
Lv 6
回覆: 118
2017-05-13 3:57 am
Some people at my church are mad at me because I reported an illegal immigrant. Can they truly be Christians when they support breaking laws?
回覆: 4
2016-11-12 3:36 am
Do you believe Trump is really going to build a wall?
回覆: 197
2016-11-04 7:18 pm
How do atheists say that there are no miracles? My church prayed over me when I sprang my ankle and two weeks later it was like new?
回覆: 168
2016-09-30 9:29 pm
At atheist collages, if your evolution teacher asks where the universe came from and you say "God", you get an F. Isn't this discrimination?
回覆: 9
2016-07-19 2:31 pm
Are mixed race people more or less immune to racism or more of a target?
回覆: 187
2015-12-10 12:46 pm
is 120 prime number?
回覆: 50
2015-11-15 7:35 pm
why is racism still alive?
回覆: 142
2015-09-27 5:49 pm
Does tonights blood moon mean the second coming of christ or something that will end the world?
回覆: 15
2015-08-05 3:10 pm
what is the meaning of life?
回覆: 153
2015-07-13 3:05 am
Does anything we do actually matter at all?
回覆: 9
2015-06-18 4:59 am
When do elk turn back into a deer?
回覆: 3
2015-06-18 3:55 am
What happens to a deer if they go above tree line?
回覆: 103
2015-05-10 6:54 pm
Is there any alternative for MS office?
回覆: 686
2015-05-10 7:05 pm
if a girl dog is called a *****, what is a boy dog called?
回覆: 120
2015-04-12 1:58 pm
回覆: 50
2015-03-13 5:58 pm
Why does everyone hate Obama?
回覆: 726
2014-11-25 6:57 pm
Sometimes I talk to myself. Is this normal?
回覆: 7
2014-10-17 11:41 am
Prove it:?
回覆: 7
2012-10-20 4:05 pm
what will obama blame his losing?
回覆: 7
2009-01-31 10:53 am
Need help solving a square root problem?
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