Sometimes I talk to myself. Is this normal?

2014-11-25 6:57 pm

回答 (726)

2014-11-26 12:00 am
It's very normal. I work in a store where it gets quiet around this time of year so shifts are always a one man job. I talk to myself, sing to myself and even dance by myself because at least there isn't just quiet.
2014-11-26 1:12 pm
It's normal
2014-11-26 1:15 pm
Yes it is normal, I often times do it when I'm alone. Every once in a while I slip in public. Just be careful you dont want people to think your nuts! But even if they do, f*** that, you're not crazy. We're all human. All the things we do like talking to ourselves are completely normal
2014-11-25 7:06 pm
Yes I talk to myself sometimes occasionally it's like I have an imaginary friend talking to me haha lol
2014-11-25 7:09 pm
Everybody talks to themselves. It's totally normal. The sound of your own voice is comforting to many people. Also talking in general helps relax some people. Talking to yourself also helps keep yourself in place, and organize all your thoughts! Don't worry it's natural and even though people classify it as insane, everyone does it at one time or another.
參考: Personal experience
2014-11-26 2:04 pm
It differs from person to person. Sometimes it's normal. But if you talk to yourself before interview or meeting etc. then it's a problem.
It's a sign of Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder shortly OCPD.
So I think it's better to go for a psychiatric.
2014-11-26 11:12 pm
It is often normal, not only is it normal but also the people who talk to themselves are often the best thinkers! Talking to yourself is not a problem at all, you should be kind of proud because it shows you're pretty good at thinking! Try a mind puzzle! xD
2014-11-27 2:19 am
Like many people have said, yes, it really depends on the person and the varying degree of it. Do you talk to yourself before you are nervous? Do you talk yourself down when you get too hyped up or excited? What about when listing your to do list for the day (if you have any). All of these are pretty normal.

However, if you talk to yourself in full conversation, there may be a problem.
2014-11-26 12:13 pm
Oh, that's nothing. When I walk away from a conversation I was having with a real person, the conversation continues in my head. I wonder it that's normal . . .
2014-11-26 1:54 pm
Yes its normal
2014-11-26 8:49 am
It's normal unless your are talking to yourself on a bus. Then it's not normal.
2014-11-26 6:28 am
It is normal. I talk to myself if something really gets to me.
2014-11-26 3:16 pm
Yes; sometimes it's the only way to get any response!
2014-11-25 7:39 pm
Yeah, I tend to do it without realising and then question myself. It's totally normal.
2014-11-25 7:02 pm
Well, i had imaginary friends that i could see clear as day, and i was told that was completely normal... I am and was 14 when i saw them. So yeah, it's normal.
2014-11-26 2:33 pm
Yes, it is very much normal, in fact sometimes this habit boost your level of confidence and prepares you to present yourself infront of anyone.
2014-11-26 8:01 am
It is very normal Talking yourself is like a medicine to yourself where you can find a solution to your problems or make your clouded mind becomes clear.
2014-11-25 10:36 pm
Yup one of the most normal things in the world, I do it, everyone does it
2014-11-26 7:42 pm
Called self talk, it can be beneficial when someone is trying to figure out something or complete a hard task. As long as you are not only talking in one direction, not responding, seems normal
2014-11-25 7:00 pm
Yes it is normal! Some the of greatest minds of our time would talk to themselves, I often ask myself questions out loud (no one watching me)
2014-11-26 1:23 am
normal Sometimes
2014-11-28 10:41 am
I say that it's not because in most of the time, it'll drive you live in your own imaginary world where you're the king.

In some case, you can talk to yourself to make yourself brave and courageous. Sometimes, it's good to remove the shyness of talking with others.

But if you do this quite often, you should try to control yourself hardly or it'll go out of control, turning you into a mad person in the view of other people.
2014-11-26 1:29 pm
Its normal
2014-11-26 6:17 pm
normal? What's that? What's the basis of normal?
All of us have a little insanity in us :)
Some of us are auditory in learning and in processing information that we need to verbally talk in order to understand our thoughts.

