Some people at my church are mad at me because I reported an illegal immigrant. Can they truly be Christians when they support breaking laws?

2017-05-13 3:57 am
I found out our worship leader came to America illegally with his parents when he was 6 so I reported him to the police. Now a few people are mad at me??? How can they call themselfs Christians and support evil?

His wife and kids are still here because they didn't break any laws (they are americans) but technically his kids are just anchor babies.

Liberalism has gone too far in America. These people are mad at me for getting rid of a lawbreaker. Mexicans are known to rape anyway, there was a story in the news a while back

回答 (118)

2017-05-13 5:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Trumpers should pin a medal on you.
2017-05-13 11:37 am
You're an awfully poor excuse for a human being. You're not a Christian, you're a bigot, and bigots are not Christians and Christians are not bigots. You use the feeble excuse that "it's the law" but don't seem to know squat about being a Christian; Christians offer refuge for the persecuted, not betrayal. You exposed YOURSELF through your actions, like a traitorous, treacherous Judas.

In the words of St Augustine, as quoted by the late Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr in his "Letter from Birmingham Jail,"
"An unjust law is no law at all."

TRUE Christians defy and protest and disobey unjust laws. You're a bigoted, hateful, prejudicial, evil shallow and superficial person at heart. You're not a Christian but your day will come and you'll have to answer for your deeds.

Oh, your chosen moniker is quite appropriate and fitting; suits you to a tee.
2017-05-13 4:25 am
Weren't Joseph, Mary and Jesus undocumented migrants in Egypt?
2017-05-13 4:14 am
Uh... how is being an undocumented immigrant "evil"?

Anyway, pretty sure you're a troll.
2017-05-13 3:58 am

And you know what happens to snitches right??
2017-05-13 7:51 am
Wow you are sick.
2017-05-13 2:31 pm
snitches get stitches
2017-05-13 9:42 am
It was not your place to report your church's worship pastor to authorities as being here illegally. The people from your church who hired him are responsible to 'vet' him as to his background. I would question you as to why you found it necessary to investigate his family in the first place -- to report him to the authorities without talking with your pastor first.
2017-05-14 7:30 pm
It is true that your worship leader was an illegal immigrant and it is true that illegal immigration must be stopped. If people wish to live in another country, they must be prepared to follow the laws of that country. They must start by applying for citizenship so they can enter legally. It is a bad precedent to turn a blind eye to illegal immigration and assume that law will be the only one broken (not that all illegal immigrants will break further laws).

However, the law must be flexible. Your worship leader was brought in when he was 6. He did not decide to come to your country. He came, married, had a family and became a worship leader. He gave back more to his community than he took by arriving. When you reported him, you obeyed the letter of the law and not the spirit.

In the Bible, it says that Jesus once appeared that the stoning of an adulteress. He stood up and spoke "Let he that has stone sin cast the first stone". The adulteress was pardoned. That is what Christianity stands for.
2017-05-14 3:33 am
Okay, first off, that was one story of a Mexican raping someone. Ethnicity and race don't define behavior. Second, that was he was six. He had no choice but to go with his parents.

One of the ten commandments is "Love thy neighbor" and reporting him, while technically the right thing, isn't being loving. Reporting him separates the family from each other because then he will get deported.
2017-05-13 4:44 am
Transparent POE is still honest enough not to post anonymously like 99% of the other POE/trolls, so 8/10 points, dude. Nice work.
2017-05-13 2:45 pm
Your are correct and you did what any sensible persons would do. Thank you.
2017-05-13 5:30 am
I KNOW you are a liar but let me respond. The queston of the law cannot ignore the higher law. For you to say it is always your duty to do such things is considered reprehensible even by pagans, see the Euthyphro where Socrates is disgusted with the guy that turned in his father for something illegal. Socrates does not disagree with the illegality but he sees this person's excuse of the law to do a terrible thing as disgusting
2017-05-13 4:00 am
The Law may be black and white

but people's feelings aren't

was this person a criminal in any other way?

(that was posted on the very outside chance that you are not infact the troll I think you are)
2017-05-13 4:01 am
2017-05-13 4:03 am
Well Jesus was a big supporter of national sovereignty and border control, so you did exactly what Jesus would do.
2017-05-13 3:58 am
People who are truly Christian are also compassionate.

