if a girl dog is called a *****, what is a boy dog called?

2015-05-10 7:05 pm

回答 (686)

2015-05-10 8:04 pm
Female dogs = *****
Male dog = stud
2015-05-11 12:33 am
A male dog is simply a son of a ***** but that's quite too long and foolish... I think it is dog
2015-05-11 2:27 pm
2015-05-10 8:01 pm
A male dog is simply a dog
2015-05-11 1:10 am
A dog. Seriously.
2015-05-10 7:33 pm
A dog. Seriously. That's it.
2015-05-11 2:14 pm
A male cat is either called a Tom, or if he is intact and breeds, he is also called a Sire. Female intact cats used for breeding are called Queens. Male cats that are neutered and used exclusively to mate with a Queen to get her out of heat without causing pregnancy get a special designation known as "Teaser Toms."

I don't think there is a word for a male dog, though Sire might be used for a breeding male. We could always make up a word right here on Yahoo! answers... how about Bastard?
2015-05-11 12:51 am
Males are called dogs.
2015-05-10 7:07 pm
a dog
2015-05-11 1:09 pm
2015-05-12 12:22 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-11 8:33 pm
A boy dog is just called dog. In all the dog shows that I have seen the females are called a bit@h and the males are called a dog
2015-05-11 5:29 pm
2015-05-11 9:57 pm
According the the National Dog Association, a female dog is called a B*tch and a Male dog is called a stud
2015-05-13 7:04 am
A boy dog is called a boy dog because it is a boy and a dog If u add boy + dog you get boy dog so therefore it is called a boy dog because a boy dog is a boy dog.
2015-05-10 7:07 pm
A dog.
2015-05-11 6:56 am
It's called a dog
2015-05-10 7:39 pm
A dog.
2015-05-10 7:22 pm
Since "*****" is usually only used in terms of breeding, the male would be the stud.
2015-05-11 3:16 pm
Male dogs are either a "son of a *****", a dog, or if he s a dog used for breeding he can be called a stud. Stud isn t only for dogs though in that case.
2015-05-12 1:52 pm
A douchebag.
A jerk.
An asshole.
2015-05-11 4:30 pm
A dog because men are dogs but dogs are cuter and more loyal!!!
2015-05-11 2:38 pm
A male dog is only called stud or sire if it when it is bred to a female.
Otherwise it is just called Dog.
2015-05-11 11:38 am
Their parents were never married, so they're bastards.
Or you can just call him by whatever name you gave him. "Fido".
2015-05-10 7:07 pm
a dog - quite seriously that's the correct term in the dog world and used by dog people.
2015-05-11 7:21 pm
Many years agp they were called Cur's
2015-05-11 6:36 pm
A bastard xD
2015-05-11 10:26 am
a dog unless he is specifically for breeding - then he's a stud.
2015-05-11 2:10 am
i dunno but are all cats called a pussy??? and why can't we make a catdog to settle our differences, this will lead to the end of wars in the world
2015-05-11 1:13 am
male dogs are called dogs. female dogs are called bitches. it is no insult. just how dogs are called.
2015-05-10 7:08 pm
2015-05-12 4:02 pm
A Dog
2015-05-12 2:55 pm
A Dog
2015-05-12 1:14 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-13 3:39 am
A Dog
2015-05-12 9:11 am
2015-05-11 8:51 pm
2015-05-11 6:45 pm
2016-02-06 10:13 pm
A d'ick
2015-06-11 7:47 pm
2015-05-18 2:37 am
2015-05-17 8:44 pm
A dog
2015-05-17 10:59 am
2015-05-16 8:19 pm
its actually called a sire
2015-05-15 5:12 am
Man must have made up the name for a female dog... Instead of just calling her a dog like the male.Ugh
2015-05-15 12:01 am
2015-05-14 8:33 pm
A dog.
2015-05-14 5:51 pm
a ******
2015-05-14 5:23 pm
a boy bog lol
2015-05-14 7:10 am
2015-05-14 6:42 am
A girl dog is called a ***** but a boy dog is referred just as a dog. ***** classes would only show up female dogs but dog classes would usually only be males. A father of a dog is called a sire. A male dog who refuses to listen to a command is called a bastard while female dogs who refuse to listen to a command is called a *****.
2015-05-14 6:18 am
A dog
2015-05-14 3:12 am
Lol good one. Well if I was talking to a guy and not an actual real dog I would say, instead of how were called bitches, I would just be like " You dirty stankin dog" maybe extra.
2015-05-14 1:19 am
in old english the word dog ,was ducga/hund(notice how it is the same as german)/bicce/bice ,they all ment dog (not gendered) the word bbitch derives from bicca that was said as bik-ka or bik-s(a) or bik-sh(a) bit-sh(a) ,different regions said it differently (accents)also it might have changed with time the same way that many words do,back to our subject ...along the way the final vowel sound writen e but said as the "A"sounds in (a)meric(a) faded out slowly making it what it is today ,then french spelling and orthography changed the way it was writn ,so ***** simply means a dog originally though along the way it was used as a feminine noun ,probably after leaving the meaning of Man s best friend the dog and becoming an other form of saying a demon!Even today it doen't really have a gender ,it is mostly used for women simply because of the fact that there are many sexist people out there ,that think if a woman is being the boss she is a ****** while if a man is being the boss he is the boss!Thankfully some people think other wise tho like my firends,who belive anyone can be the boss:D
2015-05-14 1:16 am
Men's best friend. This applies also to girl dogs.
2015-05-13 9:12 pm
I see nobody bothered to explain, so, per Wikipedia:

In breeding circles, a male canine is referred to as a dog, while a female is called a *****[17] (Middle English bicche, from Old English bicce, ultimately from Old Norse bikkja). A group of offspring is a litter. The father of a litter is called the sire, and the mother is called the dam. Offspring are, in general, called pups or puppies, from French poupée, until they are about a year old. The process of birth is whelping, from the Old English word hwelp (cf. German Welpe, Dutch welp, Swedish valpa, Icelandic hvelpur).[18] The term "whelp" can also be used to refer to the young of any canid, or as a (somewhat archaic) alternative to "puppy".
2015-05-13 8:04 pm

