Are mixed race people more or less immune to racism or more of a target?

2016-07-19 2:31 pm

回答 (9)

2016-07-19 3:52 pm
They get both respect AND racism, only, they get it from multiple sides, unlike how someone who doesn't appear to be mixed may get both good and bad from only ONE side.
2016-07-19 3:09 pm
They are MORE of a target.

Imagine how it feels to be considered 'too white', for blacks and 'too black' for whites?
2016-07-19 3:57 pm
Im mixedrace so i can answer this.
I have been racially abused by being called black *****/****** ect however i have also had racist white or black think they can insult white or black people to me because im in the middle which of course i never stand for.
2016-07-19 3:31 pm
Less of a target.
2016-07-19 3:12 pm
More immune, unless they consider themselves of a particular race. Like many who are white and black consider themselves black, and are just as obedient to what the Democrats instruct them to be insulted by.

Note though, it all depends on personal perception. One can't really be harmed by racism unless they choose to be.

I mean, the fact is, there are evil people in the world that can and do come up with any host of reasons to harm another person ranging from race to clothing to simply believing something that the violent person disagrees with. The majority of Democrat supporters have all proven that this cycle especially. So racism really isn't anything in particular, just a description of false justifications any given violent person gives themselves so that they can feel justified in committing violence against another.

The more easily brainwashed, the less intelligent they are, the more violent such people will be.
2016-07-19 2:43 pm
Nobody is immune.
Mixed people come with a variety of features, so they don't share the same experience, especially in different environments.
2016-07-19 2:33 pm
It depends on the race. It depends for everyone. I'm half asian and half white while people still say ching chong to me.
2016-07-22 11:29 pm
neither they are some of the worst PERPETRATORS of racial hate.. .they are after all products of the lowest kind of social and cultural feces to walk the earth... they are INGRAINED with the purest of hatred towards others as the sense of worthlessness and ability of their parents to denigrate themselves is what they think is a "virtue"

mixed race racist hypocrites PRACTICE the purest forms of racial hatred ESPECIALLY towards white people and white societies they have NOTHING to do they go on to practice and promote cultural marxist hate, advocate so called diversity and multiculturalism... those cute euphemisms the most vile and disgusting of racist cowards hide behind as they speak of the forced multiracialization of white socieites.
2016-07-19 5:43 pm
No different than someone who is monoracial.

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