How do atheists say that there are no miracles? My church prayed over me when I sprang my ankle and two weeks later it was like new?

2016-11-04 7:18 pm
Atheists are ridiculous in that they deny miracles

回答 (197)

2016-11-04 8:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
So you blame God for spranging your ankle? It was all a part of His Eternal Plan, your punishment for a misdeed
2016-11-05 2:40 am
Why would an almighty powerful deity give some nobody loser a miracle anyway? I've heard so many people saying they've had loads of miracles. But wouldn't that defeat what a miracle is? If everybody experiences a miracle on a regular basis; then that's not a miracle.

Plus spraining your ankle and having it heal in 2 weeks. That's just your body repairing itself. Now if they prayed for you and it was fixed within that second-we might believe. If there were gods why would they care about pathetic little beings like us? We're monsters! And if you try to say otherwise you're lying. Give us a crisis and we would murder and eat our neighbours is we had to-to survive. Humans so called morality is flimsy at best-held together barely by society.

Anyway, Christians seem to be odd in that if someone dies they say "its in gods plans" and if they survive "god saved you", so either way gods responsible. So really thinking about it. If I went out and shot a few people it must have been gods plan, so I couldn't be blamed. If that's the case then we have no free-will in which it doesn't matter what we do.
2016-11-04 7:25 pm
There's no such word as 'sprang' other than the past tense of 'spring'.
I think you mean 'sprained'.
And a sprain is a very vague injury. Some heal quickly - within a day or so - some take longer.
I sprained my ankle a few years ago and after a couple of days' rest and some gentle massage, I was perfectly okay. No gods involved.

Miracles are just coincidences and natural occurrences.
2016-11-06 1:00 am
I hate to break it to you but a sprained ankle usually heals in a week or 2.
Had you said you were paralyzed from the neck down and 2 weeks later you could walk I might start considering church.
Why do so many religious people hate atheist? We don't protest outside your churches, we don't hate others for not believing what we believe. The worst thing we do is snicker at your beliefs. Which to be fair I try really hard not to do to your face out of respect.
Have you read the entire bible. I used to go to church 3 times a week. Then, I quit blindly listening and started asking questions and reading. Read your bible..the whole thing, take your questions to your pastor, and see if his answers aren't a bunch of vague nonsense. Then study other religions and past religions and you will see they are all along the same lines and the main purpose of all of them is to get you to pay the church and behave a certain way.
參考: I'm a nurse
2016-11-06 5:29 am
Wow! My church did the same thing to my sick 6 year old daughter who has been battling cancer since the age of 4. Ironically, she died 2 weeks later! Crazy how God can produce miracles for your sprained ankle but looks the other way when a suffering child needs his miracles more than ever. I guess her life was just not part of his "big plan".

For every miracle there is a tragedy so get your head out of your *** with your fairytale claims.
參考: Reality
2016-11-04 11:59 pm
Actually, a sprained ankle can take anywhere from a couple weeks to about 2 months to fully heal based on the severity. Your sprain was probably mild, so it healed quickly. I should know, I've sprained my ankles many times in my life.
I'm not saying miracles do or don't happen, I just wanted you to know WHY that specific thing happened the way it did.
2016-11-06 9:02 am
"My church prayed over me when I sprang my ankle and two weeks later it was like new?

And how is that even remotely a miracle.

Its not.

You must be really stupid to think that the healing of a minor sprain is a miracle. No wonder you are religious. You are just plain stupid.
2016-11-05 12:21 am
I think you are an atheist posting nonsense to mock Christians. Boring and rather silly since you cannot sprang an ankle.
I suggest working on your general education before you attempt theology.
2016-11-04 7:20 pm
It would have got better in two weeks anyway....sprang?

2016-11-04 7:42 pm
Because there are none! Your church just talked to themselves as they always do because that's all praying is, there isn't anyone listening and a sprained ankle usually heals within a couple of weeks on its own. We believe in education, something you evidently lack a whole lot of.
2016-11-04 7:24 pm
miracles are always proven to be bullsiht.

sorry - them's the facts.
2016-11-04 10:16 pm
Piggy....hello....your "sprang" ankle would have been like new after two weeks without any help from your church.

2016-11-05 11:30 pm
I think you mean sprained your ankle and it takes an average of two weeks to fully repair or heal. I sprained my ankle back in February and it was better after a week and 3-4 days. No one prayed (I live in a very high atheist populated community, there isn't even a church within 2 miles as they were so underused they were closed) the lack of prayer healed me quicker than you.
2016-11-05 5:17 am
The prayers of your church members did not heal your ankle. A sprained ankle will heal itself, on its own, whether or not anyone ever prays over it. All you have to do is try to stay off your feet as much as possible, and allow the ankle to have time to heal. Praying is not going to speed up the healing process.The usual length of healing for a mild sprain is about 2 weeks.