2015-05-13 4:28 pm
A dog
2015-05-13 6:01 am
Typically people call a boy dog with all his parts a "stud." A girl dog is only called a "*****" if she's in heat (i.e., if she's ready to mate), and/or if she's pregnant. Thus, a boy dog in similar circumstances is called a "stud," since in the breeding world they call the mating fee a "stud fee."
2015-05-13 4:24 am
after he makes a litter with the *****, they call him Sire
before that they may call him an sob.
2015-05-13 2:12 am
If a girl dog is called a *****, what is a boy dog called?
"----ANSWER: A "stud"
2015-05-13 1:14 am
If anyone had to look that up something is totally wrong. Answer : DOG
2015-05-13 12:41 am
A Dog.
2015-05-12 11:49 pm
A male dog is known as a DOG, and the string of 2 downvotes merely tells me that this question has been visited by a pair of the ignorant 12 year olds Y!Answers is often frequented by.
2015-05-12 5:26 pm
Canine covers both genders.
B'tch = Female Canine
Dog = Male Canine
You just said "what is a boy male canine called?". LOL
2015-05-12 4:59 pm
A dog .
2015-05-12 4:39 pm
A male dog is called a "sire."

In the breeder's world, a male dog is simply called a "dog." (Females are called "bitches.") In the breed ring you have classes for "dogs" and classes for "bitches." Only males show as dogs, and only females show as bitches.

The father of a dog is called a "sire." Since not all male dogs necessarily sire litters, not all would be considered sires. Incidentally, mother dogs are called dams, but again not all bitches are dams.
a male dog is called a sire.
2015-05-12 3:41 pm
the dominant gender. Just like with people
2015-05-12 3:27 pm
yo momma?!?!
2015-05-12 4:36 am
2015-05-12 2:50 am
A boy dog would be called a bastard, dawg, just a dog... they all work.
2015-05-12 1:13 am
2015-05-11 11:57 pm
why does this question matter
2015-05-11 9:28 pm
If the girl dog is around, then he's called a hang dog.
2015-05-11 3:20 pm
Both male and female dogs are just dogs.

For breedeing purposes the female is called the *****
And the male is called a stud.
2015-05-11 2:41 pm
A very happy dog when he gets to stud with your *****
on AKC papers, the father is called the sire and the mother is called the dam
2015-05-11 2:19 pm
girl dog, boy dog... I try not to complicate things.
2015-05-11 2:14 pm
These terms are used by breeders . "Stud" and "*****" are the terms used for mating males and females, respectively. This is the source of the slang terms applied to people, though the two terms seem to have gone in different directions!
2015-05-11 12:47 pm
a male dog is a stud
and a female dog is a B!###
as long as they can both produce puppies…
2015-05-11 5:42 am
my dog's called Steve
2015-05-10 7:30 pm
The males are called simply: dogs.
2015-05-10 7:16 pm
The term for a male dog is, surprisingly, just ''dog''.
2015-05-10 7:12 pm
Females are bitches & males are DOGS, professional & layman's terms are the same.
2015-05-13 4:34 pm
A Dog
2015-05-13 7:15 am
2015-05-12 9:53 am
2015-05-11 8:21 pm
a *****
2015-05-11 5:54 pm
"IN CHARGE".... Where's his sandwich???
2015-05-11 5:28 pm
2015-05-11 5:23 pm
Male dog is called a dog lol, bit.ch doesn't mean female dog, it means a female with a shitty personality and that acts up.
2015-05-11 3:39 pm
a son of a *****
2015-05-11 3:20 pm
Why have you asked a question that you already know the answer to?
2015-05-10 11:29 pm
Bytch for a girl [although Ive spelt it wrong so it wouldnt be deleted!] and DOG for a male!
2015-05-10 8:16 pm
dog thats it
2015-05-10 7:11 pm
"a dog"or sire
2015-05-10 7:07 pm
A dog (really).
2015-05-13 7:02 pm
Boy Dog
2015-05-13 3:40 am
A Dog
2015-05-13 1:28 am
A Dog
2015-05-13 1:24 am
A Dog
2015-05-12 11:06 am
A dog
2015-05-11 9:09 pm
Dog boy
2015-05-11 3:53 pm
Boy dogs are called Studs
2015-05-11 3:42 pm
A male dog is called a Keith, you are what you eat and i eat your mum out quite a lot.
2015-05-11 4:29 am
I was reading a book, and it was one of those books set in old times, and this one kid asked 'Is it a dog or a !@#$%?' So im pretty sure a male dog is just dog.
2015-05-12 11:03 am
2015-05-12 10:07 am
2015-05-12 12:29 am
A girl and boy are a small child. A female dog is called a B itch and a male dog is called a mongrel.
2015-06-20 6:15 am
A Prick
2015-05-18 3:54 pm
2015-05-18 5:24 am
I think its a stud. It may just be dog though.
2015-05-18 4:15 am
a dick
2015-05-18 3:08 am
2015-05-17 11:48 pm
i don't get it
2015-05-17 8:58 pm
2015-05-17 6:00 pm
A son of a *****
2015-05-17 5:30 pm
A stud
參考: Seriously I swear
2015-05-17 5:08 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-17 4:19 pm
My ex- husband.
2015-05-17 2:20 pm
AHAHAHAHAHA! This is so funny!
2015-05-17 1:52 pm
2015-05-17 12:55 pm
A hound
2015-05-17 11:37 am
A doggy.
2015-05-17 10:21 am
2015-05-17 7:20 am
An hipopotamus
2015-05-17 3:39 am
2015-05-17 3:31 am
A Dog.
2015-05-17 1:23 am
A dog
2015-05-16 11:11 pm
A damn
2015-05-16 10:27 pm
The male is referred to as a "dog" but if it is in a setting where the dogs have a litter, then the female is a "dam" and the male is a "sire".
2015-05-16 10:19 pm
A ***
2015-05-16 7:31 pm
Stud if breeding
2015-05-16 7:19 pm
A Male Dog
2015-05-16 7:02 pm
1st tell me what a girl dog is being called ???? *****
2015-05-16 4:48 pm
2015-05-16 4:14 pm
2015-05-16 2:52 pm
You probably know this by now with all the answers.
But it's a dog.
2015-05-16 2:50 pm
2015-05-16 1:55 pm
2015-05-16 1:25 pm
Mitt Romney
2015-05-16 1:14 pm
no a ***** is also a dog and a male dog is a boy
2015-05-16 1:13 pm
A sire. If they are a leader of the pack. Otherwise just a dog
2015-05-16 11:32 am
They're just called dogs.
2015-05-16 7:57 am
A male dog.
2015-05-16 7:41 am
A Cat.
2015-05-16 7:17 am
well I guess a Stud..... nope.... Dog.
2015-05-16 6:52 am
a pimp (;
2015-05-16 6:37 am
Boy dogs are cute. Girl dogs are cute. Period.
2015-05-16 5:30 am
if he's meant to breed, a Stud
2015-05-16 4:36 am
Your father-in-law
2015-05-16 3:52 am
Une chienne or un chien.
2015-05-16 2:53 am
Nice bots
2015-05-16 1:56 am
A sooka.
2015-05-16 1:23 am
2015-05-16 1:20 am
A literal son of a *****
2015-05-16 1:02 am
A Dog..
2015-05-16 12:36 am
a male dog
2015-05-16 12:21 am
A male
2015-05-16 12:16 am
a bastard
2015-05-15 11:49 pm
A dog.
2015-05-15 11:36 pm
A dog
2015-05-15 11:24 pm
A Dog, believe it or not.
2015-05-15 11:05 pm
2015-05-15 10:21 pm
A dog.
2015-05-15 8:54 pm
A dog
2015-05-15 8:36 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-15 8:32 pm
Male Biitch.
2015-05-15 7:17 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-15 7:16 pm
son of a *****
2015-05-15 5:59 pm
Just that. A dog.
2015-05-15 5:57 pm
2015-05-15 4:24 pm
an asshole
2015-05-15 3:55 pm
A Sire.
2015-05-15 3:33 pm
A dick
2015-05-15 3:05 pm
A Biatch..........................................just kidding, just a Dog
2015-05-15 2:06 pm
A ****
2015-05-15 1:50 pm
And for a change .. A dog
2015-05-15 12:54 pm
2015-05-15 12:40 pm
Doesn't matter anymore what a male dog is called, wondering what they call us in the bhow bhow language
2015-05-15 12:34 pm
A male grown dog is called a Stud
2015-05-15 11:52 am
2015-05-15 11:43 am
dog or good boy
2015-05-15 11:35 am
A giraffe
2015-05-15 11:27 am
A Dog.
2015-05-15 10:28 am
A Dog.

