When do elk turn back into a deer?

2015-06-18 4:59 am

回答 (9)

2015-06-18 9:29 am
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Usually in the spring. After the rut and they have done all their mating for the year. Except for the lucky few that get to turn into reindeer in december and fly santa around on christmas eve.
2015-06-18 12:11 pm
Tomorrow @ 12:00:01 AM 06/19/15
2015-06-18 6:40 am
The elkies turn back into deers when the mushrooms change colors in the springtime.
2015-06-18 5:50 am
Is this an actual question? Or did you actually want to post something so ridiculous that would actually make ones brain almost stop?
2015-06-18 5:56 pm
Deer are usually at a low elevation, elk are further up the mountain getting higher. Also elk graze on grass while deer browse. That makes for a shortage of grass except inn Colorado and Washington where it is legal.
2015-06-18 5:34 pm
why, during a full moon of course
2015-06-18 12:05 pm
They're two different species. Perhaps you mean, at what time of year do the deer become easier to find than the elk?
2015-06-18 6:10 am
The same odds of having a homosexual single poor politician as president .....
2015-06-18 5:36 am
Perhaps when you uncross your eyes, or never.

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