Why does everyone hate Obama?

2015-03-13 5:58 pm
I mean he's the first black president of the United States, and I don't know why everyone hates him.

回答 (50)

2015-03-13 7:09 pm
We don't hate Obama we love America more.
2015-03-14 5:53 am
Because he lies whenever he speaks, rules by executive orders, ignores our Constitution, is racist, wants to socialize the USA, employs Chicago type politics, has forced his health care law upon us, cut back our military to the bare bones, is trying to set up a new Democrat voting base with his immigration policies, his promised administration transparency is a joke and his leadership abilities stink. I could go on forever but it's bed time so I wish all good night !
2015-03-13 9:29 pm
I would be here all day if I had to use specifics. First, he was unqualified for the job. He had no public nor private sector senior managerial experience, never mind chief executive experience, no military experience, no economic experience, only two years as a junior Senator before considering himself qualified to run for president and zero accomplishments in the Illinois legislature.

His economic experience has been lobbying the government for money. He doesn't care where it came from. Money was thrown at projects without consideration of their merit or effectiveness. This is how he runs his Administration. He had two full years to run wild with how he THINKS the economy works. All that was done was money was thrown at problems with nothing to show for it.

As part of how he thinks the world works, are "prosperity flows from government", "government leads and the private sector should follow" and "the private sector cannot be trusted with the general welfare of the people" attitudes. This all dove tails with his idea that the country needs "fundamental change". This has always been incompatible with the needs of business, recovery and the economy in general. For example, the Great Depression actually ended in 1933, but a sharp recovery didn't occur until 1940. The application of the same attitudes above was the reason for the delay, as today. American recoveries are supposed to start, sharply, soon after a recession is over. The recession was over 5.5 years ago now.

As part of Obama's attitude, he has put a big, fat, regulatory jockey on the back of the economic racehorse (namely business, big and small) and is dumbfounded on why it's not winning races again. Compare this to when economic interests were put first (with less government), as in after the recession of 1981, as normally happens, a sharp recovery did occur and the further economic reforms, including getting government off the backs of business, allowed for a 17 year booming economy.

He has just a naive view of foreign policy. He has had the attitude that the world would be better off without US involvement. Benghazi onward has been a rebuke of that attitude. It has allowed despots to push him around. Terrorism has festered with American withdrawal from a world stage, understating the threats at every turn. He thinks that just because it's the 21st century, it will stop behaving like it's the 19th or 20th. This does not mean that war is the only answer, there is smart foreign policy and even limited military involvement that can change things. He tends to think foreign police is all or nothing, so he leans toward the latter. He is dragged, kicking and screaming from minimalist positions. When he does need to go big with military action, he dangerously undercuts it. He wants so badly a “win” in foreign policy, he will make any deal, no matter how bad, to get a crumb. This opens him up to being a played as a patsy of some foreign despot, like Iran and it’s nuclear ambitions. He is the Neville Chamberlain of the 21st century.

He is getting the reputation as one of the most disengaged presidents. He does not take leadership on issues. He even defends his lack of action by acknowledging how many issues he first heard about via the media. Even if this were the case, I would be embarrassed to admit that, never mind defend my actions with it!

His whole upbringing and principles he has embraced has made him incompatible for the job.
2015-03-16 4:46 am
Hi Viktor, I will be happy to answer this question for you. Just because he is the first black president doesn't mean he deserves special treatment. Most Americans do not agree with his policy and it is not hatred. Simply put when two people disagree on issues it can get heated and look like hatred to those that are young, or lack the mental capacity to understand such things.

In short, Obama is a pretty poor president much like his predecessor. It's not so much hate for the man, but hate for the sorry shape the United States is in.
2015-03-14 4:29 am
It doesn't matter what his race is. It matters how much **** he's ******* up.
And the idiots who voted for him twice took several surveys. 80% of them said they almost immediately regretted it.
Most typical reason is obamacare. and you know, the whole Charlie Hebdo thing. Everyone in my political science and international studies class was badmouthing him after that. Talk about just blowing them off! Damn!
2015-03-15 3:00 am
Hey can not do anything. Remember the "shovel ready" work project of the 2008. President Obama admitted that "maybe the shovel ready projects were not so shovel ready." Over trillion dollars was pissed away on this so-called job program.. On the other hand, Obama and his advisors have done well on international relations by doing nothing. Seriously, whether wittingly or unwittingly, their paralysis has slowed the pace of expansion of the multi-front Mideast war. Oh, the 6:30pm news does not hate Obama.
2015-03-14 2:24 am
In reality most hate his policies an ego not him personally.
2015-03-14 12:17 am
Don't hate him, just can't stand how dishonest, incompetent and corrupt he is, and how delusional his sycophant followers are.
2015-03-14 6:34 pm
not everyone hates him. Vladimir Putin loves Obama . Obama's husband Michelle loves him too
2015-03-13 11:29 pm
The "hate" spewed incessantly from the too-far-rightwing nation-destroying, always-fail-policies Republicans since Day One of our highly effective, nation-saving, GOP-destructions-undoing President Obama is not actually real hatred, but ENVY and an unhealthy fear of President Obama's huge popularity. These two things are why the panicked Republicans held a clandestine meeting on Inauguration night, hosted by spin-doctor propaganda specialist Frank Luntz and the very ethically challenged Newt Gingrich to which senior lawmakers (Republican Senators and Congressmen) were invited. The purpose of this TREASON-committing secret meeting was to PLOT AGAINST the wildly popular, Hawaii-born, newly elected visionary, our man-of-color President Obama.