The only thing that might have "speeded it up" would have been if you had gone to a doctor and he had you wear a "boot" on your sprained ankle. But that wouldn't have been the power of prayer either - it would have been the power of medical science.
2016-11-05 5:51 pm
A miracle is a word we give to something that has a small chance of happening. A sprain doesn't stay with you for ages like a brake, two weeks is the normal healing time and it's not that we don't believe in miracles we just don't think they are cause by some Devine bieng xx I'm an atheist, I used to be Christian I won't judge you for wanting to believe in a higher power so I would appreciate it if you didn't judge my lake of belief or want to believe, as far as I'm concerned either there is no and never has been a god, or there is and he likes to sit up on his throne and look down on the suffering of his "children" when he could easily prevent if it he is as all powerful like christians preach and if that's the case why the hell should I follow him. I'd like to believe no-one is that cruel so I just choose to believe he doesn't exist xx
2016-11-06 5:32 am
Okay. Your weak argument isn't convincing. You had a sprang ankle, not a missing foot that grew back. Your ankle was going to be fine in those two weeks regardless if it was prayed over or not. For those who believe in the nonsense, it only takes something that was going to happen anyway as justification for them believing. It's like praying that your headache goes away, you take a pain pill, your headache is gone but you claiming that it was the prayer that did it. Things like that only further shows the illogical thinking process people have in convincing themselves that what they believe in is actually true. Those people will ignore all of the times that they've prayed for sick family members to get better and they died anyway. Those people seem to forget all of the mishaps, misfortunes and devastating events that happens to innocent people everyday. But will base everything they believe in to be true based on a couple of minute situations that were going to happen anyway.
參考: There are people so sick in the head that they will say that it was god that saved their life when they were in a horrific event but it killed those around them. It's insane the way people think. It's quite sickening actually. I saw on the news that there was a shooting that occurred in a neighborhood in a nearby city that claimed the life of a child. The mother of that child was talking to the news reporter and she had the nerve to say that it was by the grace of God that she wasn't shot. Now she said that sh*t, with her daughter being the one that the bullet struck and killed. See how sickening that sounds? So apparently, god didn't care for her daughter. She was sad, crying and all but for her to say that, made me angry at her because even in a tragic event such as that, she still claimed that it was god thay spared her life. Smh. I'm done, it's too f**king crazy for me.
2016-11-04 8:55 pm
Only two weeks?

Praise Zeus!
2016-11-04 7:37 pm
As an atheist, I am very impressed by the power of prayer. I prayed for a sandwich, then I made the sandwich. So prayer works.
Then I prayed to digest it and it worked. I pooped chocolate.
2016-11-05 12:31 am
How do atheists say that there are no miracles?
It's not the atheists denying God's miraculous power that disturbs me as much as some of the Christians posting here that deny God is able to heal. Saying that healing is not for today. yes there are many false teachers, false prophets who go around today deceiving God's children, that claim to be faith healers. But just because there are people like that does that mean the God cannot heal at all? Do you really believe that if a family member had cancer that you could not pray for them because God does not heal anymore? Really?
Does the Apostle Paul spend an entire chapter in First Corinthians talking about the gift of healing because it doesn't exist anymore? Or could it be that there is simply a lack of faith among believers. Scripture itself seems to imply that in the last days there will be little faith....." will he find faith on the Earth?"
2016-11-04 7:22 pm
Atheists say many things that don't make since, like how they think man + man = a baby. Even their precious "science" says that's wrong. Gay marriage is scientificaly wrong.
2016-11-04 7:22 pm
Most atheists just blindly follow popular irreligious charlatans. They do not really reason.
2016-11-05 12:41 am
I prayed for the sun to rise every morning and it does, how can atheists say prayer don't work?
2016-11-04 9:56 pm
One time I was cured of an ice cream headache by the power of Buddha yoga concentration.
2016-11-06 3:04 am
Hello fella! Im catholic, i go to church on sundays, i believe in miracles, but a sprained ankle is a very vague injurie, it can easily heal in a week, you kindda took too long to heal.If you had a car accident and you couldnt move your legs, and within 2 weeks you could move them!God just sent you a miracle...i dont think a sprained ankle deserves a miracle, nor praying, it will heal soon.And another thing, could you stop the hating on atheists? They are doing nothing wrong, they are not protesting outside of the churches nor anything like that.
2016-11-04 7:41 pm
Not to mention that the Cubs just won the World Series!
2016-11-04 7:21 pm
Sprained not sprang. Lord help us all.
2016-11-07 8:47 pm
It took 2 weeks for a sprained ankle to heal - wow. Only took a week for my sprained ankle to heal, but then I didn't have a bunch of people praying for me.
Guess prayer slows down the healing process - a real shame.
2016-11-07 10:25 am
How do Atheist say that there are no MIRACLES ? does the questioner mean how are PEOPLE justified in questioning CLAIMS of MIRACLES ? so let us first define what a MIRACLE is supposed to be .

MIRACLES defined as an UNUSUAL EFFECT or EXTRAORDINARY event in the physical world that surpasses ALL KNOWN human or NATURAL powers and is ascribed as "SUPERNATURAL

a sprained ankle the event of the mild damage to the ligaments of the ankle partially tear as a result of sudden stretching , SYMPTOMS pain , swelling and limited range of motion

TREATMENT TIME pain medication , NATURAL self healing using RICE = REST ICE COMPRESSION ELEVATION .... , so for all those who ever had a sprain and no one prayed and recover what is ones EXPLANATION must be RICE

Final note the term is SPRAINED not SPRANG ..sprang is the past tense of SPRING so one lost the SPRING in your STEP . ? LOL

a sprain will do that glad your back to NEW you can believe in praying , but Elevating your ankle is just COMMON SENSE and highly effective . it does not RISE to a MIRACLE . or anything supernatural
2016-11-07 5:49 am
Did you sprang your ankle poe-vaulting?
2016-11-06 2:39 am
That's because atheists are being logical (while using ad hominem attacks).