The one that can be hazardous to us is when we replace our social conversation with other people with our self conversation.
2014-11-26 10:36 pm
Sometimes it is normal whether intellectually or verbally when you're alone and no one notices. Instead, I'd rather you talk to God who is unseen but is there all the time. Take time to read from his word - it is Truth. Meditate on his word - the Bible. You'll be enriched.
2014-11-26 10:11 am
its normal. And i do the same thing. I walk to school and it is pretty far like 2 km. I get bored to be happy and confident i talk to my self all the way to school XD..
2014-11-27 12:24 am
I talk to myself all the time, but i also talk to God out loud and i am sure if someone saw me they would think i was talking to myself when in fact i am praying out loud. But i also think out loud (usually a whisper) and i don't know why, i think its just easier to focus on the thought process if i hear it rather than just thinking. Because if i am just thinking internally i will tend to get distracted and wander from one thought to another. So, i speak my thoughts and it just makes it easier to stay on track. But then no one has ever called me normal.
2014-11-28 5:13 am
YES!!! I talk to myself every night before I go to bed..... I even sometimes sing to myself... lol.... like when I text my friends .. I will talk to myself and have a fight as to weather or not I should send the message.. lol.. so yes its very normal! :)
2014-11-27 12:56 pm
It is quiet normal !
Here is why:- As humans we socially interact through speech, unless deafness prevents this in which case visual interaction takes the place of hearing. For most of us though our brain works best when we hear that which others say. That which we hear (such as questions) is then processed by our brain, so the ears become the primary route means by which our brain process questions!
Where as thinking a question we want to ask ourselves involves a completely different neural path one which is not used as much if we are social people.
To explain that last statement, if someone lived for a long time alone without company of other humans and had no interaction through TV, radio etc, then for that person the process of thinking the question may well become the primary route rather than through their ears therefore they would be less likely to "talk to themselves out loud"
So when you talk to yourself all you are doing is sending a message to the brain through the means which it is used to receiving that which needs to be processed! it is easier and more reliable then sending the message through a neural pathway which is not as well established.
This becomes most apparent when self preservation comes into play (when danger is perceived)
i.e. "did I turn that circuit off" (when doing something with electric in the home)
" Not walking down there, stuff that" (when faced with a dark alleyway in a city centre at night)
This is all quiet normal; it is in fact advisable, because it is the usual and most trusted route for information to pass from one part of the brain to the other.
The saying that if someone talks to themselves because their deranged (nuts) come from those who are deemed to be Schizophrenic which is a split personality disorder. which is a totally different scenario to someone who just asks themselves questions out loud !
And just for the record someone who suffers from Schizophrenia is not necessarily dangerous, deranged or mentally deification, in-fact some of the greatest minds ever known have (suffered) from Schizophrenia.

summery ;- Talking to yourself out loud is quiet normal nearly everyone does it to a greater of lesser degree for the reasons outlined above
2014-11-27 1:56 am
It's normal - everyone does it. People do it to figure out problems in their heads or anything else.
2014-11-26 12:43 pm
My friend Jordan does this all the time and I sometimes think to myself he is weird, then I asked him about it and he said it makes him stop feeling lonely all the time
2014-11-26 11:24 am
It's very normal!!
2014-11-26 7:52 am
Its normal because it makes the man more powerful to solve the problem
2014-11-26 11:01 am
Yeh it's quite normal some times to find a real solution to your problem, Even sometimes it seems like this my own problem and i judge better my self ,What to do in a real situation.
2014-11-26 1:34 pm
It's not normal
2014-11-29 9:18 am
I work at a nuclear power plant, and it's pretty much required for us. Talking to yourself engages a different part of the brain than just doing things, so it helps you avoid mistakes when you talk yourself through doing things. It drives my wife nuts when I announce a door is closed or that the stove is off, but I'm never the one that can't find a cell phone, can't remember if I turned the stove off or locked the door.
2014-11-26 11:27 am
Lol I talk to myself more than I talk to other people! Haha, thanks for making me feel more normal
2014-11-27 5:59 pm
Many people talk with himself,it's just a normal matter,it's may be help to improve our consciences.
2014-11-27 4:52 am
i 'd say it's normal for everyone . it not only a way to figure out problems ,but also a method to release pressure from every sides
2014-11-27 1:10 am
Totally normal, I sometimes do it.
2014-11-26 4:31 am
Yes it is normal.
2014-11-27 12:40 am
2014-11-26 10:40 pm
Sounds like the beginning stages of a serious mental disorder.
2014-11-26 1:14 pm
Its normal talking to yourself sometimes ))
2014-11-26 3:26 pm
not talking to yourself would be abnormal
2014-11-26 2:38 pm
Sometimes talking to yourself is the only way to have an intelligent conversation. :P
2014-11-26 11:18 pm
Yup. We all do at one point or another, and some people more often than others. I'm more inclined to do it because it helps me get my thoughts out and that helps sort it. Other times, people do it because they are lonely. It's very rarely a sign of craziness, unless you are of the opinion everyone is to a degree.
2014-11-28 3:26 am
Ya, it's normal.
2014-11-27 12:15 pm
What, exactly, does one mean by 'normal'. I talk to myself occasionally. Prayer will sound to an 'outsider' as though one is talking to oneself. I sometimes think aloud.
2014-11-27 12:15 am
Sometimes it's normal! But if you do it everyday I think it's going crazy.
2014-11-26 12:47 pm
Yes of course it is normal.
2014-11-27 4:51 pm
It depends. I started talking to myself at 14. Then after high school, I realize that I was suffering from DID (Dissociative identity disorder), becuase I thought I WAS talking to somebody else. Just don't do it too much before your mind takes control.
參考: You have to trust Adrian
2014-11-26 4:16 pm
Yes. Ususally means you're thinking, and you're the type that needs to hear your thoughts out loud.
2014-11-25 6:59 pm
Totally normal!!! Everyone probably does it but they don't always admit it!
2014-11-30 8:49 pm
I have always talked out loud to myself when I am alone since I can remember. My mom said she used to catch me doing it in my room all the time when I was little, and sometimes even in the bathroom or a changing room in public, and I remember a few times when she would ask me who I was talking to, or someone else would comment about it to her, and I would just answer "myself". When I was little I had a pretty huge imagination, and believed all my toys and furniture were alive, so I would talk to them to explain what I was doing or how I was feeling. I never had imaginary friends, but would always make up stories and act them out. As I got older, I learned that most people don't consider talking to yourself out loud to be normal, and of course I no longer believe inanimate objects are alive, but I just couldn't stop doing it. And the end of the story is that I feel totally normal!