Most people who claim to be Christians are hypocritical fakers.
2017-05-13 11:28 am
2017-05-13 6:17 am
Just because the government invents a rule, doesn't make it a moral law. If the government made a law to kill all the black people, would you do it? The Nazis made a rule to kill all the Jews once, and everyone agrees that was immoral. So, the government can't make an immoral law and expect you to follow it.

The Bible also has lots of examples of heroes breaking the law. Daniel wouldn't pray to idols, so he was thrown to the lions. God protected him. Why? Because breaking bad laws is a good thing to do.

So the question here is, "How do you know what laws are moral?" The answer is that you compare them to the Bible. The Bible says "Thou shalt not steal." So when someone steals, that person is liable to the law. Outlawing theft is good. The Bible doesn't say "Thou shalt ask permission before immigrating." So... is that a good law?

Now we're into the weeds. We have to decide if the government has a right to invent laws that are not mentioned in the Bible. So, think about this: do you have a right to make up rules and then hurt people who don't follow them?

Well, no, duh. You can't just say, "Everyone shall stand on his head, and noogies for everyone who doesn't!" That's stupid. You aren't the boss of everybody.

But American government is predicated on the idea that the power is derived from the people who elect others to represent them. So if you can't make up rules and force people to follow them, how can you appoint people to represent you and make up rules for you?

You can't. Appointing a person to make up random rules on your behalf is immoral. Governments are allowed to enforce God's moral laws, because God said so, but they don't have a right to hurt other people just because they made some silly rule.

So, to recap: Governments should enforce God's laws, but there's no rational or moral way for them to do anything else. It is good to break laws that are against the Bible or irrelevant to it.

The verdict: You did something really terrible to your friend, and your church should be mad at you. You probably ruined his life, and you demonstrated that your loyalty is to the government, not God and the church. You should be apologizing, repenting, and doing everything in your power to help your friend and your church.
2017-05-13 7:37 pm
Yes, you did an unchristian thing. Jesus himself broke laws of his day. The Christian thing to of done is to confront the man and ask what can you do together to make his status legal because there are things that could be done to put him on pathway to legal status for example he's married to an American. Maybe all that is being done now, I don't know. A Christian chooses compassion overall. I'm baptized Catholic but went to Lutheran services as a child. I currently don't attend church services.
2017-05-13 4:01 am
Yes and troll better.
2017-05-13 4:00 am
Oftentimes especially in Liberal countries Christians are reported for doing the right thing by God.
2017-05-13 11:21 am
We should be deporting retards....let's start with your entire family tree.
2017-05-13 5:31 am
Why cats are not Republicans:

1. Cats are curious about what you do in your bedroom, but they don't try to legislate away your freedom to do it.

2. Cats may take away your cushion, but they'll give it back to you with a gentle push.

3. Cats give you attention and sympathy when you're sick.

4. Females are treated with importance in the cat world.

5. Cats make use of solar power, often all day long.

6. Cats lick their own problems and take care of other cats too.

7. Cats don't blame black and brown cats for their troubles.

8. Cats know how to ration their resources.

9. Fat cats are not at the top of the cat hierarchy, are not cat role models, and have more trouble surviving and thriving, not less.