Socrates (who tarnishes the wisdom of the real Socrates) is an example of rightwing efforts to deny credibility to President Obama despite all of our twice-elected (by LANDSLIDES both times) President Obama's powerful, nation-saving, recession-reversing, economy-growing, jobs-creating, auto-industry-rescuing, terrorist-attacks-preventing, revenues-generating, deficit-slashing, insurers-reforming, consumers-protecting, banks-reregulating, Chinese-trade-tariffs-imposing, Dow-elevating (from 6900 in 2008 to record highs), middle-class-strengthening, GOP-vicious-sabotages-transcending, housing-crisis-ending, wise policies in place since 2009 to present.

President Obama is the son of two economists (his mom with a degree in Anthropology and Micro-Economics; his dad a Business Management and Economics Major at Hawaii University and Harvard, who then went on to serve as Finance Minister until his early death; his maternal grandmother, who raised young Barack Obama, a woman banker in Hawaii). As a Community Organizer in densely populated urban areas in Chicago, our future President was able to work to bring impoverished high-crime neighborhoods back to life, attacking new busineses who hired locally, setting up afterschool programs for children, encouraging young people to remain in school to graduation, organizing clean-up projects or help for those with disabilities or low income---all very relevant to being a U.S. President after the GOP has driven the economy into the ditch, corrupting everything they touch, outsourcing jobs, defunding education and our infrastructure...how is this NOT relevant to being both Senator and President? President Obama is also a naturally gifted arbiter, as evidenced by the 60-nation coalition he was able to forge to go after ISIL (a coalition that includes Arab nations helping with their own defense and also funding the project). The "hate" is not real---it is fear-based and envy-based.
2015-03-13 7:46 pm
Typically you find the haters on the far right and left. I think thoughtful people have opinions and there is nothing wrong with an opinion unless you don't care for the current Presidents policies! In this day and age; if you disagree with Obama and because he happens to be and claims himself to be Black, somehow that''s been twisted to make opposition racist. Kind of silly I think sense there were a lot of us that disagreed with Bush and were deemed nothing more than people who disagreed. Ultimately that's where the hate word comes in and although it's thrown around quite a bit it's simply not true!
2015-03-14 8:52 pm
Because he tries to take away guns and he ruined our school system.
2015-03-14 5:15 pm
Not EVERYONE, but I don't like him because of the lousy job he has done !
2015-03-16 7:42 am
Because he is a liar, a socialist, a Marxist, and a self imposed Ruler that is above the law (he thinks) and has no respect or consideration for the constitution this country was founded on. Also he is a racist that has set race relations back at least 50 years in this country while he has been in the best possible position to advance race relations! Also, because of his "race " or chosen identity as a black man, he has gotten away with more unlawful acts than any person of another race could ever expect to, simply because none of our elected officials want to risk the political ramifications of being the one to call for the impeachment or prosecution of the "first black president" as this would certainly label them as a racist and possibly end their career. His policies are a total failure!
2015-03-13 9:16 pm
first off he is not just Black... he is white and worst of all he is Arab and a Muslim...What is hated are his unAmerican, unConstitutional, Treasonous, decisions... his records remain sealed, he sends our money to the Muslim brotherhood...
2015-03-13 6:06 pm
Only conservatives hate him.
2015-03-13 7:11 pm
People voted for Obama (including me) twice. That is hardly the definition of hate. So your premise is overly broad. There are a few people (generally very vocal) that would be unhappy with any leader that was not a White Man. However in bad economic times, people don't take much comfort in their government, no matter how quickly it is turned around. That is not personal with Obama. Notice no one is thanking Obama for the current low fuel prices despite it is in large part due to the policy changes he instituted.
2015-03-20 1:58 am
He pulled our troops out of Iraq even after the battle was won and just left it with no government which lead to the rise of ISIS. He allowed our conselent in Benghazi be burned and our embassitor to Lybia was killed while no one has been brought to justice. He has spent more than every other president combined during "peace time" (and that includes all our wars we have fought). Our debt has more than doubled, poverty has increase as well as unemployment and what is his answer? Tax the job creating rich poeple which forces them to lay off hard working Americans because they can't pay them. He has allowed the IRS to target his enemies the Tea Parties and allowed the VA hospitals to use malpractices which have killed some of our soldiers. His vice president has done literally nothing and his att. gen. said that the furgason police department was racist even though the supreme court has descided it isn't. If you want more reaons just look at this.
2015-03-18 5:22 am
Thanks to him I lost my Doctor..
2015-03-15 2:35 pm
I do not "hate" Obama but I have no respect for him because of his obvious willingness to ignore and circumvent the rule of law that our society is built on. His color has no relevance whatever except to those that are racists or to the "closet racists" (this latter category including many who claim to not be racists but who incessantly talk about and see racism everywhere).
2015-03-15 1:30 am
for the love of god, will liberals ever....EVER....get it right??? its NOT personal hatred of Obama, its NOT racism, its NOT fox news generated and its NOT from bush. its reaction to total and abject incompetency of a liberal clearly in over his head trying to be something hes not...a leader.
2015-03-14 6:35 am
Lots of people were not voting back in them days, that is 1 reason Obama was voted in. i thinks
God bless all in Jesus name Amen.
2015-03-14 4:51 am
He is not the first black president. He is bi-racial, take a look at his mom. She was a white woman who gave birth to this incompetent man.
2015-03-17 1:27 am
it's because you are young and don't understand politics. Only children "hate". Adults argue about laws and ways to enforce them. If they aren't put thru the right system then people in the government fuss with each other. Those voters who think there is hate out there are ones who they themself hate for no reason, never matured.