Don't worry be happy

2014-11-30 1:21 am
yes i talk to myself. it's only when you start talking to imaginary people that it becomes a problem
2014-11-29 8:01 pm
It is normal. I talk to myself all of the time, but I know that it is me I'm talking too. I don't think it's anyone else. It gives me a chance to say things I can't say in front of other people. It's just like getting input the same way you would get input from a friend, just as long as you realize it's you.
2014-11-29 7:32 pm
As long as you're not having full blown conversations with your self. You're fine.
2014-11-29 6:25 pm
The wallpaper on my work computer reads, 'Of course I talk to myself ... sometimes I need expert advice'. Seriously, though, most people do talk to themselves on a regular basis, but the general sentiment has always been that such a practice is a sure sign of mental disorder. You've gone mad, crazy, loco. You're just plain nuts.

But here's the kicker. You may be smarter than everyone else. According to studies, talking to yourself can actually benefit thinking and perception and boost your brainpower. Giving yourself verbal messages can help you learn and perform at your best, increase your concentration, and improve performance, the studies showed.

Talking out loud is simply vocalising your internal thought process or dialogue.

Experts are revealing that giving yourself verbal instructions helps to enhance attention and keeps you focused while reducing distractions. It also helps you to be more decisive and allows you to control your thoughts and cognitive and emotional reactions, helping you stay on task.

Another sensory input

Dr Aggrey Irons, consultant psychiatrist and president of the Medical Association of Jamaica, agrees with the findings, noting that what the practice does is add another sensory input that the brain will process and add to what is already there. However, he cautioned that it depends on the kinds of conversations you have with yourself.

"There are two kinds of conversations: one where you are literally giving yourself feedback, where you are literally thinking out loud. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it is very helpful and adds another line of sensory input," Irons told Your Health.

"But when you begin to respond to voices from within, then that is a sign of madness, it indicates auditory hallucination."

Another benefit of talking to yourself, Irons also noted, is that if you find yourself in solitary confinement, it can help tomaintain your sanity and keep you focused.

"From a healthy perspective, talking to yourself by generating one's own thoughts and then reflecting on them is just one way of learning," he said.


To test whether speaking to oneself was actually beneficial, Dr Gary Lupyan, a cognitive psychologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the United States, and his colleague Dr Daniel Swingley devised a set of experiments.

Using volunteers who had to search for specific items, in one experiment, persons were shown 20 pictures of various objects and asked to look for a specific one, such as a banana. In half of the trials, participants were asked to repeatedly say what they were looking for out loud to themselves; in the others, they were asked to remain silent.

Detailing their findings in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, they found that self-directed speech helped people find objects more quickly by about 50 to 100 milliseconds. (The average time it took participants to find an item was 1.2 to 2 seconds.)

The psychologists revealed that while conducting the study, they found that it was, in fact, a general practice for persons to talk to themselves, most doing so at least every few days, and many report doing so on an hourly basis.

Lupyan said the study was inspired in part by his own self-talk.

"I'll often mutter to myself when searching for something in the refrigerator or supermarket shelves," he said.

"The general take-home point is that language is not just a system of communication, but I'm arguing it can augment perception, augment thinking."

He added, "Speaking to yourself isn't always helpful - if you don't really know what an object looks like, saying its name can have no effect or actually slow you down.

"If, on the other hand, you know that bananas are yellow and have a particular shape, by saying banana, you're activating these visual properties in the brain to help you find them."

Research has also shown that self-directed speech can help guide children's behaviour, with kids often talking to themselves step-by-step through tasks such as tying their shoelaces, as if reminding themselves to focus on the job at hand.

In another study of students learning to throw darts in a gym class, Athanasios Kolovelonis and his colleagues at the University of Thessaly in Greece found that self-talk is most effective when incorporated into a cycle of thought and action. First comes forethought, when you set a goal for yourself and make a plan for how to get there. That's followed by performance, when you enact the plan to the best of your ability. Last comes self-reflection, when you carefully evaluate what you've done and adjust your plan for the next time.

Lupyan said future work could scan the brain at the same time as these experiments are conducted, to see what brain circuits are involved.


A great self-motivational tool and helps to boost your self-esteem.
Become your number one fan. Know your strengths and compliment yourself frequently.
When something seems impossible, repeatedly tell yourself you can.
When depressed or feel the blues coming on, give yourself a pep talk.
Set goals and repeatedly tell yourself you will achieve them.
Talk out a problem and you'd be amazed at how quickly you will arrive at a solution.
Very good at improving memory.
Reading aloud helps with proper pronunciation and articulation; helps to pick up errors quicker.


Of course, there is a stage in talking to yourself when you definitely need a check-up from the neck up. According to Irons, whenever you start responding to voices in your head, that's a clear sign that it's time to seek professional help.