10. While Republicans blindly follow authority, it is said that getting Democrats to act in unison is like herding cats.

11. Cats don't foul their own nest.

12. Cats are popular and well-liked on the Internet and elsewhere.
2017-05-14 10:36 pm
Yes. Religious people love breaking laws.
2017-05-14 1:51 am
Firstly I don't agree with your standpoint on immigration, but secondly, no they can't be true Christians if they break laws, because your religion is all about laws that you have to follow, and you aren't either, until you stop eating meat on Fridays and kill gay people.
2017-05-13 7:56 am
Is the immigrant a good guy?
2017-05-13 6:28 am
You are one lousy little sh!t. Did you not stop to think of the pain you could cause. You are not a person to be trusted with a secret. If they have a lot of pals, you may end up hanging from a tree. There is an old people's sheltered accommodation near me. They have a sign that states "No pets" I know one old lady who has a budgie. Do you think I should phone the law? Idiot, you are asking for trouble.
2017-05-13 9:16 am
Ask yourself this: What would you have done in Nazi Germany where it was illegal to harbor Jews? Your duty as a German was to report any Jew that you knew who was in hiding. He would be deported to a concentration camp and murdered. If you did not report him, you would be joining him at the death camp for not following the law.
The person you reported will not be murdered. You would be in far more danger for not reporting a Jew in Germany in the 1930's & 40's. You are in no danger here for not reporting. Where do you draw the line between being a law-abiding citizen and being a Christian?
2017-05-13 6:51 am
Very nice! Well done! I hope your proud of yourself. I am sure you are despite pride being a sin. I am really glad to have encountered another theist who simply does not believe their own myth system. You want to ask yourself if your Jesus would have done what you did. I doubt very much he would. You can rejoice in being a typical Christian: mean-spirited, spiteful, cruel, inhuman, narrow-minded, bigoted and pharisaical.
2017-05-13 5:06 am
2017-05-16 4:26 pm
To be sure, undocumented immigrants are legally "illegal" and therefore "breaking the law" just like Jews were "illegal" during Nazi Germany in the 1930's and Blacks who fled slavery were also "illegal" before being legally emancipated in 1865.

Point being is that being against the laws of the land is NOT commensurate with being against "moral laws" which is something that should be obvious to anyone who knows history but fails to comprehend.

Is universal morality relative or not? If it is, then it is simply a social construct with absolutely no ties to the known laws of the universe, like gravity for example.

Consider that it was legal to burn blacks in the US at one time and those who carried out such human atrocities are no different from the current hoards of people who blindly follow such laws simply because they have NO moral compass whatsoever to begin with.

In other words, those that enjoyed slavery were in fact slaves of the state themselves and many still are.
2017-05-14 11:48 pm
why do you believe that an ilegal immigrant who was brought to usa without a choice is "evil" , i don't know what you'd mean by "truly be christians" because i am an atheist, but of course people are mad at you, you destroyed someone's live just because he was not born here?, sounds a little racist and evil to me..
2017-05-13 8:34 pm
I am SURPRISED . for a Religion that promotes one NOT to QUESTION, Just accept it because ones book says something its called laws and they never question WHAT makes it RIGHT

I am saying HOORAY to the imagined questioners those who are disturbed by the imagined character's actions .

..Many Christians questioned SLAVERY , and were abolitionist ,

unfortunately they continued to compartmentalized their acceptance of the god IDEA

and made it the exception to critical evaluation ..

Because something is termed a LAW does not make it a GOOD law

, there were discrimination laws for years against people of color .

. , about where they could drink from a fountain eat meals or eliminate ..

Then in NC certain people tried the same with transgender community with the BR bill.

those who want to make a Legal contract " Marriage " Religiously controlled when the goverment issues licenses and is not a religion ...

.. Exercising ones indoctrination into TRIBALISM .. LOYALTY ( obligation without question ) to a tribe or group with strong negative feelings for those outside the group . aka Black and white thinking ... ALL or Nothing them vs us Association all Mexicans are rapist ...

.OINKY PIG is trolling again the sarcasm was better than usual
2017-05-13 7:48 pm
what would happen if you entered their country illegally.....
2017-05-13 5:45 pm
Cook story, bro!

Your mother must be so proud. . .
2017-05-13 12:19 pm
There are issues which need to be addressed that one need to examine 1st here dear,,,,,,,,,,

What was your motivation for reporting ?

Love for fellow human beings, or of just those you identify with ?

At the end of your Update, you stated....." Mexicans are known to rape anyway, there was a story in the news awhile back ".

Perception of true Christians ? " Can they truly be Christians when they support breaking of the laws ? "

Perception of the law ?

Dear, understand this please......

During the Obama Administration, back in 2011, this illegal immigrant children subject was brought up & is a law that has passed.

In 2012, President Barak Obama answered a question of this @ the White House about it. He is applauded for doing the right thing for this country.

This law says that illegal children brought to the United States of America get a break from deportation.

This law stipulates that those who came to the U.S. before they turn 16 years old will get a reprieve from deportation & the opportunity to seek work permits under a new policy by the Obama Administration.

It is not a path to " citizenship" or " amnesty". but simply a shift in enforcement to prioritize criminals.

Discretion qualifier -
- Have to be younger than 30 years of age,
- Must have graduated or be enrolled in high school or received a general equivalency ( GED) diploma,
- And must not have committed any felonies.
- Nation wide, this affects about 800,000 people ( the numbers have grown since 2011).

