Do you believe Trump is really going to build a wall?

2016-11-12 3:36 am

回答 (4)

2016-11-12 3:39 am
No. He is a skilled liar. He told people what they wanted to hear, just like damn near every other politician in history.
2016-11-12 3:37 am
I don't care if he does or not. Just so long as he can fix the problems we have with illegal immigrants
2016-11-15 3:16 am
2016-11-12 4:30 am
Well, the kind of is a wall in places already. The places where there aren't walls are very deadly to try to cross certain times of the year. I think more has to be defined as what building a wall means. Some places there are just large metal bars. Is that a wall? Some places have a lot of technology like ground sensors and drone patrols using infrared scanning. Is that a wall? We need something less vague. Just building a tall brick wall would be silly because it can be knocked down or punched through. There are areas so far from a base that it is easy for motivated parties to get through. There needs to be a lot of tech added to some sort of wall to make it be an effective deterrent.

收錄日期: 2021-04-22 00:03:37
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