"At this stage, it will be way past time to get some help," said the psychiatrist
2014-11-29 1:38 pm
There is no such thing as normalcy.
2014-11-29 10:32 am
Completely normal. Sometimes I talk to myself, practicing debates from things I've read because I loveee debating. You know, if the person is mature enough to listen and actually has something to say other than "But my mama said...." and those people are kinda hard to find around here. Sorry short rant, now back to the question.
Yes it's normal. It's only abnormal if you've made up people in your head to talk with of whom you're convinced are totally real IMO.
Ex: Abnormal person talking to herself in room or "Aptthir": "So then I told Kelly..." Someone walking by room:"Umm, who are you talking to?" Aptthir:"Oh, Sally. We were talking about what happened yesterday in school." Someone walking by:"Oh, ok...." *is perplexed by Appthir's idea that someone is actually there with her*
2014-11-29 4:33 am
Yes, In fact it is one of the best ways to keep yourself calm and positive. I used to be the same until I found a very good friend. Now I talk to him and I feel like I am talking to myself.
2014-11-28 9:40 pm
you are fool !!!!!!!!!!! lol like me !!!!!!!
2014-11-28 9:12 pm
ha ha talking to yourself is perfectly normal, it's when you answer yourself back you know there is a problem
2014-11-28 8:44 pm
2014-11-28 8:40 pm
Totally, just make sure you also socialize with others
2014-11-28 7:43 pm
2014-11-28 6:20 pm
Of course it's normal. For one, there's the belief that a person consists of 7 bodies (related to the 7 chakras), namely physical, astral, vibrational, emotional, soul, psychic and intellectual. So, could be talking to one, or some, of those. Also, there are at least 11 other dimensions. So, could be talking to beings there.
The belief that talking to oneself isn't normal is from living in a very physical environment.
2014-11-28 10:00 am
i don't know.
But sometime i do it too...
2014-11-28 7:57 am
Well ok listen I'm Bozo the Clown aka Shity Clown so I will make some jokes during the answer ( obviously ) but first of all I want to clarify that talking to yourself is COMPLETELY normal as long as you don't answer to your own questions ex: ''Hi how are you ? '' ho I'm very well thank you, and yourself ? '' very good also, how was your weekend ?'' ex,ex. But otherwise lots of people do it, and often it is just a way to feel less lonely, again it depends, if you speak to yourself wile being with other people, it's kind of weird. On the other hand even thought it's normal to speak to yourself, it can tell some things about you: maybe your extraverted so you don't like to feel alone or maybe your someone that learn or get things easier when listening.

Anyway as long as you don't disrespect other people you should not give a F**K about what they might think of you, just be yourself and be happy ! that's what I do and it's my best advice : )
參考: That was Bozo the Clown !
2014-11-27 2:54 pm
It's normal also it's healthy to rise your confident
2014-11-27 12:26 am
Yes, but just don't answer to yourself...:D
2014-11-26 9:31 pm
Yeah of course! It's helps me have a clearer perspective and all that, sometimes my brain just confuses things for me and I need to figure it all out aloud.
2014-11-26 8:04 pm
according to science its healthy
but then you go to the doctors office
and they get concerned...

you see what they did there?
2014-11-26 7:55 pm
Sometimes it's the only way you will get the answer you need .
2014-11-26 5:44 pm
I do it all the time, and my friends do it all the time, so how is it not? It helps me sort out problems, and occasionally relieve stress.
2014-11-26 9:36 am
It is okay to yourself. Sometimes when you have to reason the events that have just happened to you.
2014-11-29 12:49 am
I talk to myself all the time and it's normal, unless you're talking to people that are talking in your head. but other than that it's completely normal! :D
2014-11-28 9:17 pm
i do it way too much, it gets bad. my husband thinks its cute soo
2014-11-28 9:06 pm
Yah its Normal (I talk to myself sometimes)
2014-11-28 8:11 pm
I do too. please let me know; do you have any good or close friend?
2014-11-28 5:50 pm
Its normal
2014-11-28 7:00 am
Yes, In fact it is one of the best ways to keep yourself calm and positive. I used to be the same until I found a very good friend. Now I talk to him and I feel like I am talking to myself.

Find yours and keep talking ;)
2014-11-28 12:02 am
It depends on how severe it is or better termed, the "level". If you make comments that's totally okay. For example...."is the the jury an idiot? why didn't the police get punished?". It sounds like you're asking yourself a question but you don't expect an answer. So you're just thinking "out loud" per se.

Now...the problem arises when you start having.....dialogues. For example, "How are you Tomo?" "oh me? yeah, I'm fine. How are you?" "Great! I've never been better". Naturally if you're you're doing this FOR fun...there's nothing wrong with it that's why I brought up the point about the severity. If you actually have conversations, ie delusional like Christians who think that there are invisible folks up in the sky. You need to see a doctor and not the one the Glen Beck went to see but a real doctor.
2014-11-27 9:35 pm
I recite poetry to myself. But sometimes something insane happens to me: I get some of the words wrong.