Dear, these are laws in the books that Congress has passed. Also, Presidents have the authority to suspend deportations through executive order.
2017-05-13 12:01 pm
That's a matter of conviction, Paul traveled all over the Meditteranean, Jesus talked to a woman at the well, in a country Jews were not supposed to be at. Corey Ten Boon kept Jews illegally against the Nazi's. Instead of squealing why don't you spend more time praying and find out if for some reason God doesn't want your worship leader to stay put.
2017-05-15 10:09 am
Only people dumb enough to believe you are those that stand on your own side of politics.
2017-05-13 7:02 pm
Legally, you did the right thing because he was in fact here illegally, but he hadn't done anything wrong he just lived his life like anyone else would it wasn't his fault that his parents came here illegally he wouldnt have had a choice, but he obviously made a life for himself here and being the worship leader he must be a good person.
In my opinion although legally you did the right thing, morally, you didn't.
Just because the law says so doesn't make it right. There have been many laws in history that have not been right.
2017-05-13 1:52 pm
Yet another example of how dangerous religion really is!
2017-05-13 9:59 am
You don't want people
in church when you go
to another church will
you report us to.
don't be so evil kid.
you may need a doctor
to help you. i hate cops kid
2017-05-13 5:59 am
find a new church
2017-05-14 5:50 am
A religion won't support lie.
2017-05-16 3:30 pm
so most christians say you flout the law if its a religious person no wonder the prisons are overcrowded with christian people
2017-05-16 12:20 pm
What sort of Christians are we speaking of on this matter? I'm Protestant and haven't heard of us harboring illegals! Are we referring to Catholics there priests have sex with the children! Cardinal Mahoney in LA is a likely perv too because he defended it! So is it the Catholics? I wouldn't be suprised if they harbor the most illegals! Laws still apply and church should be no exception to that rule! " go legal or go home" I don't care if we have to ethnic cleans all illegals! Chris
2017-05-16 7:38 am
ur a dick. most immigrants run away to be free from chaos and u probably just ruined their life... have fun living with that *****
2017-05-16 12:15 am
So they haven't filed the paper work, yet? Christians are not understood. Because you become an adopted child of God, because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross and Ressurection. Why do you think you have the right to judge and report everyone? Not everyone deserves your opinions or judgements being made public. I have learned to know when to let go and unwind, and when to tighten and keep to myself. It has left me without friends for 5 years and without work. I don't think I will let it continue anymore. Unless, they did something proven illegal, you just can't report eveyone.
2017-05-15 7:57 pm
There is good and bad in every race and I would never break up families and it is not up to humanity to judge others this way when they might have a few skeletons in their own closets
2017-05-15 1:16 pm
I be mad too.
2017-05-15 10:31 am
2017-05-15 2:21 am
All this hooplah! The guy if from Mexico, for Pete's sake. There are plenty of places in the U.S. that are far worse than many parts of Mexico so going to Mexico is no big deal.

I've moved from Dallas to Okmulgee and from LA to Kaohsiung. In neither case was I screaming bloody murder for the sparing of my life. In face, I did just fine.

2017-05-15 12:35 am
You only have God and the law to answer to. If you can stand up to them and feel you are right, all the more power to you.
2017-05-14 11:58 pm
Nice story.
2017-05-14 8:07 pm
Sometimes the right thing is not always the legal thing. I think you should have minded your own business. if everyone did that, the world would be a better place.
2017-05-14 6:18 pm
God did not create countries and borders but humans did. You should have talked to him before. It is none of your business if someone is illegal that is for authorities to find out .
2017-05-14 6:27 am
country above God? Wrong set of priorities me thinks.
2017-05-14 5:15 am
If a law is immoral and goes against God's law "love your neighbour" then a Christian may be called upon to break it because God's laws are higher than man's laws. For one.

