Prove it:?

2014-10-17 11:41 am

回答 (7)

2014-10-17 12:27 pm
I haven't taken calculus for some time.

But proving it basically means you have to figure out the mathematical way of changing it to being the same as the other side of the equation.

Look like there's a lot of absolute values in there. You should probably review the rules regarding absolute values. There's probably something you can do with absolute values that allows you to start on the path of reducing your equation to the more basic and simplistic statement that it's equivalent too.

The most simple things I see is that you need to review how to handle power values that are a decimal value instead of a whole value. Then you can start mathematically putting the terms together by themselves, and see if that helps anything.

I'm guessing the secret lies in how to handle absolute values. Once you've figured that out, you will probably find the answer easier.
2014-10-17 11:50 am
It's |(|a|+1)^0.5-(|b|+1)^0.5|=<|a-b|
Sorry for the mistake
2014-10-18 7:38 pm
42, because the Hitchhiker said so. And it was Big Mo's number, now retired.
2014-10-17 11:52 am
There is a reason it's 42, the reason for the answer 42 is because this one great comedian who said that the answer to everything in life, the universe, and everything was 42 in his book":The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," so ultimately, that's why it's 42. Look at this google search if you don't believe me.
參考: I read the book
2014-10-17 11:45 am
2014-10-17 11:44 am
2014-10-17 11:47 am

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