Male's always get the name for their breed. For example another way of saying human is Man or Mankind us females are mankind but we are not men when are women
2015-05-15 7:11 am
A Fag.
2015-05-15 5:32 am
An intact female dog is a *****
A spayed female dog is a spayed female dog
An intact male dog is an intact male dog
A neutered male dog is a neutered male dog

So realy a boy dog is just a dog
2015-05-15 5:27 am
Loving these responses, lol A Dog.
2015-05-15 4:37 am
Male dogs are just called dogs, similar to how in my bird world a female falcon is just called a falcon where as a male falcon is a tercel. However, sometimes people refer to male dogs as "Studs".

You could also call a male dog a son of a " ***** " :P
2015-05-15 4:26 am
A dog not called a *%#$#
2015-05-15 3:44 am
2015-05-15 3:38 am
dog to
2015-05-15 3:23 am
Its not a dog, its a doge. DUUUH
2015-05-15 3:18 am
a F**ker
2015-05-15 2:46 am
A male dog is called a STUD, and that is the truth!!!!!!

2015-05-15 2:17 am
A dog.
2015-05-15 2:05 am
A dog.
2015-05-15 1:59 am
2015-05-15 12:41 am
A girl dog is a "*****" & a boy dog is a "Son of a *****". Today there are many regular words of years long gone by, that are now swear words of today. Be careful what words you use today, you could be ending a good relationship & don't now why.
2015-05-15 12:34 am
a dog
2015-05-15 12:06 am
A Mitch
2015-05-15 12:00 am
A Male. Sire if he s had some fun.
2015-05-14 11:57 pm
Canis lupus familiaris or Canis familiaris
2015-05-14 11:30 pm
2015-05-14 11:24 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-14 11:15 pm
a male dog is called a male dog, there is no other term for stating teh sex of a male dog
2015-05-14 11:10 pm
2015-05-14 10:42 pm
A dog. If he father's any pups, he's called the sire. Bitches that have pups are called dams. They are also called brood bitches.
2015-05-14 10:03 pm
A dog
2015-05-14 10:02 pm
the boss
2015-05-14 9:26 pm
2015-05-14 9:25 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-14 9:21 pm
2015-05-14 8:57 pm
theyre called dirty dogs. lol, or a mitch.
2015-05-14 7:14 pm
well if he's an asshole ? if he does, he's just another son of *****. I mean pup. Yes. WE ARE STILL TALKING BOUT A DOG HERE, PEOPLE
2015-05-14 6:36 pm
A dog or Male
2015-05-14 6:15 pm
"Lucky" if he's got a *****! ;-)
2015-05-14 6:02 pm
A Mutt
2015-05-14 5:58 pm
2015-05-14 5:14 pm
2015-05-14 4:39 pm
It's a doggee cos it's got doggee bits where as 'the ***** female doggee doesn't, so take a closer look and see what your missing!
2015-05-14 4:37 pm
I remember reading this on the National Dog Show website (school project, don't ask).
While a female dog is called a B with an itch, a male dog is called a MUTT
2015-05-14 4:35 pm
How bloody stupid. The original question must have been "if a girl dog is called a *********.,(*****) what is a bog dog called ?.
Now tell us why you replaced the word *********. with asterisks ?
The word is the correct name for a female dog.
It is recorded as such in the Oxford Dictionary.
Is there something wrong in the thinking department of the individual responsible for this inane action ?
This site is called Answers, reputed to provide answers to questions submitted by the public.
How about providing an answer to this one ???????????
2015-05-14 3:38 pm
The male is called a dog until it fathers a litter. Then the male becomes a sire and the female becomes a dam.
2015-05-14 3:33 pm
a stud
2015-05-14 3:23 pm
A cat.
2015-05-14 3:18 pm
first thought STUD!
2015-05-14 3:17 pm
2015-05-14 3:06 pm
stud.like me lol
2015-05-14 2:43 pm
bastard. ask a woman since they like to be referred to as a female dog
2015-05-14 2:42 pm
A stud!
2015-05-14 2:17 pm
your mom
2015-05-14 2:09 pm
a dog
2015-05-14 2:03 pm
A Cat
2015-05-14 1:29 pm
A Jew.
2015-05-14 12:43 pm
all of these answers are wrong male dogs are called sires and when used to in pregnate bitches they are refers to as studs
2015-05-14 12:31 pm
2015-05-14 12:17 pm
2015-05-14 10:57 am
a boy dog
2015-05-14 10:13 am
son of a *****
2015-05-14 10:04 am
Ma Dawg
2015-05-14 10:04 am
2015-05-14 9:24 am
a ****
2015-05-14 8:09 am
I think it's just called a dog, like a cow is a female and a bull is a male.
2015-05-14 7:58 am
A male dog is called a sire, or just dog.
2015-05-14 7:48 am
a player
2015-05-14 7:47 am
2015-05-14 7:39 am
2015-05-14 7:17 am
A Dog.
2015-05-14 7:16 am
A Male Dog is called a "Sire"
2015-05-14 6:59 am
a dog
2015-05-14 6:41 am
A Dog.
2015-05-14 6:35 am
2015-05-14 6:02 am
2015-05-14 6:02 am
2015-05-14 5:30 am
2015-05-14 5:05 am
A dog or maybe a stud dog if it's necessary to be specific about sex. The word "dog" can refer to a canine of either sex or just to the male. (A dog's mother is a dog, too.) Similarly "man" can refer to a human of either sex or specifically to a grown male human. Usage is different for some other animals. "Duck" refers to some anatine birds of either sex or specifically to a female; the male is a drake but it also correct to say he is a duck. The term "falcon" refers technically only to females of some species of hawks; a male is a tercel.
2015-05-14 4:57 am
I believe the correct terminology is sire.
2015-05-14 4:48 am
A Dog.
2015-05-14 4:26 am
A dog
2015-05-14 4:15 am
A cat
2015-05-14 4:01 am
male dogs are respected. There is no derrogatory term for male dogs.
2015-05-14 3:56 am
if he is not neutered he is called a stud
2015-05-14 3:38 am
2015-05-14 3:19 am
2015-05-14 3:19 am
A *****
2015-05-14 3:11 am
It's just a dog.
2015-05-14 2:44 am
a dog
2015-05-14 2:39 am
2015-05-14 2:38 am
A Dog.
2015-05-14 2:22 am
Mans best friend? Party animal!
2015-05-14 2:18 am
2015-05-14 1:43 am
a dog
2015-05-14 1:36 am
A dog.
2015-05-14 1:29 am
A dog. As you know a female is called a ***** and that is not a dirty word. At one time dogs were considered to be terrible things and females were considered to be inferior to males so as a female dog you were in real trouble.
2015-05-14 1:19 am
A boy dog simply called a dog.
2015-05-14 12:44 am
Just a dog.
2015-05-14 12:33 am
A turtle.
2015-05-14 12:20 am
2015-05-14 12:01 am
2015-05-13 11:46 pm
Still called a "dog". If he is intact (not spayed) and is able to breed, then he's called a stud. If he's a father, then he's a sire
2015-05-13 11:44 pm
mans best friend
2015-05-13 11:19 pm