Secondly - the guy is a well behaved person who apart from being "illegal" is abiding by the laws and society of the US and has a wife and child. Having one such person thrown out of the country, leaving a possibly destitute American wife and kids does nothing to make America a safer, better country. I am sure he's never been anything but a good pastor to you. I daresay your fellow church goers are pretty much shocked by your petty, vindictive stance towards a good man and his family. But you don't care, because you read of a Mexican rapist and decided that was enough to condemn the entire race. Say - wasn't John Wayne Gacy American, and didn't he rape young men? By your standards that makes every American man a dangerous violent sociopath with a taste for young men.
Let's hope you never end up in his situation.
2017-05-14 5:00 am
No. Their Bible says to obey laws of the land. If they break laws, according to their bible they are sinning.
2017-05-13 10:55 pm
Borders are made up nonsense. Anyway, are you Native American? Technically this is their land and your family were immigrants once. Do to others as you wish to be treated. And karma is a b'tch so watch out because something similar will happen to you so you learn a lesson. What suffering you must have brought to that family, wow!
2017-05-13 10:53 pm
What laws has the worship leader broken. He came to America at the age of 6 and knows no other home. You call yourself a Christian and hate your brother because he was brought to America illegally by his parents. What kind of a human being are you. Have you thought about his wife and children, disrupting the lives of a good family. What about loving your neighbor as Christ love us and give himself a ransom so that we might have eternal life. Did he condemn us as sinners for breaking the laws? You are nothing more than a self-righteous bigot under the guise of abiding secular laws and OBVIOUSLY ARE FAR FROM BEING A TRUE FOLLOWER OF CHRIST.
2017-05-13 8:43 am
this is fake.
2017-05-15 6:36 am
You need a different church, maybe the kind of Baptists who still preach White supremacy.
2017-05-15 4:49 am
They're good people. Nowadays christians just use their religion as an excuse to attack innocent people for being gay or Muslim or an immigrant, Christianity used to be about loving all people and letting God do the judging. Maybe you should take notes from them.
2017-05-14 4:53 pm
You're right about them being rapists.

"80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S."

2017-05-13 9:09 pm
Concerning such trivial matters we should mind our own business, in the event the situation was illegal allow God to sort it out.
Truthfully, it would be no different than the millions of people on welfare that could probably obtain employment but would rather use the system since the labor rate is so low.
Again, we note a condition that is illegal of which the accuser will use on the individual during the day of judgment (stealing).

2017-05-13 1:51 pm
The Bible says that you still can't break the law, even if you consider it unjust.
2017-05-13 12:08 pm
Church going people are hypocrites and don't care that others want to save their country.
2017-05-15 4:49 am
You did well :)
2017-05-13 9:33 am
Somebody who claims to be am American patriot and a Christian is lying. America is opposed to Christianity.
2017-05-13 4:05 am
2017-05-13 4:40 am
They are liberal Christians which means they choose which laws they want to break and which ones they will hold you accountable for.
2017-05-13 4:56 am
.0001 on the meter
2017-05-13 9:46 am
I congratulate you on a job well done.
2017-05-17 3:27 am
No one likes a tale bearer.

Lev_19:16  Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD.
Pro_11:13  A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.
Pro_18:8  The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.
Pro_20:19  He that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips.
Pro_26:20  Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth.
Pro_26:22  The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.
2017-05-16 7:33 pm
We support the man's law as long as it does not go against the law of God. You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.” Jesus added: “The second, like it, is this: ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’”—Matt. 22:34-39.
Matthew 7:12
12 “All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must do to them.+ This, in fact, is what the Law and the Prophets mean.+
There no law that tells us to turn people to the authority because they don't have a passport.
2017-05-16 5:02 am
american people should have the right to say "no" to illegal immigrants and illegal immigration.
when you have millions of people entering the country illegally, then telling us their right to stay is based on US-laws, i wonder if they did not know it is against the law to enter the country illegally. there is no "separation" of families; if you left them to come into the USA, or even had children here, then you are always free to leave the country and they can leave with you so you can all live-together.