Or because they are educated (some are trying their luck with the three Rs).

Or maybe they're being scientific again (but have no credential in any scientific field).

Or maybe they're making the same mistake again of thinking everyone that opposes them simply MUST be a Christian or a Jew (WRONG AGAIN).

The Wisdom of Buddha
參考: Ph.D. in history.
2016-11-05 4:18 pm
If your leg had been amputated and it grew back inexplicably, that could be a miracle but a sprained ankle healing by itself is nothing extraordinary.
2016-11-05 9:28 am
Ah ha!! PIGS back with his unique brand of idiocity and stupidity, I missed this douche bag :)
2016-11-05 12:19 am
There are certainly miracles, or at least things science can't completely explain, but your ankle probably just healed on its own. Now if it was sprained and healed completely overnight, then that might be a different story.
2016-11-04 10:18 pm
2016-11-04 7:52 pm
None of us needs Jesus
2016-11-04 11:14 pm
There are hundreds of crutches in St.Joseph's Oratory in Montreal of crippled people who couldn't walk who left
there being able to walk.

Good luck explaining it.
2016-11-05 5:42 pm
I am an atheist and I don't deny miracles. I have an understanding that there are situations where a miracle has taken place however I don't believe that this is because of God. If God was behind these miracles then why does he not deliver more? Why do people that have never done wrong in their entire life not get given miracles when they need them? If it was god then he/she/whatever it identifys as then it's just being unfair to others. My opinions are not what you asked to be fair so to officially answer your question, not all atheists dismiss miracles and if they do then yes they are blindly commenting.
2016-11-05 3:07 am
Atheists don't trust the Lord to heal their injuries, which is why they rebuilt themselves as killer cyborgs. FACT.
2016-11-05 9:14 am
Funny how it is only the atheist shitheads on this thread who don't see the OP is a trolling atheist. So who are the ignorant ones again?
2016-11-04 7:20 pm
Atheists simply deny happiness and positivity. That's the miserable game they play.
2016-11-10 4:16 pm
Are you serious? First of all you can not "sprang" an ankle, you "sprain" an ankle! Secondly, it naturally takes about two weeks for a "sprained" ankle to the praying did nothing! Think before you speak!
2016-11-07 11:49 am
wow, in two weeks your ankle healed, of course it's going to heal within two weeks, that's the whole process of a wound healing sweetheart, it's not about praying to non existent delusion to bring forth a miracle to heal your ankle.
2016-11-07 7:06 am
A SPRAINED ANKLE WILL HEAL U DUMMY. there r no such things as miracles cuz ya only miracles happen WHERE THE MONEY IS. why r there no miracles in Africa or china where MIRACLES should actually happen
2016-11-07 12:50 am
since mankind has had religions a lot longer than christianity has existed, and that spiritual people have existed who were capable of spiritual happenings long before christianity existed, that some are adorned-spiritual persons, and that some are unadorned-spiritual personages.

this says that the "truth" of a religion does not depend upon these miraculous miracles to be considered a true teaching or a true religion...;
or, it says that miracles do not prove the truth of a religion.
2016-11-06 8:27 pm
Because what they were praying for was for you to go away and it took God two weeks to perform that miracle.
2016-11-06 5:57 pm
African kids need a miracle, not some person that sprained their ankle that could heal itself, also what about those that claim islam allahs healed them through the religon of islam or other religon miracles?
2016-11-06 4:18 pm
"sprang" should be "sprained "
2016-11-06 4:13 pm
true story. I was about 12 my brothers were younger. we had a cat that had been lost for quit awhile so one day while our family was at the kitchen table one of us asked is the cat ever going to come home. my mom said why don't we say a preyer for her and ask God if she could find her way back home to us. So we sat at that table and said our little prayers to God to ourselves even my mom. when we where done we all just sat there now this cat had been gone for weeks. The very next thing we all heard at the back door was meowing. My Mom opened the door and in walked this cat that had been gone so long. I am much older now than those days and have had many prayers answered and only me and God new about these things and He has answered them all. He has been with me just like He has with everyone all from conception. There are many reasons why people who say they don't believe in God say they don't. And this is were we come into the picuture. I know this atheist thing angers you DON'T let it because for why ever they don't believe it is up to every single one of us to at least try to say something...doesn't have to be a lot and don't go shoving it down peoples throats this does nothing but turn people off. Really think first about what you could say to someone that doesn't believe that may not convince them right there on the spot but its so intriguing to them they can't seem to forget planted a seed. Hopefully it will get the person to keep thinking about what you said then they might be interested enough to find out something else and so on and so forth. Don't criticize them help them find their way back to the path.
2016-11-06 4:04 pm
Itakes 2 weeks for that 2 happen prayer or not .
2016-11-06 2:03 pm
So did mine and nobody prayed over it.
2016-11-06 1:58 pm
Mine was like new in only ten days ...without anyone preying over me....
2016-11-06 11:40 am
I'll let Dara O'Briain explain it to you;
2016-11-06 10:28 am
You're right. As a little girl I wanted big boobs and my church prayed over me and some years later I had big boobs.
2016-11-06 8:39 am
The only godly thing in this world is my luxurious, radiant, flowing blonde hair.
2016-11-06 4:35 am
A sprained ankle heals in two weeks on its own.
2016-11-06 2:56 am
I doubt divine intervention had a thing to do with your ankle.
Really think time healed it.
2016-11-06 2:40 am
That's the time a ***SPRAINED**** ankle would heal, dummy. It's not a miracle.
Hope they pray for a brain for you next. But don't get your hopes up.
2016-11-06 2:16 am
is it just me or no one else views this question as sarcasm LMAO
2016-11-05 9:45 pm
I dont know if you are joking trying to cause drama or if you are actualy that stupid but a grade one sprained anlkle take anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks to heal and considering that it took two weeks to heal i dont think that that would qualify as a miricle mayby if it took four days to heal whitch is a shorter than average you could trick a few idiots into thinking that it was a miricle