a bastard
2015-05-13 11:11 pm
A cat.
2015-05-13 11:07 pm
2015-05-13 11:07 pm
a stud
2015-05-13 10:59 pm
A dawg.
2015-05-13 10:50 pm
not sure.
2015-05-13 10:41 pm
A dog?
2015-05-13 10:36 pm
The male dog is a "stud",,,,,male and female alike,,,,they both are dogs.
2015-05-13 10:16 pm
A dog
2015-05-13 10:12 pm
A Hamster.
2015-05-13 10:09 pm
A bastard?
2015-05-13 10:01 pm
Snoop dog
2015-05-13 9:51 pm
Your mom.
2015-05-13 9:45 pm
a Dog.
2015-05-13 9:42 pm
a butch or just a dog
2015-05-13 9:39 pm
d.ick :P
2015-05-13 9:28 pm
*** Sniffer.
2015-05-13 9:22 pm
A Dog. If he is a father, then he can also be referred to as the sire.
參考: I am in Dog 4-H, this is one of our Dog Bowl questions. :)
2015-05-13 8:58 pm
A Mutt
2015-05-13 8:55 pm
a pimp
2015-05-13 8:45 pm
A Moose.
2015-05-13 8:30 pm
Mr. Ditch
2015-05-13 8:29 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-13 8:13 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-13 8:09 pm
A dog.
2015-05-13 7:54 pm
A stud
2015-05-13 7:38 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-13 7:06 pm
A male dog is called a stud in terms of breeding but is otherwise just called a dog.
2015-05-13 7:02 pm
pretty sure its just a dog
2015-05-13 6:59 pm
2015-05-13 6:35 pm
Mines called gromit.
2015-05-13 6:29 pm
2015-05-13 6:19 pm
A dog.
2015-05-13 5:56 pm
2015-05-13 5:51 pm
A dick or douche
2015-05-13 5:50 pm
2015-05-13 5:49 pm
Either a dog
OR in show /breeding terms
a sire
2015-05-13 5:28 pm
2015-05-13 5:10 pm
Deez nuts
2015-05-13 5:08 pm
2015-05-13 4:33 pm
a stud, in all seriousness.
2015-05-13 4:22 pm
2015-05-13 4:09 pm
A dick. :D
2015-05-13 3:05 pm
A dick.
2015-05-13 3:02 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-13 2:42 pm
A Lassie
2015-05-13 2:32 pm
It's the opposite way round for cows though. Girl cows are cows, but male cows are bulls
2015-05-13 2:27 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-13 2:24 pm
A biatch
2015-05-13 2:22 pm
There is no different name for a male dog. I think they may call the female dog a ***** to easily tell them apart.
2015-05-13 1:22 pm
dammit, usually
2015-05-13 1:12 pm
A dog. Hey look I'm copying everyone else
2015-05-13 1:02 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-13 12:50 pm
a dog
2015-05-13 12:39 pm
A Dog or by his name !
2015-05-13 12:27 pm
2015-05-13 12:08 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-13 12:01 pm
Well I'm guessing it's just called a dog from what 'a few' others have said ;-)
2015-05-13 11:56 am
Man's best friend...as they are...
2015-05-13 11:43 am
A Dog.
2015-05-13 11:36 am
male dog
2015-05-13 10:40 am
2015-05-13 10:39 am
a ruff
2015-05-13 10:39 am
Also of note: the father of a litter is called the sire, and the mother is called the dam.
2015-05-13 10:33 am
A Butch? lol
2015-05-13 10:19 am
8 hours ago - I don't really care, but I think we should just leave the money alone -
2015-05-13 10:14 am
A Cat.
2015-05-13 9:43 am
a stud (no bestiality) its actually called a stud
2015-05-13 9:34 am
A Dog.
2015-05-13 9:07 am
2015-05-13 8:51 am
A Dog.
2015-05-13 8:30 am
Okay..first you should know that you should call it by canine,not dog,dog is just a damn gender!!ppl keep saying my dog is a *****!it gets so annoying!!
2015-05-13 8:26 am
2015-05-13 8:07 am
Dog is the term for a male Canine
And ***** for a female.
2015-05-13 8:03 am
2015-05-13 8:03 am
A Dog.
2015-05-13 7:56 am
Son of a B*tch? Dog? Mutt. Tramp. Crazy good-for-nothing mutt. Damn dog. Fury noise-box. Sick m*ther ****er. Tasty. Good. Delicious. Stringy. Tough. Chewy. Greasy. Burnt. Raw. Rabid. Stupid. Dip sh*t. Hair ball.
2015-05-13 7:42 am
2015-05-13 7:33 am
2015-05-13 6:59 am
A Dog.
2015-05-13 6:56 am
A Dog.
2015-05-13 6:49 am
A dog.
2015-05-13 6:43 am
a bastard
2015-05-13 6:18 am
2015-05-13 6:17 am
They are just called dogs. They don't have any other name.
2015-05-13 6:14 am
A Stud.
2015-05-13 6:14 am
a legend
2015-05-13 5:51 am
2015-05-13 5:43 am
. . . P I M P ! ! !
2015-05-13 5:24 am
hot dog
2015-05-13 5:18 am
A goose
2015-05-13 5:18 am
2015-05-13 4:55 am
In Australia they call them bastards
2015-05-13 4:53 am
***** byfriend/son/sister
2015-05-13 4:44 am
Your mum
2015-05-13 4:41 am
A stud
2015-05-13 4:28 am
A Dog.
2015-05-13 4:27 am
a dog
2015-05-13 4:22 am
A dog.
2015-05-13 4:10 am
I think it's a hound, not to be confused with the species.
2015-05-13 3:47 am
A Dog.
2015-05-13 3:41 am
a dog
2015-05-13 3:38 am
A Dog.
2015-05-13 3:30 am
a boy dog is called a tramp
2015-05-13 3:23 am
a male dog
2015-05-13 3:17 am
2015-05-13 3:06 am
a mann sl.t
2015-05-13 3:01 am
***** receiver.
2015-05-13 2:46 am
the male dog is plainly referred as a dog.
2015-05-13 2:45 am
2015-05-13 2:40 am
I think the correct term is just Dog. People often use 'stud' for male dogs they are breeding.
2015-05-13 2:38 am
A stud.
2015-05-13 2:22 am
A Dog, which is highly unfair the guy gets a boring name and a girl gets a random one...
2015-05-13 2:20 am
Regular male not used for breeding = dog
Male used for breeding = stud
Male that has fathered a litter = that litter's sire
Female that has mothered a litter = that litter's dam
2015-05-13 2:10 am
I think a Witch get it no no... :(
2015-05-13 1:52 am
Manly dog? A twerp? A blockhead? Who knows?
2015-05-13 1:50 am
a good dog
2015-05-13 1:29 am
not very much
2015-05-13 12:57 am
A Dog.
2015-05-13 12:50 am
A Dog.
2015-05-13 12:10 am
Stud dog
2015-05-12 11:50 pm
James M.
2015-05-12 11:40 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-12 11:28 pm
A dog boy.
2015-05-12 11:26 pm
An Arale, pronounced ah-rah-leh.
2015-05-12 11:17 pm
2015-05-12 11:04 pm
2015-05-12 10:50 pm
a dawg
2015-05-12 10:33 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-12 10:11 pm
use your common sense, commmon!!
2015-05-12 10:06 pm
It is just called a dog.
2015-05-12 9:52 pm
a stud hahahahahaha
2015-05-12 9:40 pm
2015-05-12 9:25 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-12 9:23 pm
a goug
2015-05-12 9:14 pm
A TRAMP sometimes as a man I call myself a tramper
2015-05-12 9:09 pm
Son of a *****!
2015-05-12 9:08 pm
A dog
2015-05-12 8:59 pm
Breading terms. Male is dog female is *****.
2015-05-12 8:52 pm
a dog always remains a dog
2015-05-12 8:35 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-12 8:18 pm
A Cat.
2015-05-12 8:18 pm