i believe that the illegal aliens caused their own problems, and now simply want to blame us for asking them to leave the country. sure, the criminals need to be arrested and put into an ICE jail, but the others, without citizenship, need to be deported.
the idea that is see on t.v. is that "sanctuary cities say illegals need to stay", i am only saying that "I disagree". we should not use tax-payers money, to fight deportation or the INS for them. they should be deported and apply for citizenship from outside this country.
2017-05-16 1:22 am
And who are you to be judging people .?
2017-05-15 10:55 am
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and render unto God that which is God's.
2017-05-15 10:53 am
Christians are to obey the laws of the land unless they break God's laws which are higher then men's laws. If you are a true christian and in a country illegally you will turn yourself in.
2017-05-15 10:42 am
true that your worship leader was an illegal immigrant .and church is also where the problem .
2017-05-15 5:37 am
You're a racist and very self righteous.
2017-05-15 4:40 am
Legality and morality are two different things. Since when does a religion compel obedience to the laws of the State? So I question that premise of your question. If morality dictates it, rebelling, refusing and resisting, and other forms of civil disobedience are all justified. Just take a look at the Civil Rights movements, which broke the laws. As MLK said, "an unjust law is no law at all." That is why its right to break some unjust laws which target oppressed people, such as immigrants. Don't be a "good american" like the "good germans" were before.
2017-05-15 4:09 am
You might want to change churches or house of worship.
2017-05-15 12:50 am
Well, according to Lord Jesus who treats a foreigner like a criminal won't go to heaven. If you know this person did something evil, like those North Africans and Middle Easterners who kill Europeans with axes in a periodically basis or doing something like selling hard drugs, then you'd have done correctly like a good christian. If not you did something wrong. The correct procedure had been to meet his parents, who you know perfectly, to tell them legalize your kid or I will have to report him, they could have gotten angry or not but they would have done as you said but you would have not destroyed a family which is what you have done.

One thing is to be abiding citizen and other it is to be a fanatical who deports people just for hate by pretending to care for law. If you don't believe this, ask some immigration police officers who are conservative too and you'll find that even if their work it is to find and deport citizens, they don't do it strictly according to the T and without feelings, they use their discretion and their superiors work this way too, something Trump already did when in February he did say he won't deport the 4 or 7 millions Obama didn't deport, that he would only deport immediately the violent segment among them. If the case is a baby or a little child or even some adult who works fervently, they give him some time and then they act if they consider this person is not a threat to the national security.

You have to rethink if your ideas and actions are correct and then find a way to amend your mistake, another priest can tell that you did something excessive because there is a difference between a violent false refugee and one poor person coming to work and live from poor parts of Latin America or the rest of the world.
If I were You, I would apologize to their parents despite they don't want to listen but you want to beg at least 10 seconds to ask their forgiving for this action that is punishing your conscience and tell them what you can do in order to help. Alternatively you could go to the Police and tell them yours was an excessive attitude and that their kids is not an illegal at least not if both parents are US Americans, even if this kid was born outside the US frontiers there is a prudential time in which laws cannot act against him.

Next time think your actions with your heart and more knowledge about the law, even if some agents of law have thought the same that you.
2017-05-14 10:23 pm
Church + Religion = Hypocrisy .
Religion is of man .
Spirituality is of ' God ' .
No man or script has the right to speak for ' God ' .
2017-05-14 10:19 pm
Your version is bit controversial.You are illegal immigrant that is the issue.You must not point your finger to "Worship leader" or any one to get him embarrassed. However people should not have behaved in this way with you at least in a Church--which is a shelter for all peace loving people.
2017-05-14 9:36 pm
They are mad at you for trolling on here since that's what's really happening.
2017-05-14 1:18 pm
Baited question. Yes, Romans 13:1-7 tells us that we are to abide by all the rules of the land we live in, as long as they don't contradict God's laws. In such a case, we ought to obey God rather than man (Acts 5:29). So it could be argued that this person was in violation of the law of God just by being an illegal citizen. However, I'm willing to bet you don't keep the seventh-day Biblical Sabbath, either, so that makes you a law breaker, also. Worse, one who breaks God's laws (James 2:10, 11), not just man's -- as well as breaking the law of God that you shall love your brother (most especially those of the brotherhood of Christ -- 1 John 3:15, 16) as yourself (Leviticus 19:18). How well do you cover your own sins with self-love? Yet we are commanded to love our neighbors as OUR OWN SELVES. I think they have good reason to be mad at you.
2017-05-14 11:22 am
You know what I think? I think you are trolling. I bet you don't even go to church.
2017-05-14 10:27 am
Law is not the division of right or wrong, which is divine. You follow man before you follow God or even your own reasoning or heart.
2017-05-14 9:09 am
2017-05-14 6:10 am
do you remember any teachings about the spirit of the law versus the letter of the law? just asking.....
2017-05-14 4:46 am
A true "Christian".
2017-05-14 3:50 am
Jesus broke laws. Following laws doesn't make you godly.
2017-05-14 3:31 am
You should have made an exception in this case. This person came into our country illegally when he was six years old. It's not like he could have told his parents no. And this guy is the leader of your church! He is doing good work and him coming into the country happened so long ago, it should be forgotten.
2017-05-14 2:26 am
Us Christians have a duty of care for our fellow human beings, so little wonder they are mad at you in your church.

