why is racism still alive?

2015-11-15 7:35 pm

回答 (50)

2015-11-15 7:38 pm
There will always be hate but racism is simply not as prevalent as the race hustlers say it is.

In fact the race hustlers play the race card so often that it has the effect of the boy who calls wolf. The race hustler's minimize the real thing by accusing people of racism at the drop of a hate.
2015-11-15 7:38 pm
People are too ignorant to see past stereotypes and just can't see that we can't change the past, but we can make the future better.
2015-11-16 12:24 am
It's easier to hate, and many politicians find it politically expedient to prod racial division for their own gain. No other president has been so racially divisive as Obama. Obama has used race to cause a racially-embittered wedge between people.

One benefit was illustrated with Brown and Officer Darren Wilson. Even though the physical evidence and the witnesses who didn't change their stories after certain scientific facts came to light from the forensics investigation all but one of them corroborated Darren Wilson's account, as did the scientific evidence, black Americans largely seemed oblivious. Democrats discovered back in the Trayvon-Zimmerman affair that if they promoted a certain view in black communities via their favorite black guys like Sharpton and Jackson, factual evidence would not matter any longer.

Democrats used that principle during the Brown incident to drive people to the polls because they knew that they were in for some big losses.

Obama has also used it to drive a more blind support for him and his policies.

This is really how you can tell what's what. When you have a side that can't stop talking about race and what they think about race and their opponents, and what they regard minorities on the opposing side, because race is such a huge deal to them, there's a reason for that. It's because of their over-obsession with race, which is largely due to their own deep-seated racism.

But when you look at the other side, look at how their different races are. They're virtually indistinguishable from each other. You know why? It's because they don't actually see themselves as different from each other.
2015-11-15 7:37 pm
It's like alcohol, some drink it, some don't. Some say no to it and some can't resist it. It's all about the individual.
2015-11-15 7:42 pm
Because it's politically useful. It's easy to exploit so politicians exploit it.

We're living in a time of great racial and ethnic diversification in the US. This really worries a lot of people, especially in places where whites have enjoyed certain privileges forever. Rather than calm those fears and foster racial harmony and cooperation, some leaders will encourage our natural fear of 'the other' by promising to return the US to a white majority. (Which, of course, they can't. But it's an easy thing to promise.)

This has been going on forever but it got a big boost in the late 1960s with Pres. Nixon's 'Southern Strategy'. He exploited a southern white backlash against civil rights, running as a 'Law and Order', promising to use law enforcement to keep Southern blacks in their place. Since then, the Republicans have used coded racial messages to capture the South. The latest is Donald Trump basing his whole campaign on illegal immigration and promising to solve that problem easily.
2015-11-16 3:29 am
Thinking Errors
2015-11-15 11:00 pm
People are racist because they are uncomfortable around different people. There was one time in Greece where a family went to the doctors because their daughter had surgery because she had cancer and there was a black guy sitting on the same row as them and they tried to avoid him but then the doctors asked all of them to enter and they just found out that the black guy was actually the donor who saved that little girl's life. There is no white or black, we are all humans!!!
2015-11-15 10:30 pm
Some ignorant insecure people feel superior by denigrating others.
The colour of your skin does not make you better or worse than others.
2015-11-15 8:44 pm
Because we have an administration in Washington, DC that divides its citizens along every line possible, and which uses racism to promote violence......why do you ask?
2015-11-15 11:51 pm
As long as Satan is still around, racism will not only be here, it will increase as the end draws near. Email me if you want to know more.
2015-11-15 10:51 pm
There is more racial humor than there is actual racism.
2015-11-15 7:37 pm
Ignorant people yes
2015-11-18 1:47 am
because men are still alive

hatred began way back with Cain and Abel and has been here ever since
2015-11-17 3:21 am
Because in my Lifetime from WW2 people have always been Racist they Follow Parents we Now have Great Grandparents Grand parents Parents and their children all Racist because they are Not Christians

I asked an ex navy Pilot if he was racist he said No I asked do you know i am Black he said Yes i asked him why does he ab use Me all the Time No reply
2015-11-16 5:46 pm
The book Understanding Prejudice and Discrimination says: “Perhaps the most important conclusions to emerge from prejudice research are these: (1) no one capable of human thought and speech is immune from harboring prejudice, (2) it often takes deliberate effort and awareness to reduce prejudice, and (3) with sufficient motivation, it can be done.”
Education has been described as “the most powerful tool” in the fight against prejudice. The right education can, for example, expose the root causes of prejudice, enable us to examine our own attitudes more objectively, and help us deal wisely with prejudice when we are victims.
2015-11-16 12:19 am
It is part of our social fabric and it was with us since Adam.
Humans are not angels and that is why messengers came to deliver the Message from Above.
God All Mighty have sent message trough time immemorial to human kind from His Mercy.
That where religion come to it, to control the negative power that we have as for our TEST on Earth. We are all on Test .
2015-11-15 11:54 pm
Because evolutionists are racist; they believe black people are subhuman and less evolved.
2015-11-15 7:43 pm
intolerance doesn't die
2015-11-16 4:26 am
Because humans are still alive.