But, when the subject is about breeding, the male is called the stud.
2015-05-12 7:55 pm
A son of a *****.
2015-05-12 7:51 pm
2015-05-12 7:51 pm
A stud. lmao
2015-05-12 7:51 pm
a mut lol
2015-05-12 7:46 pm
2015-05-12 7:43 pm
2015-05-12 7:41 pm
At my house he's called Duke but generally the term is 'a dog'
2015-05-12 7:37 pm
A dog
2015-05-12 7:14 pm
2015-05-12 7:11 pm
A Male.
2015-05-12 7:04 pm
Son of a b*tch
2015-05-12 7:03 pm
The same word except they took away the first word and replace with an "M".
2015-05-12 7:02 pm
A *******
2015-05-12 6:58 pm
Kutra mellah
2015-05-12 6:54 pm
Ralph ?
2015-05-12 6:50 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-12 6:37 pm
a dog
2015-05-12 6:36 pm
2015-05-12 6:23 pm
A Stud?
2015-05-12 6:16 pm
a b.t.h humper
2015-05-12 6:15 pm
a dog
2015-05-12 6:12 pm
Actually the "boy" dog is usually a Dog or if a parent, Sire .
2015-05-12 6:11 pm
A Sire
2015-05-12 6:11 pm
HE HE RODGER ! woo hoo come here BEETCH
2015-05-12 6:07 pm
Well this is just sexist. Googled it: "In breeding circles, a male canine is referred to as a dog, while a female is called a ***** (Middle English bicche, from Old English bicce, ultimately from Old Norse bikkja). A group of offspring is a litter. The father of a litter is called the sire, and the mother is called the dam."
參考: Dog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2015-05-12 6:06 pm
a dog. unfair but thats just what it is.
2015-05-12 6:06 pm
A Deeoohgee...0512/2015
2015-05-12 6:04 pm
Butch - Masculine, strong, faithful, cute. ;) Goes perfectly with the other B-word :) :)
2015-05-12 6:02 pm
A male dog
2015-05-12 5:59 pm
2015-05-12 5:54 pm
If used to breed the ***** (not a nasty word here) he is called a stud. Like a male horse (stallion).
2015-05-12 5:50 pm
Whatever you name him.
2015-05-12 5:45 pm
2015-05-12 5:32 pm
Dog. :)
2015-05-12 5:32 pm
2015-05-12 5:21 pm
A male dog is called a Stud.
2015-05-12 5:16 pm
a dog
2015-05-12 5:14 pm
Bastard. i onno xD
2015-05-12 5:11 pm
Chris Brown
2015-05-12 5:08 pm
A son of a B@#$&
2015-05-12 5:06 pm
a dog
2015-05-12 5:06 pm
a dog
2015-05-12 4:59 pm
2015-05-12 4:36 pm
A wolf
2015-05-12 4:28 pm
Stud, if its fathering a litter of puppies or by its name :)
2015-05-12 4:27 pm
Bad Boy
2015-05-12 4:26 pm
a 'Dick' xD ahaha I'm jk um idk i think just a Dog.
2015-05-12 4:15 pm
A Dog. That's it. :)
2015-05-12 4:13 pm
a wanker
2015-05-12 4:09 pm
A stud
2015-05-12 3:58 pm
a sire :)
2015-05-12 3:53 pm
male dog=Stud
male dog=Sire (if it is a father)
2015-05-12 3:51 pm
In terms of gender, Dog. In breeding terms, it's a Stud.
2015-05-12 3:45 pm
Dog lol
2015-05-12 3:44 pm
2015-05-12 3:36 pm
Their is no name for a boy dog just a dog :)
2015-05-12 3:29 pm
A dog.
2015-05-12 3:18 pm
a ***** with a penis
2015-05-12 3:02 pm
A boy dog ? male dog ? I dunno lol
2015-05-12 2:52 pm
a doggy
2015-05-12 2:52 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-12 2:38 pm
A Playboy!!!
2015-05-12 2:37 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-12 2:23 pm
George Bush :)
2015-05-12 2:22 pm
A ^^^^^.
2015-05-12 2:18 pm
...THE MAN...
2015-05-12 2:15 pm
Idk a dog
2015-05-12 1:45 pm
"In breeding circles, a male canine is referred to as a dog, while a female is called a *****"