Keep in mind that Jesus was a refugee on day one of his life here on Earth. His mother Mary and her partner Joseph had to flee into Egypt to avoid Jesus (first born) being killed. I expect you know the story. Did the Egyptians turn them back? No - Egypt the Immortal and Everlasting, the oldest nation on Earth.

70,000 Egyptian Coptic Christians sing for Jesus

Peace and Love
2017-05-14 2:19 am
Jesus will treat you exactly the same way.
2017-05-14 1:50 am
Jesus would have been classed as an illegal immigrant in modern society when taken to Egypt.
Assuming your story is true, you err, knowing not the Scriotures
2017-05-13 11:54 pm
They're mindless liberals who say they're above the law. You did the right thing. When you see a crime, report it to the cops. If somebody doesn't like it, he supports criminals.
2017-05-13 11:35 pm
That took alot of courage, I guess.
2017-05-13 11:03 pm
shouldn't gossip.
2017-05-13 10:29 pm
I'm happy that there are a few members of your congregation who dislike you for your malicious persecution of a fellow Christian.
2017-05-13 5:41 pm
Loyalty to Church versus loyalty not to State, but to Trump's version of State.
2017-05-13 5:17 pm
Indeed Jesus said "Render unto Caesar ....etc" - meaning that the civil authorities (Roman, in his time) should be obeyed, as well as the religious authorities.
2017-05-13 2:52 pm
Either a troll, or an idiot --- either way... NEXT!
2017-05-13 2:28 pm
O Dear, How Sad, Never Mind.
With Christians like you in the world, no wonder we are in the latter days.
2017-05-13 12:35 pm
They "can" be Christians, but their lawlessness is disobedience to God's Word (Romans 13) and suggest that their "faith" is suspect. Jesus said, "you will know them by their fruit".
2017-05-13 6:44 am
Hope u r trolling.....nasty child.
2017-05-13 5:07 am
I'm sure there is a difference between breaking God's laws and man made laws... Not that I believe in either lol.
2017-05-16 9:35 am
A true so called Christian would be supportive and try to understand why they came here and what they were fleeing from, not report them and make thier lives trauma filled all over again. Shame on you.
2017-05-15 10:29 pm
Are you a troll?
Because if he is married, then he is a citizen by marriage and not illegal.
If you are not a troll, you just made a complicated mess for someone now who is probably going to have to be investigated and have the sincerity of his marriage probed. Give unto Caesar's what is Caesar's. He was your church leader, he wasn't Caesar's. You stirred up a lot of heartache for this family, for something that wasn't even affecting you. You should repent and make amends somehow, but if you're for real, you'll probably end up having to go to a new church, so you screwed yourself over in the end.
2017-05-15 10:21 pm
You have a point, I have two examples to think aboutabout, smokers on the work site which is not allowed, do you report them or do you do the right thing ? sexual harassment on the work site, do you report them , ? What about sending Bibles to communist countries where its against the law , do you share the word of God or never say anything about the Gospel? A man reported smokers at the work place because he was threatened with being thrown off a tower so, he reported them and the management would always insult the same guy with sodomite sexual innuendo, he rebuked management and lost His job and when he reported the smoking both his supervisor and management said they didnt want that guy working there anymore, he was blacklisted in both companies and never worked full time again , you have to xhoose to do the right thing and let the consequences follow, said an lds prophet, but there won't be any reward in a world of wicked people, and you do need to change church,....
2017-05-15 11:51 am
You did the right thing
2017-05-15 8:48 am
Trolling and lying for atheism is still trolling and lying. Lol
What a horrible liar you are
2017-05-15 11:53 pm
I agree with you %100. Quite sure in the bible says you must obey laws somewhere. Christians these days are turning into liberals while they let the facist liberals destroy them into oblivion.
2017-05-13 9:57 am
2017-05-13 9:19 am
How can they be true. They will remain mad always.
參考: own

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