Ps yhere is no evidence or reason to belive that there is a god until i see evidence i dont belive that there is an omnibenevolent, omniscient and omnipotent being that would allow all the suffering that humans and animals go through

Please test me on this i like being tested on religion i got all my bases on "God" covered and i use facts, logic and reason to argue theists stupidity and bullshit
2016-11-05 9:00 pm
ughh.. I'm gonna let it off and say you wanted to say sprained.

A sprained ankle can take anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks to heal (grade 1 sprained ankle). I'm guessing that's the kind of sprain you had. No God needed
2016-11-05 3:35 pm
I think having springs in my ankle would be amazing why change that!
2016-11-05 2:41 pm
I just sprained my ankle. Its a pretty bad one,
i bought a support from
this should help a bit, i also bought a cheap TV whilst i was there lol
2016-11-05 1:48 pm
Two weeks is about the average time it takes to heal a sprained (sprang) ankle.

However, there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that prayer by fellow members of your Church congregation helped in the process.

Prayer works - it brings the people together.

And, in case you are in any doubt, yes, there is life after death. Scientists are now on the case.

From the Orthodox Coptic Church of Egypt, the Immortal and Everlasting.
First Christians in the lifetime of Jesus here on Earth.

This same congregation of 70,000 Christians sang the name of Jesus for a
full ten minutes.

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas

Jesus is with us.
2016-11-05 11:02 am
WTF! 3 days - 2 weeks is how long a sprained ankle/wrist - depending on how bad the sprain is - takes to heal you thicko!

And what about every Cancer patients who have been told they'd be dead in a few mouths, been to 'Miracle Healers' and ended up dead in the predicted time, which was predicted by DOCTORS and SCIENCISTS not your mentally challenged 'Miracle Healers'?!
2016-11-05 7:58 am
funny i sprained my ankle a few weeks ago i rubbed it with a proprietry brand of ointment and in a couple of weeks hey presto i was cured must be me and science together produced a miricle

have you never watched a football game where the trainer comes on with the magic sponge the player is up on his feet in seconds now thats magic !!!
2016-11-05 3:35 am
Mind over matter. You believe, you rested, you were cured. NEXT
2016-11-04 9:45 pm
Continue to believe in the miraculous regardless of what others believe! God heals!
2016-11-04 9:44 pm
get them to pray for your intelligence (or lack thereof)
2016-11-04 9:05 pm
It has miracles for me too
2016-11-04 8:19 pm
there have been many miracles in the Orthodox Church
2016-11-06 10:48 am
When I was 16, I broke my leg really badly. I was on crutches with gruesome bolts sticking out of my leg for months. The doctors said the break wasn't going to heal without bone grafts, and set a date for three weeks time to cut a chunk out of my hip bone and graft it into the break.

During those three weeks I went on holiday to the Greek Island of Lesbos and visited a really dank and smelly spring which had once been sacred to the PAGAN GODDESS APHRODITE, and which was said to have healing properties. I bathed there, and when I returned the doctors were amazed to find that my leg was completely healed.

What does this prove?

Answer: Absolutely bugger all.
2016-11-06 5:14 am
Well, I'm NOT an atheist and I got a hairline fracture in my right ankle... and it healed in two weeks well enough for me to walk on it and it was like new, too. How 'bout that, eh?
2016-11-05 11:07 pm
Because a spranged ankle can heal on it`s own or by a miracle if earlier like in a day.
2016-11-05 10:52 pm
You hurt your ankle. Your church prays over it. Coincidentally their prayers work at about the same time that your body would have repaired itself. Wow what a miracle.
2016-11-05 3:22 pm
Am... Hello?! It's called healing. Everyone who is healthy and normal does it. Some just happen to heal faster than others. Nothing to do with religion. You might as well keep believing in the tooth fairy, the easter bunny and santa claus while you're at it.
2016-11-04 10:31 pm
I once lost my car keys, but then I found them again. It was a miracle!
2016-11-04 8:20 pm
2016-11-04 8:10 pm
Sprang: Past simple of word spring.
2016-11-04 8:02 pm
u can't have a fixed ankle without an ankle fixer
2016-11-04 7:34 pm
2016-11-06 12:11 pm
There is no definitive proof that your recovery was the work of god. It usually takes 5 to 14 days to recover from a grade one ankle sprain. Grade two sprains can take 4 to 6 weeks to heal. It doesn't seem impossible for your sprained ankle to recover in 2 weeks. Plus, don't you think your god has more important things to do other than heal a trivial sprained ankle? There are people starving. That's just my opinion of your situation as an atheist. Feel free to disagree.
2016-11-06 12:09 am
A sprained ankle takes 14 days to heal if you pray over it or two weeks if you don't.
2016-11-05 4:59 pm
Are you trying to say that your ankle injury was more important than the millions of people with serious and life ending diseases and injuries who families have and are praying for their loved one's recovery only to find that they cannot be afforded a 'miracle?'
2016-11-05 6:35 am
Naughty, naughty. Very sarcastic.