" The father of a litter is called the sire, and the mother is called the dam."
2015-05-12 1:41 pm
Son of a *****
2015-05-12 1:40 pm
2015-05-12 1:39 pm
2015-05-12 1:35 pm
2015-05-12 1:20 pm
a dick
2015-05-12 1:18 pm
2015-05-12 1:07 pm
2015-05-12 12:57 pm
A bastard
2015-05-12 12:42 pm
Son of a B======
2015-05-12 12:39 pm
male dog
2015-05-12 12:14 pm
2015-05-12 11:59 am
2015-05-12 11:14 am
Why is ***** censored?
2015-05-12 11:08 am
A bastard
2015-05-12 10:18 am
Sometimes, but rarely called Colin
2015-05-12 9:55 am
Paul seems a nice name.
2015-05-12 9:43 am
2015-05-12 9:42 am
2015-05-12 9:28 am
2015-05-12 8:50 am
A Promising Stud!
2015-05-12 8:14 am
Its just a dog
2015-05-12 8:13 am
a puppy, or pup a child dog
2015-05-12 7:51 am
A Stud
2015-05-12 7:39 am
2015-05-12 7:31 am
A male dog is a dog....
The is no such thing as a boy dog...
Boy is a term which only applies to Humans.
A dog is ether a dog (male) a B*I*T*C*H* (female) or a puppy which does not imply gender .
2015-05-12 7:12 am
2015-05-12 7:04 am
there is no such thing as a girl dog, a girl canine is called a *****, and a male canine is called a dog. using dog to refer to a female is incorrect as dog refers to ONLY male canines.
2015-05-12 6:35 am
dog ,it's easy and rude ,good choice
2015-05-12 6:32 am
***** maker hahahaha
2015-05-12 6:04 am
Dog, hound, mutt... Basically any dog names that aren't the female dog name.
2015-05-12 5:49 am
2015-05-12 5:46 am
A stud or mutt
2015-05-12 5:36 am
2015-05-12 5:24 am
2015-05-12 5:00 am
I've heard people refer to them as "stud"s,
"sire"s if it's a father.
2015-05-12 4:59 am
2015-05-12 4:31 am
In Texas, it s called a "dawg".
2015-05-12 4:28 am
I don't know. If I answer, it might ban me.
2015-05-12 4:11 am
2015-05-12 3:31 am
a male mule is called a "jack"
2015-05-12 3:24 am
a boss
2015-05-12 3:20 am
2015-05-12 3:19 am
2015-05-12 3:01 am
2015-05-12 2:56 am
It's called a Bastard, b a s t a r d. Sorry I had to space it out, yahoo can filters
2015-05-12 2:48 am
a ***** n1gga
2015-05-12 2:35 am
Dumb Dog

