2015-04-12 1:58 pm
One day I was on steam to change my profile picture for fun, then all of a sudden a blank page opened then a pop up saying that I have been searching up child porn and something about copyrighting, I was soooo scared, especially how it said that I needed to pay with my PayPal account. A little bit later after starting at the pop up I finally pressed cancel cause I thought it was a joke, then aanother pop up came with even more details! It said the violation that I did, the role number, and the prison time that I will face when I didn't do anything! I closed the website without doing anything else. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!

回答 (120)

2015-04-12 2:23 pm
If you didn't do any of that for real, it's just a scam or something, and it's very unlikely the F.B.I. would contact you that way. Check your computer for malware and ignore it otherwise. Scaring people like this is a pretty common method for scammers. Don't react, contact them or pay them anything and don't worry about it. The police would never ask for money online.
2015-04-12 10:36 pm
OMG this happened to me too. I was jerking to my P0R/V and then all of a sudden this FBI warning comes up on my phone and tells me I have to pay $300 to the FBI by 2 weeks. My heart started pumping so I searched it up and i figured out it was RANSOMWARE. It's basically an illegal scam asking for ransom.. Don't worry, it's fake.

Keep Calm
Fap on.
2015-04-14 4:34 am
Hahahaha. My Grandmother just had some bogus box pop up on her computer saying she was infected with a virus and to call the following Microsoft number. She called, they had her pay 200.00, SHE EVEN GAVE THEM FULL ACCESS TO HER COMPUTER REMOTELY, and they supposedly 'cleaned' her computer to remove the virus. Well guess what? Two days later her card, for the 200.00, showed up as being charged at a hotel in India LMAO. She called a number for Microsoft she found on google and was told the OTHER number she called was not a Microsoft number after all, just a scam. It sounds a lot like what happened with you lol. Don't worry. The FBI does not email people that way lol.
2015-04-14 4:32 am
Oh yes, because when the FBI is trying to get pedophiles, they send them nice convenient warnings online first so that they can start destroying evidence instead of just getting a warrant knocking down their door to arrest them before they have the chance to destroy evidence.

Dude, you have a virus, a trojan, a worm, or maybe a few different ones because you've been on porn sites, and those things are jam-packed with malware.

Could have also come from torrents.

You want to look at naked girls, well you have to expect that your going to get some program on your machine that's designed to trick you into giving away personal information and/or money.

BTW, don't be looking at your bank information with that machine. You're infected with something.

Best thing for you to do is try and clean it, back up what you don't want to lose and then do a full reset back to the factory image

And then after installing and updating, create an image backup on your system. Windows 7 and 8 can do this, and you can also buy programs to do it.

Just remember you want to make a full image backup that you can restore from a boot disk.

And simply be prepared to have to do that every few months because you want to keep looking at naked girls.
2015-04-13 2:49 am
It is ransom ware. If you click on it you will get infected with their malware. If you closed the browser or shut the computer down you may have escaped infection, but what you really needed to do was to open the task manager (control+alt+delete) and selected "end program" to shut down the so-called FBI warning and keep it from doing the nasty to your computer. Maybe someone else caught this on your computer and it only just popped up on you. I recommend you boot up in safe mode and run your antivirus a few times, then run system restore to an earlier time more probably before this malware snuck in.
2015-04-16 6:38 pm
The first thing the FBI don't post online they just come to your house or job , there is a FBI warning about this ransomware, my tablet got infected by this ransomware and once it's on your pc , laptop or tablet or smartphone, this pop up will show up and can't do anything else and don't pay the money to get your pc back to normal{ they were using green dot pay cards} and a good thing you didn't click anything before leaving the website , i got lucky and reset my tablet to factory settings lost most of my apps but had them backup on my sd card , and what made it so bad avast warn me about it before i download from this site , i been through it and it kind of scare me as well also had a picture of obama smiling on it with a thumbs up, do us a favor and clean your web site history as a matter of fact run ccleaner to make sure it's not on your pc
2015-04-12 6:57 pm
It's definitely not the FBI, so don't worry. It's just a scam to get your money, and/or install some virus. If you're sure, that it was a website, you shouldn't worry about it. If it was a program windows, you should run a antivirus software and scan your harddisk. Also, try something like "Spybot Search & Destroy"
2016-03-12 10:53 am
There is an old, and rather true, saying: You don't know the FBI is after you until they bust down your doors. They don't send you warnings like this. I mean sure evidence tampering is illegal, but that doesn't stop people from destroying the hard drive or computer anyway. So rather then give the person the warning they just show up with warrants. However you should take this as a warning, because A) viruses(if you can't go anywhere or shut this then sounds like you have one) and B) You know you're looking up stuff you shouldn't be or you wouldn't be so scared.
2015-04-17 7:08 pm
Look. The FBI needs help. Sincerely. Ever since Fox Mulder left, they've been jonesin for good material. So they figure - with the pervasiveness of child pornography - get some people to get involved in the industry for fun.

That or take a job with the FBI. Either or. Dont take the warning seriously. They're a great group of guys who really do know how to have a good time. They definitely need more women in their midst though.
2015-04-15 4:28 am
Had that too, i was on youtube watching a gaming video. There are websites that seem like actual websites with content on them but are designed to look like FBI websites so that viruses can instantly download to your PC. I find this a find concept funny because they're breaking the law by commiting fraud against a government agency. Figured the FBI/NSA would have caught these guys. Anyway, just ignore it and avoid looking at ANY banking info or anything that would give them any info on who you are. They'll use that and get you on more and more websites as time goes on.

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