Here's the very simple fact of miracles: ALL GODS PRODUCE MIRACLES FOR THEIR BELIEVERS.

What does this mean? It means you have 2 distinct options:

1. Accept all miracles prove the god declared to have performed them is real (not just your own).


2. Accept there are no miracles and what people claim to be miracles are false (for all gods including your own).

Which do you accept? 1. or 2.?

Nope, you're going to go for all YOUR gods miracles are true and every other gods miracles are false.


2016-11-04 10:49 pm
So you actually had a light sprain or twisted your ankle?
2016-11-05 3:46 am
Ikr. Atheists are so delusional. I just went to the doctor yesterday for a kidney surgery and I prayed to God that I would live and sure enough, I did live because God answered my prayers which was to prevent me from dying. The doctors totally didn't just have the proper skills needed in order for me to live. That's just ridiculous. It was God who made me live. Not the doctors! After that, I tell Atheists this story so they'll be convinced that that was proof of God and they should start believing, but they didn't. They said, "The DOCTORS helped you live. Hur hur. It wasn't GOD. You're just being a fūcking idiot. Hur Hur." Smh.
2016-11-05 12:48 am
2016-11-04 8:23 pm
By comparing that Scriptural record with the methods of faith healers today, we can readily determine whether modern-day faith healing is from God.
Jesus never used healing as a means of attracting followers or large audiences. On the contrary, he performed a number of healings out of public view. Many times he told those whom he cured to reveal the miracle to no one. (Luke 5:13, 14) Jesus never charged money for his miracles. (Matthew 10:8) He also had an unfailing record of success. All sick ones who came to him were completely cured, and the healing did not depend on the individual’s faith. (Luke 6:19; John 5:5-9, 13) Why, Jesus even raised the dead! (Luke 7:11-17; 8:40-56; John 11:38-44)
Though he did perform those miracles, the focus of Jesus’ ministry was not on gathering converts by means of emotional sessions of miracle working. Instead, his primary work was to declare the good news of God’s Kingdom. Jesus organized his followers to become disciple makers, who would teach others about the hope of attaining perfect health under God’s Kingdom. (Matthew 28:19, 20)
Granted, some of Jesus’ first-century followers had special gifts of healing, but these were to cease. (1 Corinthians 12:29, 30; 13:8, 13)
2016-11-04 7:25 pm
It's all the pot they inject that makes them crazy
2016-11-05 5:27 am
That's nothing. A week ago I had a runny nose, headaches, fever and green/yellow mucus. I prayed to Jesus to help me because I was so miserable, a week later - totally fine. The atheists answer to everything is science and reason, but those things can't explain miracles because miracles are exempt from logic or reason. Needs to be put in a pipe and smokeded.
2016-11-20 6:33 am
'cause a spranged ankle can heal on it`s own or by a miracle if earlier like in a day...
2016-11-08 11:49 pm
Stop judging beliefs. Maybe then athiest will believe in god.
2016-11-07 11:38 pm
2016-11-07 9:46 pm
1. miracles arent real as proven by your grammar, if there was a miracle you would know how to use grammar correctly
2. ever had a biology lesson
3. how can you be so stupid I hope this is a troll comment
2016-11-07 8:04 pm
Prayer is a logical impossibility.

God is omnipotent and is therefore never wrong.

If you pray for something like little Johnny recovers from cancer, here are your possible outcomes:

1. Johny dies, your prayer wasn't answered.

2. Johnny lives. As god is never wrong, god already decided Johnny would live and therefore all you did was guessed right about gods decision. Your prayer was pointless.

3. Johnny lives. God answered your prayer and changed it's decision. If god changed it's decision it was initially wrong therefore your god made a mistake and couldn't be omnipotent. Therefore your god doesn't exist. Your prayer was pointless, you prayed to nothing and Johnny got better because of his treatment.

For a laugh, consider the Lords prayer: Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil". Gods already decided if it will lead you into temptation or if it will subject you to evil if it's omnipotent so why include it in a prayer? Your god is taking you for a fool.