It's funny how that is, like with, horses females younger then 3 are Filly's
& older ones are called Mares
2015-05-12 2:21 am
My first thought was "BULLY".... the male dog becomes a bully on top.

So BULLY is my answer.
2015-05-12 2:19 am
A **** boy
2015-05-12 2:13 am
A male dog is called a ****.
2015-05-12 2:05 am
2015-05-12 1:55 am
A dude
2015-05-12 1:48 am
2015-05-12 1:47 am
a son of a *****
2015-05-12 1:44 am
a dog dumbass...
2015-05-12 1:33 am
A male dog is a stud
unless it is fixed, then it is a "it" or a "he it".
A female is a Beeoottcchhhh.
unless it is fixed, then it is called a "she it".
a k a "sheit.".
funny, hunh.
2015-05-12 1:30 am
He is called a baller...
2015-05-12 1:11 am
Female = B*tch, or Dam
Male = Stud, or Sire
2015-05-12 1:08 am
Dog unless you are breeding them then it is stud
2015-05-12 12:57 am
2015-05-12 12:51 am
Female - bytch
Male - dog
Juvenile - puppy (whelp when young)
Female that has not been bred - gyp (outdated, no longer used)
Father of a litter - sire
Mother of a litter - dam
2015-05-12 12:50 am
The ******* husband
2015-05-12 12:41 am
Dog. Or Boy, as in "Good Boy!"
2015-05-12 12:33 am
Stud... when talking about a breeding male/father
2015-05-12 12:27 am
their just hounds or dogs
2015-05-12 12:06 am
a male *****
2015-05-12 12:04 am
It's definitely a stud!
2015-05-11 11:49 pm
2015-05-11 11:47 pm
Usually, a male dog is called a stud, or just a dog.
2015-05-11 11:33 pm
2015-05-11 10:35 pm
2015-05-11 10:30 pm
A male dog is called a b**** also its in the dictionary.
2015-05-11 10:29 pm
i guess a dog
2015-05-11 9:57 pm
If you go to the dog shows the male dogs win the best "DOG" in show. The females can also compete but are referred to as bitches. So, to answer your question a male dog is is simply referred to as a "dog".
2015-05-11 9:56 pm
2015-05-11 9:39 pm
2015-05-11 9:34 pm
2015-05-11 9:05 pm
Dog is male ***** is female
2015-05-11 8:46 pm
there is no femininity or masculine word to point out the gender of an animal except humans.
2015-05-11 8:45 pm
A son of a bit.ch, dog, or stud.
2015-05-11 8:33 pm
That one guy that has to put up with the *****? It could work.
2015-05-11 8:24 pm
A male dog is called a 'dog'!
2015-05-11 8:21 pm
They can be called stud, son of a *bleep*, or just dog...
2015-05-11 7:55 pm
A dog, what planet have you been living on?
2015-05-11 5:43 pm
2015-05-11 5:33 pm
A dog is the male of canis familiaris or any other canid. The female is a b****.
2015-05-11 4:25 pm
Only when breeding she's called a bit@h.
2015-05-11 4:23 pm
2015-05-11 4:00 pm
lol. There is no derogatory word similar to a '*****' for guys, because we live in a patriarchal society... Duh. Unfortunately females are given much harsher names than guys are. Not saying it is right, but it is the way it is.
2015-05-11 3:09 pm
Dog, Oki'. I have covered quite a few AKC shows for a newspaper. It is quite interesting...to me, but just common language to the AKC folk.
2015-05-11 3:02 pm
In general they are Dogs.
Stud - When he is going to be breeding
Sire - only in reference to any pups he has fathered.
2015-05-11 2:24 pm
Male dogs are called "Sire" or a "Stud"
2015-05-11 2:18 pm
Here boy
2015-05-11 2:00 pm
I could have sworn there is a name for a male dog, but I can't find it on Google.

Like a male cow is called a bull, while a female is called a heifer.
2015-05-11 1:37 pm
I believe the male dog is actually called a sire.
2015-05-11 12:54 pm
A male dog is simply a dog..Males are called dogs.
2015-05-11 12:44 pm
sir if it has puppies or stud or just the male dog
2015-05-11 8:16 am
It depends. If you are talking about pedigreed dogs with AKC papers, the female is a *****, the male is a sire.
2015-05-11 8:10 am
A male. Not necessarily a stud!! I prefer female and male for dogs, rather than a b itch.
2015-05-16 9:40 pm
A mut.