It's human nature to be racist.
2015-11-16 1:05 am
“I HAVE a dream.” Fifty years ago American civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., expressed his hope that one day people would enjoy life free from racial prejudice. Three months after King’s speech, over 100 countries adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Other global initiatives were adopted through the years. The result? Your question: "why is racism still alive?".
Deep rooted, deep-seated feelings of people have only curbed the outward appearance of racial feelings. Some improvements only helped prevent discrimination but powerless at eliminating it. Why? Discrimination is an act that can be seen and punished by law, but prejudice is related to people’s inner thoughts and emotions, which cannot be easily regulated. Attempts to eliminate prejudice must not only curb discriminatory acts but also change a person’s thoughts and feelings toward people of another group. But it is possible for people to make the changes. Only God's Word the Bible has the power to change the way a person thinks and feels about others and has helped many to overcome deep-seated hatred and prejudice. (Isaiah 2:4; Hebrews 4:12) But before prejudice can be completely eliminated sin and human imperfection must be dealt with. The Bible plainly states: “There is no man that does not sin.” (1 Kings 8:46) No matter how hard we try, we face the same internal struggle: “When I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present with me.” (Romans 7:21) Sometimes our imperfect heart will resort to “injurious reasonings” that can lead to prejudice.—Mark 7:21.
And, the influence of Satan the Devil. The Bible describes him as “a manslayer” and says that he “is misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (John 8:44; Revelation 12:9) That explains why prejudice is so prevalent and why mankind seems so helpless in the face of bigotry, discrimination, genocide, and other forms of racial, religious, and social intolerance. So before total elimination of prejudice is removed, there must be the removal of human sin, imperfection, and the influence of Satan the Devil. The Bible shows that God’s Kingdom will accomplish just that. Jesus Christ taught his followers to pray to God in these words: “Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.” (Matthew 6:10) God’s Kingdom is the only means by which all injustices, intolerance and prejudice—will be done away with. “Because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah.” (Isaiah 11:9) All mankind will learn Jehovah God’s ways and imitate his loving personality. This will indeed mean the end of all prejudice, “for there is no partiality with God. (Romans 2:11)
The book "What Does the Bible Really Teach?" Chapters 3, 8, and 9
2015-11-15 7:39 pm
People will always be ignorant.
2015-11-15 9:51 pm
Everyone has biases, likes, dislikes and opinions. It is only termed as racism if one chooses to take acceptation to these and gets all but hurt because someone in the past did something that no one in the present is responsible for.
2015-11-15 7:37 pm
Because of caucasian males.
2015-11-17 10:23 pm
because racists are still alive and having little racist babies. (well, they don't start out as racist babies, but are carefully taught when young. *shudders*)
2015-11-16 11:11 pm
racism is passed on by ignorant humans to there offspring thats why it is still alive, if we were able to see pass this superficial borders that we created then we could actually advance as a species but sadly stupidity gets in the way
2015-11-16 9:19 pm
We are all pre programmed to prefer the company of people who look and act as we do.It follows therefore,that we are all racists whether we acknowledge it or not.The dilemma is therefore is how best to accomodate people whom are different to us,and maybe come to a common understanding that enables us to live with those whom are unlike us entirely.
2015-11-16 7:04 pm
When Adam and Eve broke away from God’s dominion, they came under the rule of a wicked spirit creature that the Bible calls Satan, or the Devil. Under the influence of this one, who is “misleading the entire inhabited earth,” deliberate efforts have often been made to deceive people on the matter of race. (Revelation 12:9; 2 Corinthians 4:4) Ethnocentrism—the idea that one’s own group is superior—has been fanned into a consuming flame, and wittingly or unwittingly, millions have been swept along, with disastrous consequences.
To put it frankly, selfish, imperfect humans under the control of Satan have spread all the false teachings about race that have been responsible for racial problems. Therefore, for the human race to become united, all must believe that we are truly one human family and that God did make “out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth.” (Acts 17:26) Furthermore, for all races to live together in peace, Satan’s influence must be eliminated in human affairs.
2015-11-16 6:10 pm
We have people like Obama, Al Sharpton and others who keep stirring things up. Truly they are led by Satan. Satan loves racism.

2015-11-16 4:26 pm
As long as there are N*l*G*G*E*R*S* on this planet .......... racism will be alive and well !!!
2015-11-16 2:48 pm
Because satan is still alive.
2015-11-16 1:43 pm
everyone has their own perspective. just remember that one perspective is never enough for true understanding. i got that phrase from a game :D but srsly tho. there is racism because they just hold different opinions and perspectives.
2015-11-16 12:48 pm
it will be up to DHOOM.
2015-11-16 9:51 am
Out-group/in-group discrimination are biologically determined, as God resolved to confuse the language of different people at the Tower of Babel. However, it is Satan who has taken advantage of this for his own purpose, which is why cultural, ethnic and racial differences have been misused for the wrong purpose, and the outcome is more often evil than conducive to God's plan.
2015-11-16 7:45 am
2015-11-16 4:39 am
Cuz we are not making interracial babies fast enough.. Soon, brother
2015-11-16 4:31 am
2015-11-16 1:58 am
Because it is encouraged and perpetuated by the Liberal media (and by a very Liberal American President).
2015-11-16 1:37 am
Because parents teach it to their children.
2015-11-16 12:45 am
racism will continue to exist till there is only one race
2015-11-16 12:26 am
Your question: "Why is racism still alive?"

