱代名詞)?
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2017-09-18 11:33 am
Translate a sentence into Mandarin chinese?
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2017-09-18 1:24 am
你看起來就像是我心中的一個女神 you look just like that a goddess in my mind 請問這樣英文翻譯 對嗎 有大大可以提供意見嗎?
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2017-09-17 3:10 pm
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2017-09-16 8:33 pm
where to away froom home之中文翻譯?
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2017-09-15 8:25 pm
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2017-09-16 8:59 am
“無論如何不要忘記了微笑” 此句求英文翻譯啊啊啊~?
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