But even when I get the words right, I often rudely ignore myself, and don't even compliment myself on reciting the poetry correctly. What a jerk.
2014-11-27 4:42 am
2014-11-27 3:27 am
It's totally normal! I do it all the time actually... I got caught in school talking to myself the other day about something I was trying to remember.
2014-11-27 2:06 am
Of course its normal dont worry about it. I do that all the time
2014-11-27 1:02 am
nop sorry
2014-11-26 9:33 pm
It is those who do not who are more likely to need psychiatric treatment
2014-11-26 12:43 pm
Who cares if it's normal? Normal is boring.
2014-11-27 5:29 pm
It is normal unless you are talking loud to yourself
2014-11-27 5:08 pm
You are just thinking out loud. the problem arises when you answer yourself
2014-11-27 2:52 pm
I talk to other drivers, which I know can't hear me. I like, say to a tailgater to get off my blank, you dumb SOB. This is a form of talking to yourself, which I think most of us do.
2014-11-27 10:40 am
2014-11-27 8:45 am
As long as you aren't ANSWERING yourself, you're fine
2014-11-27 6:05 am
I do this a lot of times my self when im facing a problem. I know it seems weird, and i feel weird doing it, but it makes me feel a LOT better. Especially whenever i have no one to talk to, no one that will understand me.
2014-11-27 5:02 am
It is a form of externalizing your thoughts, and usually humans will do this when faced with problems, conflicts, puzzles, dilemmas, and even just wondering out loud.

"well, what do you know"
"Hmm should I take the road to the left ot to the right?
"what was I supposed to buy in here again?"
2014-11-27 2:01 am
You talk to yourself because or when you feel alone or analyzing, of course it´s normal, that´s why it named self talk after all!
2014-11-26 2:25 pm
it normal, i do it too when someone offend me and there is no 1 to talk to
2014-11-26 11:51 am
Yes you are normal and a good planner
2014-11-26 3:26 am
2014-11-25 6:59 pm
Yes, it's completely normal. I do it too when I'm stressed out haha.
2014-11-28 1:15 am
2014-11-26 4:14 am
it depends. What do you two talk about? If you guys talk about murdering your children it might not be normal.
2014-11-25 8:19 pm
Yes , Sometimes.
2014-11-26 1:41 pm
I don't know but I never talk to myself
2015-05-22 3:38 pm
I talk to myself all the time. Everyone talks to themselves at some point in their life.
2015-04-01 6:28 pm
Sonriente xd
2015-03-04 4:16 am
I wondered the same thing.... I guess it is normal and that the smartest people talk to themselves. I thought maybe I should change myself. Truth is I'm spectacular and unique.. Why would I even change for how people view me. We should all talk to ourselves!
2014-12-04 6:49 pm
annswermi ne
2014-12-03 11:23 pm
answerm ien
2014-12-02 9:04 pm
2014-12-02 6:17 pm
2014-12-02 9:44 am
Yes, this is called talking with our six sense. Some times one talk in mind only, but sometimes it comes with talking with our self. Try to think, discuss in your mind only.
2014-12-02 1:06 am
it's fine as long as you don't answer
2014-12-01 8:57 pm
Yeh it's normal.. you like your own company :p It starts being a problem when you start talking to yourself and you don't actually know it cos you think someone's there...that's when it gets serious.
2014-12-01 8:33 pm
Yes *whispers to self* this person is frickin crazy!
2014-12-01 6:28 pm
Yea it's normal. But don't do it in public a lot because people will say your crazy.
2014-12-01 5:20 pm
it is normal!i always do this which allows me to make good choose and understand what i am thinking.
2014-12-01 3:10 pm
it up to u if u wish to talk with u then it normal otherwise i think it isn't normal.
2014-12-01 2:25 pm
It depends, i tend to talk to myself. But its my way to think aloud. I also use it to self motivate. Any other way might be wierd but like i said, it depends.
2014-12-01 2:10 pm
its normal the moment you start arguing with yourself would be a worrying sign of madness i talk to my self all the time i have good old conversations mostly about how im gonna tackle the day but sometimes i just like to see where my heads at out load
2014-12-01 10:31 am
ask the mirror
2014-12-01 8:35 am
Don't worry ... It's normal... It means you are always attentive ..Most of us forget one of our best friend --'Our soul' ...You need to speak to yourself regularly... Trust me, you will get best answers.... :-)
2014-12-01 8:16 am
It's weird not to. It's like a body without a soul.
2014-12-01 6:33 am
It's normal
2014-12-01 6:21 am
Yes its normal.
2014-12-01 6:17 am
People who talk to themselves are scientifically proven to have benefitted their perception by doing so. It's really interesting. I suppose what you're talking to yourself about really determines the crazy factor.