You probably here people voicing their dismay at our president doing so many fiats, having his own way without consulting the congress.
2015-03-16 3:27 am
I don't think everyone hates him.. I do think a great many people dislike him and more do not trust him. He has been one of the worst presidents this country has ever had. And just alone he has put racial relation in this country back 50 years. And the fact that he is a liar and probably not even truly American.. tends to make sensible people wonder why they ever listened to the bum in the first place. Be good for the country once he is gone and forgotten!
2015-03-15 5:56 am
I haven't a clue, why that is. But it seems that, even blacks hate him. A black man told me online, back in 2008, that he wasn't going to vote for Obama.
2015-03-14 4:51 pm
I guess you missed the memo, Sparky. chairman obama is MULATTO. His mother was CAUCASIAN. I know that really gets your libby panties in a wad, as do most truths about the chairman. LIVE WITH IT!
2015-03-13 6:07 pm
Everybody doesn't, just the wackos and the sheet and hood crowd.
2015-03-13 6:00 pm
Read the polls again.
2015-03-14 1:03 pm
As a first black president, many white people may hate him. Gradually, one day people will understand the real true and they will not hate any black man.
2015-03-14 7:17 am
Cause hes black. Anything he does right, he will never get credit for and everything wrong hes going to take the blame for. Thats always what happens in america. Someone always has to be blamed for something even though it takes more than one person or event to change a whole entity of life. Dave Chappelle was right. Never be the first black person to do something.
2016-03-11 12:12 pm
People always hate whoever's in power now. Many Obama supporters prior to the campaign pretend that they never liked him, and once he's out of office they'll be wishing him back. On a more specific level, he hasn't really done much of the change he advocated, but in all fairness he's got a Republican congress against him. The things that he has done, though, aren't very useful/aren't getting done fast enough.
2015-03-18 5:42 am
most people i know love him lolll
but as a whole youre right
multiple reasons mostly incompetence i guess.
2015-03-18 2:49 am
I dislike him because of his traitorous policies, not because of his race.
2015-03-18 12:56 am
Why did everyone hate Bush. I mean he was the first Republican to preside when an attack of such magnitude happened on U.S. soil by Islamic extremists perhaps supported by Iran, but I don't know why everyone hates him.

Well, actually they don't. Just the brainwashed do.

So just use that answer since it's clear you love Obama.
2015-03-17 5:26 pm
he got 2 terms as potus so he isn't THAT hated
2015-03-17 6:10 am
not 'everyone' hates obama. since the days of john adams, people have complained about the president.
2015-03-16 8:23 pm
"Everyone Hates Chris," not President Obama. After all, how in the hell was he elected twice if - as you are claiming (rather erroneously) - that "everyone hates Obama?"
2015-03-16 7:21 pm
Because he's a bad President.
2015-03-15 11:54 pm
2015-03-15 9:02 pm
People have been brain washed by Fox News. Ask one why they dislike him and you can't get a valid, intelligent answer.
2015-03-14 3:02 am
Its what he is doing to this once great country that we hate!
2015-03-16 1:21 pm
it's because you are young and don't understand politics. Only children "hate". Adults argue about laws and ways to enforce them. If they aren't put thru the right system then people in the government fuss with each other. Those voters who think there is hate out there are ones who they themself hate for no reason, never matured.

You probably here people voicing their dismay at our president doing so many fiats, having his own way without consulting the congress.
2015-03-16 12:16 am
Dumb questions beings you cannot speak for everyone or say everyone hates Obama, they don't ... just the foolish haters in YA's most of whom are just lying, whining, blamers hating of any thing or any one Dem as if they are any better ..... LOL !
2015-03-15 12:42 pm
thanks obama
2015-03-14 12:46 pm
2015-03-14 5:46 am
i think he is ding a good job :|
2015-03-13 11:35 pm
They don't. He was elected by the majority of Americans twice.
2015-03-17 1:20 am
not everyone hates him. Vladimir Putin loves Obama . Obama's husband Michelle loves him too
2015-03-14 10:05 pm
I don't hate Obama !!! People hate him because he's a black American whop made it to the top !!!

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