"Morality is doing what is right no matter what you are told.
Religion is doing what you are told no matter what is right."
2016-11-07 2:00 pm
2016-11-07 12:09 pm
ha ha ha you know it would have anyway.I can't believe anyone gave you a serious answer what losers they are!
2016-11-07 10:59 am
As are you in your definition or a miracle.
2016-11-07 7:41 am
More likely that your ankle just healed.
參考: Luck and miracles are twin sisters...Man made hypothesis to explain away what he doesn't understand and can't explain.
2016-11-07 6:12 am
you can believe in miracles but doesn't mean you believe in god?
2016-11-07 2:42 am
Atheists are not honest with themselves and psychological issues
2016-11-07 12:48 am
Same with me!!!!!!!!!! God healed my sprang ankle earlier this year HE IS HOLY , AND HE LOVES US That's why
2016-11-07 12:42 am
My brain is going to melt...
2016-11-06 10:14 pm
feels like the person asking the question is just trolling
2016-11-06 8:48 pm
Those atheist don't know what they're talking about. They need to learn the definition of "having fun".
2016-11-06 8:19 pm
To deny a person their belief in a miracle is the same as to deny an Atheist a seat on the bus.
I am an Atheist & could care less what others are doing.
It is a personal choice to partake in religion or non religion in the United States!

The mind is a powerful thing & a person must WANT to be healed in order for the body to follow!
Not all people follow in the same footsteps as the other people with similar beliefs in life.
What is green to me is teal to another. It is still a mix of other basic primary colors.
2016-11-06 8:03 pm
There are miracle cures in Lourdes, France. It is documented and of public knowledge.
2016-11-06 5:33 pm
(Yawn!) When someone has an AMPUTADED feet miraculously healed we can have this conversation :-)
2016-11-06 4:54 pm

2016-11-06 4:32 pm
What about that old saying also ......
" That Time Heals All Wounds "
Two weeks , or less--- is about right --depending on injury, for a simple sprang ankle.
Perhaps God was busy at this time with the many other major requests/prayers coming in ...that He assigned your sprang ankle recovery healing--- to Mother Nature instead..., to lighten His miracle load,-- on more important manners.
Have a nice day.
2016-11-06 4:30 pm
I'm glad you gave the Lord credit for your miracle. I was healed of lung cancer by the Lord and several months later I was healed of an ingrown toenail. (no joke). He cares about little people and he heals small things as well as serious things. I have seen short legs grow out before my eyes on numerous occasions. The Lord sent me to Mexico to pray for a young man who had his right eye put out in a mining accident. He was unemployed due to his injury. That is serious in Mexico (no workman's comp). After prayer, he went back to work, he passed his eye test.
2016-11-06 4:30 pm
2016-11-06 4:16 pm
Hate to break it to you but ur ankle healing in 2 weeks is science not prayer.
2016-11-06 4:03 pm
I'm neutral, but your recovery rate depends on your body, not the gods. Idk if it's true, but I believe that one person just by doing something can cause your ankle to break directly or indirectly. No offence tho but I don't believe in God. But I do believe in karma :D
2016-11-06 4:01 pm
Oh man. Kids listen up, we don't know anything, that's the truth, sorry.
2016-11-06 3:47 pm
2016-11-06 3:39 pm
im no athiest but a sprained ankle can heal itself on its own within two weeks if u give it rest, aint no church water got anything to do with it
2016-11-06 3:38 pm
It was a sprain. Normal for those to heal in 1-3 weeks.
2016-11-06 3:28 pm
I hope I get best answer! Bless you. I've seen a miracle or two in my life and believe me, atheists will just say it's 'luck' or 'chance'. I'm sorry if I didn't answer your question fully. :d
2016-11-06 3:17 pm
WOW! Meanwhile it might have been a minor thing that pretty much healed itself. Do educate yourself.
2016-11-06 3:01 pm
if you truly believe this then you'll be horrified to know that at the same time some satanist church could achieve the exact opposite by putting some spell on the person the wrote this post? And you can't cancel the post. Oh my you are fcucked.
2016-11-06 2:45 pm
2016-11-06 2:40 pm
I've seen fake miracles at church. The same person getting cured a few weeks apart. It's all a scam.
2016-11-06 2:38 pm
Yes I know, I had a cold and I took medication, it cleared up in 2 weeks. Later I had another cold so rather than take more drugs I prayed to God for it to go, this I did for 13 days and on the 14th day the cold was cured! Praise be, another miracle. Do you do irony?
參考: The old saying that if you have a cold and you take something for it, it will be cured in 2 weeks, but if you just let it run it's course it will be gone within 14 days.
2016-11-06 2:25 pm
2016-11-06 2:15 pm
You ask 'how do they say it' - the answer is through their mouths I hope this answers your human biology question.
2016-11-06 1:52 pm
that was just the placebo effect.
why do anything? why not just pray?
2016-11-06 1:42 pm
This is a troll, right?
2016-11-06 1:24 pm
you call it miracle, i call it placebo effect.
2016-11-06 12:29 pm
Ankles heal fast...
2016-11-06 12:15 pm
Yes. They are adamant and rigid in their stand.
參考: compiled.
2016-11-06 12:08 pm
I have no idea how in earth they don't believe in miracles! There is nothing proving atheism is right, yet there is an entire bible proving Jesus can do miracles! If evolution is real, where are the millions of skeletons from the animals in between? NOWHERE! Because it's not real! Just keep on believing in Jesus :)
2016-11-06 11:40 am
God isn't real because if he was he'd male my 1 inch dick bigger +1 athiest
2016-11-06 11:30 am
yall atheist people needs to stop claiming science. its there for every one. troll
2016-11-06 9:36 am
This happened to me too. Silly atheists.
2016-11-06 9:31 am
Break it again. This time make it an hour.
2016-11-06 8:18 am
If god did exsist And doesn't want his people to hurt And is looking down us from his magic chair why is their so much suffering in The world? Why did my Friend get raped when she 5? I thought he loved all people on earth.
參考: Life experience
2016-11-06 7:39 am
I admit 'Miracle'.
2016-11-06 7:30 am
Anybody who can "repair" a spranged (whatever that new word means) is a con
2016-11-06 7:28 am
Its called healing! I cut my finger once and after two weeks it was healed! I prayed 7 times a day to the flying spaghetti monster and he showed me the garlic bread light
2016-11-06 6:58 am
He's obviously taking the piss you muppets.
2016-11-06 6:47 am
How? Put fingers to keyboard. Open mouths and speak.
2016-11-06 6:19 am
Get educated son
2016-11-06 6:11 am
Well they are pontificating over something they can't prove. After all you can't prove that a miracle has never happened.
'Miracles don't happen' is just part of their faith based dogma. (that's right, atheists are ruled by their own self imposed dogma).
2016-11-06 5:54 am
because god is not ******* real.
2016-11-06 5:44 am
Atheists cannot explain what happens once you die nor can they explain what your purpose on earth is.
2016-11-06 5:36 am
You're an idiot! Sprained ankles heal!
2016-11-06 4:59 am
Haha thats amazing right? Funny how god does these things for us. God is amazing
2016-11-06 4:45 am
That is correct now how we get healing
is we get prayed for but before that
we have to ask God to heal our what ever
and then get prayed for in Jesus name amen.
and thank you Jesus.
2016-11-06 3:38 am
Even without the prayer your ankle would have still healed in 2 weeks. You have your beliefs and others have theirs
2016-11-06 3:28 am
Go back and ask them to pray for your brain.
2016-11-06 2:53 am
One time a really buff guy did a wrestling move to me and body slammed me through a glass table. I was shirtless and the table shattered into a million pieces. I didn't have a scratch on me and people though it was a miracle. They said i shoulda had a bunch of small cuts an coulda been in serious trouble.
2016-11-06 2:52 am
Two weeks later it was good as new huh? Well two weeks is enough time for a body to heal if given the proper treatment you dunce.
2016-11-06 2:46 am
Is winning the lottery a miracle?
2016-11-06 2:07 am
2016-11-06 1:54 am
Only Atheists think other Atheists are Christians.
2016-11-06 1:31 am
One time I sprained my ankle and after two weeks it healed by itself. Two weeks is the normal amount of time to heal from that.
2016-11-05 11:22 pm
I sat on my balls earlier and they were in agony for about an hour. My church prayed for my balls to make a swift recovery. Now they're fine. God is real!
2016-11-05 10:22 pm
They are idiots.
2016-11-05 9:06 pm
shouldn't gossip
2016-11-05 5:28 pm
so your body healed itself,it was only a sprain so it wouldnt have taken long
2016-11-05 5:22 pm
It would've healed whether your church prayed over you or not, its called SCIENCE not a Miracle.
2016-11-05 2:05 pm
Ankle sprain? Are you kidding? You must be joking.
2016-11-05 1:59 pm
Mock on mocker. Mock on.