2014-12-01 6:08 am
Yes,it is normal.Some people talk to themselves to help them remenber something. But what did you say to yourself?
2014-12-01 4:42 am
It is normal,it varies from person to person.
2014-12-01 2:21 am
Its normal to think to yourself
2014-12-01 1:21 am
I do it all the time. I read somewhere that those people that talk to themselves are Smarter than those who don't. It also helps me to remember things I need to do. Like make sure doors are locked. I can remember doing it if I say it to myself or out loud ( when no one's around).
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-12-01 12:16 am
Yes its perfectly normal I say that what u choose to do is ur business
2014-11-30 11:03 pm
lol yah i do that too. or ill be role playing incidents in my head and the expressions on my face are all over the place.
2014-11-30 10:41 pm
You are gonna have your head explode.
2014-11-30 9:33 pm
I talk to myself all the time but than again i do like to hear the voice of wisdom
2014-11-30 9:02 pm
You bet it is
2014-11-30 9:02 pm
Its normal unless your like threating or hitting yourself in public and people are watching you. then you need help.
2014-11-30 8:19 pm
Talking to yourself is very satisfying. I often talk to myself and I see myself as my one friend and if I do something good , it helps me think positive and if I ve done something absurd, I scold myself.
But I find it very pleasant and there is nothing wrong in it since we r not causing any person any sort of harm.
2014-11-30 7:14 pm
I think it's normal. I do it sometimes when I'm alone. I would never do it out in public obviously because people would think I'm crazy.
2014-11-30 6:46 pm
It's normal. Don't sweat about it.
2014-11-30 6:26 pm
on the way of life a things like that have been happened not for you only but its for every body.because you shall be asked yourself what the thing happen before decided to asked someone.
worry out its normal
2014-11-30 6:22 pm
2014-11-30 6:21 pm
It is normal as it helps you think about what's on your mind but it may become a problem if you isolate all other human beings and just talk to yourself all the time.
2014-11-30 6:09 pm
Yes. It is a sign that you are a healthy individual, besides any stds or allergies or whatnot that you may have.
2014-11-30 6:03 pm
yes perfectly normal in fact some people argue with themselves,but if you start to disagree with yourself then you have a very serious problem ok.
2014-11-30 4:59 pm
Totally normal, as long as the things you say to yourself are positive affirmations you will be fine. I sometimes talk to myself when im alone, but not too loud...but thats just me haha, really..
2014-11-30 4:56 pm
2014-11-30 3:45 pm
It's normal I do it all the time, my friends said they do it too, almost everyone does sometimes I think x
2014-11-30 3:26 pm
Yes, I talk to myself whenever I'm alone. If I'm alone outside or something I'll talk to myself and I amuse myself thoroughly - however weird that may sound. Sometimes if I'm angry or annoyed or am feeling some sort of negatie emotion I'll rant it our to myself and kinda get my thoughts together so I know why I'm feeling the way I am and that. But I'll like to add in that I am perfectly socially adequate person and I would concur with the view that speaking to oneself is not at all abnormal...see what I did there? :P
2014-11-30 3:16 pm
This mostly happens to people who are lonely and livining in their own imaginary world. There is nothing abnormal in this habbit but it is rather unusual .It is better to be aware of what you are thinking about and live in a realistic world not in a world of yor own. Again this happens to people who are faced with numerous problems and there is a tendency for them to discuss with themselves various options or solutions to the problems. Ths gives some relief to them .Even lonely lovers have this habbit.
2014-11-30 2:42 pm
yeah its normal.. this is good for you if you talk with your self then you can see that what you are , and what is right or wrong with you.. just Think Positive
2014-11-30 2:39 pm
I talk to myself all the time. Its cuz im lonely. I answer myself too. I am also dignosed with Anxity disorder
2014-11-30 2:26 pm
Yes,it is normal but differs from person to person.
2014-11-30 2:06 pm
yes, it is totally normal. actually talking to urself reduces tension in ur mind because when u have a tension it can only be resolved by talking to someone. if u are a secret book kinda person so it is better just talk to urself
2014-11-30 12:54 pm
and i do, but only when i need a experts opinion.
2014-11-30 11:24 am
I think everyone talks to themselves. I certainly do.

