Is there any alternative for MS office?

2015-05-10 6:54 pm

回答 (103)

2015-05-16 9:10 pm
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No dude, I don't think so. MS office is pretty awesome....
2015-05-11 2:55 pm
Yeah all those people mentioned. Also, Wordperfect.

I use Open Office for school.

You just have to let your teachers know because there may be some shifting and format quirks when they open documents with Microsoft Office or Word that was created with Open Office.

You can save as .doc files which is the correct format for older version of MS Office and Word, but Open Office, I think doesn't get it exactly right, so there may be some minor differences.

As an alternative, you can export any document as a .PDF document, and that is pretty much standard, so your instructor can have a view of what it looked like when you saved it. That way they know that the quirks are just quirks and not you not following the instructions.

Open Office spell-checker sucks, and doesn't work except on new documents. The grammar checker doesn't even seem to work at all.

WPS, or King Office Suite, seems to have a better spell-checker.

What I do is use the spell-checker of Open Office by copy-pasting everything I typed into a new document and seeing where the misspellings are.

I used to use WPS to do the spell-check the same way.

Good luck finding a grammar-checker though.

Notepad++ is a good addition to have, as it has a good find-replace function. It just won't hold onto the formatting you used in the Open Office Writer document. However, if all you care about is quickly replacing several things, then it's great.

Open Office has a find-replace function too, but it's nowhere as good as Notepad++'s is. In fact, it's kind of overly basic.

Open Office Draw, which is part of the suite, is an excellent utility for creating images or pasting and doing basic-editing of images that you can copy-paste onto your Writer document when necessary.

Open Office, however, has a bit of a learning curve. It's intuitive for basic stuff, writing and such. But if you want the more complicated stuff like bullets, images, things like that, you're going to need to take some time learning how to do it.
2015-05-11 10:14 pm
Open Office
2015-05-15 10:35 am
Open Office
Google Spreadsheet
2015-05-13 1:13 pm
Open Office is a great alternative!
2015-05-11 3:38 pm
Star Office
2015-05-12 10:19 am
All the answers above is correct. It depends on what operating system do you use now. I think you use MS Windows because you re asking for alternative to MS Office. The only matter here is about free or paid. If you choose paid then pick MS Office but if you want free then pick Open Office or LibreOffice or any free Office. But the quality of those alternatives is below MS Office. So please decide it wisely.
2015-05-14 7:33 pm
Open Office spell-checker sucks, and doesn't work except on new documents. The grammar checker doesn't even seem to work at all.

WPS, or King Office Suite, seems to have a better spell-checker.

What I do is use the spell-checker of Open Office by copy-pasting everything I typed into a new document and seeing where the misspellings are.

I used to use WPS to do the spell-check the same way.

Good luck finding a grammar-checker though.

Notepad++ is a good addition to have, as it has a good find-replace function. It just won't hold onto the formatting you used in the Open Office Writer document. However, if all you care about is quickly replacing several things, then it's great.
2015-05-14 12:46 pm
Open Office
2015-05-13 8:16 pm
Open Office
2015-05-13 4:29 pm
Open Office

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