"Woe to those who laugh now, for they shall mourn and weep." ~ Jesus
2016-11-05 1:41 pm
And would it have got better without any prayer? Most probably so.
2016-11-05 1:08 pm
Thanks for showing why Chrsitianity is ridiculed so much and shrinking so fast!
2016-11-05 10:56 am
The greatest miracle is a transformed life: let them see that
2016-11-05 7:47 am
Because there are no miracles.
2016-11-05 7:41 am
God bless america
2016-11-05 6:06 am
Exactly. I prayed for millions of dollars and won a lottery. Now I pray to be poor again.
2016-11-05 5:10 am
My friends ankle healed in two days, and he really hates God.
2016-11-05 1:49 am
you fall ill - some days later you recover

where's the "miracle"?
2016-11-06 9:03 pm
Two weeks of following a doctor's advice, and a sprained ankle healed? Sounds like every day basic medical care.
2016-11-06 6:50 pm
you're calling a recovery from a sprang anke a miracle?... hmm.. how old are you kid?.. this would mean he has produced millions of miracles over time and proceeding to produce miracles everyday for sprang ankles. Tons of people recover from sprang ankles, many without prayers even.. Imagine that! btw.. there are different levels of severity in a sprang ankle.
2016-11-06 3:20 pm
Omg. It's painful to see how many idiots are falling for this sh*t. This is the most obvious troll question I've ever seen. Yet all these serious answers. If I face palmed any harder my hand would go through my skull.
2016-11-06 6:49 am
you cannot give one example of an event that may have had any number of causalities as evidence of a fact.

What you have just done is similar to this. How can people say that getting shot by someone with a gun can kill you? I was shot with a gun. Sure I was injured, but I was only disabled for about 3 weeks, after that I was back healthy.

Furthermore, I am sure others have already pointed out to you that ankles do heal without people praying over them.....sometimes even faster than yours did. How do you explain that?