Remember, you can't disagree with yourself, so you'll always be right.

How cool is that?

2014-11-30 10:57 am
no it's totally normal!i talk to myself all the helps me think better.
2014-11-30 10:04 am
A lot of people talk to themselves for multiple reasons, so i would say it is definitely normal.
2014-11-30 9:49 am
It's normal
2014-11-30 9:10 am
Yes. In this manner at least you know somebody is listening.
I talk to myself too especially when i'm nervous.
2014-11-30 8:37 am
Almost 700 answers? Wow, this is silly.

I will advice u not to listen to those comments. And as far as I concern, that is REALLY normal. That is how we get wiser :)
2014-11-30 8:09 am is normsl
2014-11-30 7:01 am
I talk out loud, being seen as talking to myself (shrugs) but honestly, everyone does it. I mean, some even do that cause theyre bored (I once literally talked to myself when my teacher told us to converse amongst ourselves- I took it literally on purpose :P ) And sometimes I do talk to myself. It is 'normal' though others will tell you otherwise. those people, do they talk to themselves? I think they do~!
2014-11-30 6:57 am
No, nobody else has ever done it in the history of never. If anyone says they have, they're lying. If anyone looks like they are, they're probably wired and are actually spying. And if you ever think you are, seek help immediately friend, you're probably dying.
參考: We're all praying for you, you poor, deranged soul.
2014-11-30 6:44 am
who cares. do it anyways
2014-11-30 6:28 am
Yea, just talk nice to yourself! and Motivate yourself! Make yourself feel good!! :)
2014-11-30 5:57 am
its normal i do it also
2014-11-30 5:29 am
Very few people do this.
2014-11-30 4:53 am
Its normal i do it all the time it helps if you have a problom or boered so dont beat yourself up
參考: Its okay liki i talk to my self all the time it helps like if you have a problom you know w
2014-11-30 4:12 am
It is perfectly natural to talk to yourself sometimes it clarifies lots of issues when you say it aloud.
2014-11-30 4:10 am
That's completely normal. I do it all the time.
2014-11-30 4:00 am
I have conversations with myself in the car alone all the time. Because I know I always listen to what I have to say. hehe
2014-11-30 3:59 am
Yes, sometimes you need an expert opinion.
2014-11-30 3:31 am
Yeah it is. ;D
2014-11-30 3:10 am
Yes better conversation then speaking too most of these arses!
2014-11-30 3:08 am
2014-11-30 2:35 am
he11 no
2014-11-30 2:27 am
Scottish women do it all the time. Especially if a referendum is on.
2014-11-30 2:11 am
Don't answer back when someone is within earshot because someone may order a straitjacket for you.
2014-11-30 1:58 am
I usually talk to myself. ( Nobody else will listen to me! )
2014-11-30 1:55 am
It is normal. Don't worry you are not alone I do it too especially when I am studying for a test. People learn differently and one of then involves talking. I am pretty sure other people do it too and might not like telling other people.
2014-11-30 1:47 am
2014-11-30 1:46 am
2014-11-30 1:30 am
2014-11-30 1:29 am
It depends i say things out loud so I can look at the problem I find it helpful to say things out loud cause I work threw it if I dont its like im ignoring the problam and then I feel crazy its normal but when you do find yourself talking to your self more then with any one you no you might wanna work on your relations with ppl a little more cuz it could me you can't trust your peers or maybe they dont respect what you feel and say the best thing to do it get a jornel or start a log mark down the times you catch your self talking to your self take care you can always talk to me im on here somtimes or facebook
2014-11-30 1:00 am
Yes it is completely normal. Sometimes people need to rewind and really go over their thoughts, and believe it or not, the best way to do this is to talk it out. Even if it's over the most simplest things.
Hope this helps :)
2014-11-30 12:58 am
Yes. As a matter of fact I just asked my therapist that the other day.
2014-11-30 12:08 am
I do too, especially when I'm in my own company
2014-11-30 12:02 am
yep, I do sometimes
2014-11-29 11:33 pm
Its okay unless you are imagining things that aren't there.
2014-11-29 11:05 pm
Yes,it's normal!
2014-11-29 10:52 pm
Totally! Unless it's a Golem/Smeagol relationship!