Because a b i t c h is a dog acting emotional due to other factors regardless of training.Because when they are in heat they ignore their training.

In the same way, mutts are poorly mixed bread dogs and even if you train them, their mixed status is the same thing as inbreeding in humans.

So while they look cute and normal to some freaky people who like dogs. They don't realize it's the same thing as that kid in the basement on harold and kumar part 2. Like a genuine handicapped dog who is probably skitzophrenic or something. Bipolar. Really psychologically messed up and probably has down syndrome.

It only makes sense to people who comprehend inbreeding as a bad thing so even if you used it as an insult it wouldn't make sense. That's why it's a good insult for stupid people because it's so simple and basic.
2015-05-14 6:24 am
A dog
2015-05-14 5:38 am
A boy dog is just called a dog
2015-05-14 5:05 am
A Dog
2015-05-14 4:02 am
A Dog
2015-05-14 2:51 am
2015-05-14 2:20 am
2015-05-13 11:43 pm
A Dog
2015-05-13 8:00 pm
2015-05-13 12:21 am
A dog
2015-05-12 10:16 pm
A Dog
2015-05-12 9:43 pm
2015-05-12 5:10 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-12 4:34 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-12 3:49 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-12 3:41 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-12 3:40 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-12 3:05 pm
A Dog.
2015-05-12 2:55 pm
A dog
2015-05-12 5:27 am
In breeding circles, a male canine is referred to as a dog, while a female is called a ***** (Middle English bicche, from Old English bicce, ultimately from Old Norse bikkja). A group of offspring is a litter. The father of a litter is called the sire, and the mother is called the dam.
2015-05-11 9:07 pm
a dog
2015-05-11 9:07 pm
(•_•) ..
∫\ \___( •_•)
_∫∫ _∫∫ɯ \ \

The **** are you looking at?
Keep scrolling down
2015-05-11 9:02 pm
ur mom lol just kiddin
2015-05-11 9:00 pm
2015-05-11 8:41 pm
2015-05-11 8:41 pm
2015-05-11 8:33 pm
simply just a dog
2015-05-11 8:01 pm
2015-05-11 7:58 pm
2015-05-11 7:42 pm
Simply a dog
2015-05-11 7:38 pm
A dog.
2015-05-11 7:23 pm
Its a ***** to! what do you think that word use to mean? They called it to dogs. Gender didn't matter. lol
2015-05-11 7:07 pm
2015-05-11 6:52 pm
2015-05-11 6:46 pm
2015-05-11 6:34 pm
2015-05-11 6:32 pm
2015-05-11 6:24 pm
Just a damn dog
2015-05-11 6:19 pm
a real S.O.B.
2015-05-11 6:12 pm
a dog. really just a dog
2015-05-11 6:02 pm
2015-05-11 5:52 pm
2015-05-11 5:48 pm
This is a really great question. I was wondering..maybe it's....a Dodge!
2015-05-11 5:43 pm
2015-05-11 5:42 pm
A dog! what else!
2015-05-11 5:31 pm
2015-05-11 5:29 pm
Who lets the dogs out???
2015-05-11 5:26 pm
Stud or brat.
2015-05-11 5:12 pm
2015-05-11 4:56 pm
a dick
2015-05-11 4:55 pm
2015-05-11 4:43 pm
2015-05-11 4:40 pm
2015-05-11 4:38 pm
A dog.
2015-05-11 4:32 pm
2015-05-11 4:10 pm
2015-05-11 4:10 pm
2015-05-11 3:59 pm
female = B****
male = dog
2015-05-11 3:48 pm
2015-05-11 3:42 pm
2015-05-11 3:29 pm
A ******* Dog
2015-05-11 2:57 pm
it is called a "Butch,"just like the lesbian "male" partner.
2015-05-11 2:41 pm
2015-05-11 2:35 pm
2015-05-11 2:33 pm
It is up to you to call name the dog anything you want

dog is a dog male or female also same same dog or doggy
2015-05-11 2:28 pm
A dawg.
2015-05-11 2:20 pm
male dog
2015-05-11 2:15 pm
just Dog
2015-05-11 2:00 pm
2015-05-11 1:12 pm
2015-05-11 12:59 pm
2015-05-11 12:56 pm
2015-05-11 12:21 pm
Really? A dog!
2015-05-11 11:51 am
dog i think?
2015-05-11 10:47 am
The name should be resembled with Sex.
2015-05-11 10:15 am
just a dog
2015-05-11 10:14 am
'Fido' of course.
2015-05-11 9:42 am
why am I laughin so suddenly?
2015-05-11 9:27 am
just a dog
2015-05-11 8:02 am
2015-05-11 7:44 am
no doubt... "Son of a *****"...
2015-05-11 4:22 am
2015-05-11 4:11 am
A Jerk xD
2015-05-11 2:52 am
2015-05-11 2:43 am
2015-05-11 2:19 am
A duke?
2015-05-11 1:21 am
Well that does sound right.
2015-05-11 12:58 am
2015-05-11 12:54 am
Dog. That is it?:)
2015-05-11 12:33 am
I have heard that a male dog is a SIRE.
2015-05-10 11:44 pm
a dawg
2015-05-12 11:40 am
you dont have to put on the stars if you are talking about lady dogs
a boy dog is called a doggy
2015-05-12 6:02 am
It does not take a smart person to figure out that a female is called a ***** dog. when she is fixed she is called a female. And a male dog is a male dog that has been fixed.
2015-05-12 12:36 am
2015-05-11 6:31 pm
2015-05-11 2:40 pm

Boys are two steps above girls.
參考: compiled.
2015-05-11 12:18 pm
I think it is called my drunk abusive father.
2015-05-11 6:07 am
2015-05-12 2:54 pm
A Dog
2015-05-12 1:04 pm
a dog

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