One reason is because of incessant propaganda from political hacks and the video infotainment industry to convince children and adults that there is race. Once people believe that, they tend to assign arbitrary characteristics to there arbitrary categories of race. Thus you have racism.

Typical race schemas are based on arbitrary points of similarity and dissimilarity in visible phenotype. There are also race schemas based on culturally acquired ethnicity, e.g., native language or religious affiliation. Some race schemas are a combination of both. In any case, they are all ultimately ill-conceived and of no biological significance. Since the discovery of the molecular basis of inheritance it has been shown that human beings are all the same species. At the sites below you can learn where we came from, and more:


"MODERN HUMAN VARIATION... An Introduction to An efIntroduction to Contemporary Human Biological Diversity"
Created and maintained by Dr. Dennis O’Neil
Behavioral Sciences Department, Palomar College, San Marcos, California

"In human beings, it is simply not possible to delimit clearly defined races that reflect biologically differentiated and well-defined groupings. The reason is simple: different groups of people have constantly intermingled and interbred with one another during the entire course of history. This constant gene flow has prevented the human species from fragmenting in highly differentiated subspecies. Those characteristics that are differentiated among populations, such as skin color, represent classic examples of the antagonism between gene flow and natural selection.” -- Biology 8th Edition, by Raven, Johnson, Losos, Mason, Singer [McGraw-Hill: 2008] page 714.
Something that many people miss because they have been staring at it for so many years without considering whether nor not it is true is that the video infotainment we euphemistically refer to as news and entertainment promotes racism.

"Black-ish (stylized as blackish) is an American sitcom starring Anthony Anderson and Tracee Ellis Ross, that debuted on ABC during the 2014–15 television season. The single-camera comedy centers on an upper-middle-class African-American family. The series premiered on September 24, 2014."

" ‘Fresh Off the Boat’ is a comedy series… that is inspired by the life of chef and food personality Eddie Huang and his book ‘Fresh Off the Boat: A Memoir’. It is the first American television situation comedy starring an Asian-American family as protagonists to air on network primetime since Margaret Cho’s ‘All American Girl’, which aired for one season in 1994… The show debuted [on ABC] with two preview episodes on February 4, 2015."

The latter citation is quite telling about how effective racist propaganda in so-called mainstream media is: There is no universal Asian phenotype or language or culture by which one can justify the term "Asian-American family". The truth of the matter is that Asia is a large place where over half of humanity lives, about 4.4 billion people. It extends from the southern tip of Yemen to the northern tip of Russia. Many people living there are so-called white people, others not.

"This is a list of Asian countries and dependent territories by population, which is sorted by the mid-year normalized demographic projections.... Total: 4,372,000,000"
Racism is a constant feature of domestic political propaganda from some persons and their party.

For example:

"... my grandmother... is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know - there’s a reaction in her that’s been bred into our experiences that don’t go away and sometimes come out in the wrong way and that’s just the nature of race in our society." -- Barack Obama, 2008
by Dan Gross, 21 March 2008, Philly.com

"There are very few African American men in this country who haven’t had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store. That includes me. There are very few African American men who haven’t had the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars. That happens to me -- at least before I was a senator. There are very few African Americans who haven’t had the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off. That happens often." – Barack Obama, 19 July 2013
Little children may believe Obama’s paranoid psychotic race rants, but an adult would have to be a paranoid psychotic racist to believe and act on them, like Barack Obama, or like this guy, a former impressionable young man now deceased: " 'I’m Putting Wings on Pigs Today,' a person believed to be the gunman wrote. 'They Take 1 Of Ours . . . Let’s Take 2 of Theirs,' the post continued, ending with, 'This May Be My Final Post.' "
-- Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 20 December 2014, New York Post

"18-year-old man bullies, robs store owner; soon after same man assaults cop for warning him against jaywalking, gets shot to death. Race riot ensues."
2015-11-16 12:22 am
One reason must be that haters are still imprisoned by their hatred, not wanting to shed it. I doubt racism is either natural or inevitable, but fear and ignore succeed in keeping it alive and well.
2015-11-16 12:03 am
2015-11-15 11:43 pm
It is alive and well and will remain that way. The pretenders think that they are scoring points with their political correctness bull shet.
2015-11-15 9:55 pm
people exist
2015-11-15 8:51 pm
Because people are stupid
2015-11-15 8:28 pm
Because Racists are not Dead......
2015-11-15 7:46 pm
We have to learn how to live with it. because it will never dissapear.
2015-11-15 7:41 pm
as long as we have diversity we will have opposition
2015-11-15 7:38 pm
because people still didn't become one
2015-11-15 7:38 pm
ISIS are doing a good job of keeping it going.

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