Lastly I am not non religious, but I do have one pet peeve a) the people who seem to think that because they are "saved" that somehow they are protected from anything bad happening to them. Miraculously when someone bad happens, they change their tune to...." It was God's will". Its a debating set up where you cannot lose .....first you claim that your religion protects you from bad stuff happening and when your religion does not protect you, then fall back to the fact that it only happened because God wished it.
2016-11-06 5:40 am
Omg a miracle a sprang ankle i dont know how you survived it's not like you body is supposed to fix your body after you get hurt i am now a believer
2016-11-06 3:49 am
2016-11-06 2:36 am
Ankles heal in two weeks usually but I'm a Christian
2016-11-06 2:15 am
I wouldn't necessarily call a sprained ankle that healed in 2 weeks a "miracle" i've had BOTH ankles sprained (not at the same time) numerous times from playing soccer & they pretty much healed in 2 weeks..NOBODY prayed for let's say you had terminal're LITERALLY on your deathbed SECONDS from death then all of a sudden you get up walk around & the cancer is GONE like you never even had THAT would be a "miricle"...sprained ankle that healed in 2 weeks? Not so much....& being "athiests" has NOTHING to do with it
2016-11-05 8:33 pm
Once you believe in something, it doesn't matter whether it exists or not.

We don't have the ability to enter into someone's heart and see if they are speaking the truth.

We don't always mean what we say. Besides, Figure of Speeches and Rhetoric has been developed because some people developed the politics of Religion.

Come into common terms between us. There is no benefit in fighting with one another. Greatness comes with sacrifice.

May the almighty forgives the whole of mankind.

I might have failed to convey what I wanted to convey. But I didn't have the least expectations of hurting anybody's intellect.

We don't need to tell and prove to each other if we are Atheist or Thiest. If you believe, try and interact. If someone says he don't believe, there could be thousands of reason. Don't misjudge their intellect if you haven't walked their path.

Verily everybody will die. It's a truth. We will discover the mystery on time, we will.....
2016-11-05 1:22 pm
Sprained not sprang.
2016-11-05 7:39 am
Churches always select their dumbest for miracles. But, really you might be more suitable to remain a believer as you seem to have difficulty understanding truth and reality.
2016-11-05 7:28 am
2016-11-05 6:07 am
"Sprang". Go back to Elementary school where you belong. You're the ridiculous one.
2016-11-05 5:37 am
It was healed by your immune system over two weeks, not God or prayer. If you keep relying on God to heal you, eventually you might not get healed and you'll die.
2016-11-05 1:10 am
Sprained Ankles can heal in at least five hours. So no, this is not a miracle.
2016-11-04 8:50 pm
2016-11-04 7:46 pm
Yeah, that must be it.
2016-11-06 3:26 pm
Since you believe in the power of miracles; Perhaps your church should have prayed for a really big miracle and petitioned for you to receive a clear thinking rational brain and ignored the little things like your damaged ankle?
2016-11-06 6:56 am
If there were really such miracles, there would be no need for doctors and hospitals. Your ankle could be okay even without prayer. Also, if such miracles were true, all believers would be healthy and all atheists in hospitals. There are some times events that are not explained easily. These appear miracles but when scientific reasons are revealed, these are no more miracles.
2016-11-05 9:09 am
I agree. As young children, my Mother used to take us to a Pentecostal church. One service, there was an evangelist in town. He asked if anyone needed a miracle and believed that God would give them their miracle-to come to the front. My Mom took my brother by the hand to the front ( He was kind of shy!) to get prayed for. (The dentist had told my Mom that through xrays, there was no permanent tooth in my brother's gum, so that when my brother was old enough, he would need a fake tooth. ) At the end of the service, the new tooth could be seen bursting through the gum!-- The dentist had no explanation. This is a miracle. By the way, every cell in our body-how it began-and how it regenerates itself-is a constant miracle-- by God's Faith!
Usually, it's in the 3rd world countries-and not the overdeveloped and complacent countries where many miracles take place. Those people are needy and have nothing to come between them and God. They truly take Him at his word when he says to "Have Faith and you shall receive"... so they get countless miracles. Here, in the States, we have too many questions, too many "that's not what it really means", too comfortable, too complacent-in short, too much doubt, and doubt/negative is the exact opposite of Faith/Positive. Some may even think they don't even need God. Sadder, some may even have been lied to into believing that they themselves are "little Gods"--but how is this true, if they still have to use the restroom?
2016-11-05 5:26 am
A woman at our church broke her neck in a car wreck. She was paralyzed, and her hands and arms were curling up to her chest. They took x-rays at our hospital, and decided to send her by helicopter to the nearest city. By the time she got there, she seemed fine. She was talking, moving around, etc. They took new x-rays there, and found nothing wrong. She was released within a few hours. When the doctor looked at the x-rays taken in our hospital, he flatly stated that they were the wrong x-rays. He was actually belligerent about it, and refused to discuss the matter, saying only that those x-rays were from a different person, one who had a broken neck.
2016-11-04 9:15 pm
SHUT UP!!!! Apart from your brain you haven't sprang, sprung, sprained or any part of your body.
2016-11-04 9:51 pm
They should have prayed that you learn how to use the English language correctly, though it wouldn't have worked.
2016-11-05 12:41 am
Well it really depends on the atheist. Some atheists are actually religious or otherwise spiritual and may accept miracles. However, many now days are not religious and since they try to be free thinkers and be logical, they sweep miracles aside. It's kind of like this: If i told you the tooth fairy healed my toe, would you believe me? That's their reasoning, even though the idea of God is a bit different than that.
2016-11-04 7:20 pm
God helps those who help themselves

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