2014-11-29 10:08 pm
As my dad always said, if I want intelligent convrsation I have to talk to myself. I do it too. I think everyone does, just the healthier people say so.
2014-11-29 9:55 pm
Most people seem to carry on conversations with themselves subvocaly, occasionally this becomes vocal Its better however to pause between thoughts and empty your mind.
2014-11-29 9:32 pm
haha its okay i do it all the time, it's completly normal.
2014-11-29 9:27 pm
I DO IT ALL THE TIME!! ... maby because im lonley ;_;
2014-11-29 9:27 pm
Absolutely ,i do the same thing and it was actually proven that people that talk to themselves are smarter !!
2014-11-29 9:27 pm
i dont know if its normal...but i do it :)
2014-11-29 9:15 pm
Everyone talks to themselves even the hot blonde that you hate! =D
2014-11-29 9:13 pm
my husband does it and it's annoying as hell. I was always told if you talk to urself than you're crazy. He does is it like he's actually having a conversation with someone else. I tell him to stop cuz he's freaking me out. He said he's crazy then he starts to laugh and said he's not talking to himself, he's thinking out loud. I heard him having a whole conversation with himself and thought we had company or something. I came out in the living room and no one was there except for him.
2014-11-29 9:04 pm
Yeah everyone does it sometimes they just might not realise it. It usually happens if your thinking about something like a conversation you've had with someone or something that's happened earlier that day/week and your thoughts are just coming out
2014-11-29 8:48 pm
I'm sorry: Were you talking to me?
2014-11-29 8:34 pm
we all do that from time to time
2014-11-29 8:31 pm
Yes it is. It veers into danger when you talk to yourself yet invent another voice to talk back to you ala Norman Bates in Psycho.
2014-11-29 8:27 pm
yes it's normal
2014-11-29 8:15 pm
Yes , it's normal. i do it sometimes too when i'm bored.
2014-11-29 8:01 pm
I do it too, I think it's fine just don't do it in public. Thinking out loud can help
2014-11-29 7:19 pm
2014-11-29 7:18 pm
2014-11-29 6:53 pm
I think it is normal if you talk to yourself and nobody there but if there is people around you it is not good ,not normal .
2014-11-29 6:25 pm
Just answering because 603 others did... Yeah, its normal.
2014-11-29 6:19 pm
2014-11-29 6:05 pm
Yes man its normal, in this you arre the king of your world.... just try to sleep more and relax your brain.... this condition will reduce!!!
2014-11-29 5:53 pm
sometimes when Im alone I talk to myself a bit just to hear a voice, cause an empty house can be a bit unsettling so I just like to hear my voice so the random creaks and odd sounds in the house aren't so freaky. Besides, it helps drown them out and distract me. So I dunno. Maybe if its like youre having a two way conversation its weird, but I don't think its that odd
2014-11-29 5:39 pm
It is really Normal
2014-11-29 5:21 pm
It really depends on what your talking to yourself about. But its fine unless your having full out conversations with yourself.
2014-11-29 4:53 pm
I do too because I seem to be the only one that pays attention to what I say.
2014-11-29 4:00 pm
Yes low-key...
2014-11-29 3:59 pm
If i DID"N talk to myself i would not be normal :D
2014-11-29 3:58 pm
Yes its very normal it helps with your imagination and creativity side. Its also a very good way to relive stress.
2014-11-29 3:46 pm
Add your answer Just don't argue.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-29 3:44 pm
Sometimes it can be normal, sometimes it can't. Like, I talk to myself when I go shopping or if I forget something I yell to myself. I tell myself off if I'm late for something. But if you actually think you're having a conversation with someone.... Not stereo typically 'weird' as such. You're not insane or anything. It's normal to give yourself a pep talk or something, too. Maybe you get lost in a conversation with yourself, or imagine you're somewhere. It's fine though
2014-11-29 3:25 pm
2014-11-29 2:46 pm
Define normal ?
What is normal ?.. What does normal expect from us ?
2014-11-29 2:40 pm
Yes, is normal, it shows that you have confidence yourself
2014-11-29 2:36 pm
yeah.. it is normal in sometimes case... we will be self analysing in those type... it can be helpful to take good decision too..
2014-11-29 1:38 pm
yes. as long as you can answer back.
2014-11-29 1:29 pm
I do this too, especially when i'm in my room alone :D
2014-11-29 1:01 pm
its normal
2014-11-29 12:53 pm
Sometimes I talk to myself in front of other people. Yeah, people will definitely give you weird looks, then. So, best bet is...
Yes, its normal.
Don't let people see you.
參考: :D
2014-11-29 12:42 pm
did you ask yourself?
2014-11-29 12:38 pm
It is normal for person to talk to himself, It is a sign that brains are healthy. Ive even read that people who talk to themselves often have high IQ
2014-11-29 11:54 am
I use different accents to make it more fun.
參考: I'm cra cra
2014-11-29 11:22 am
Talking your self is normal for me because in that stage to can refresh your mind but not everytime.
2014-11-29 10:48 am
Perfectly normal,unless, you get, answers,then you should worry?
2014-11-29 10:17 am
People talk to themselves and sing when noones around so they wouldn't feel lonely
參考: school
2014-11-29 10:01 am
It is sometimes the best way to get the right answer. Or else to convince yourself that you have the right answer.
2014-11-29 9:57 am
yes go to psychiatric
2014-11-29 9:50 am
of course its normal, sometimes the only one who could understand you is yourself..hahhaha
2014-11-29 9:26 am
I carry full fledged conversations with myself and no ones said Sh*t to me??? Although I am pretty strange
2014-11-29 8:29 am
I do. But just don't talk it too loud coz people will call u crazy.. I only murmur stuff when I play a game or something but I don't say tht much anymore..
2014-11-29 7:55 am
It is normal ..
Just dont imagine yourself to be someone else while talking to yourself ..
2014-11-29 7:43 am
I occasionally (kidding, I do it all the time) like to talk to myself... I don't know why, but I guess I just feel like if I talk to myself, someone is actually replying to me. It's weird, but it's me. If it's you, good.
2014-11-29 7:34 am
I do it all the time .
I don't really talk about my problems to other people so I just talk to myself about them
2014-11-29 7:33 am
Yes, it's normal. Most of us have done it many times before. I find that it helps to clarify your thoughts better when you hear them out loud.
2014-11-29 7:18 am
2014-11-29 7:18 am
It's normal
2014-11-29 6:48 am
sometime is normal
2014-11-29 6:45 am
yep it is normal but if you talk much then it is not normal, that very time your must go to doctor.
2014-11-29 6:42 am
u have monkeynucleosis
2014-11-29 6:35 am
Normally 'NO'
2014-11-29 5:14 am
2014-11-29 5:01 am
so many answers, give me best
2014-11-29 4:51 am
I talk to myself in my car or when I'm alone lol. I don't do it if there's people though
2014-11-29 4:40 am
Yes, this is normal. Good luck.
2014-11-29 4:37 am
2014-11-29 4:17 am
It's normal
2014-11-29 3:54 am
Good question! Well i think it is just normal, i mean im always talking to myself, too lol. I think it's just a way to think or express yourself to yourself.
2014-11-29 3:54 am
2014-11-29 3:50 am
2014-11-29 3:32 am
2014-11-29 3:17 am
Yea its normal we have the ability to do that like writing in a journal about your self I do it some times so also
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-29 3:13 am
yes you are thinking out your thoughts which is intelligent
2014-11-29 3:11 am
only weird if you answer yourself back and carry on a lengthy conversation
2014-11-29 3:07 am
Yes I talk to myself, I even got my husband talking to himself. When we first got married some 35 years ago he would hear me talking and ask, who are you talking to, Myself, I would say. He would look at me like I was crazy but he got use to it. Now I hear him talking to himself.
2014-11-29 2:31 am
No, you are crazy!
2014-11-29 2:27 am
I sometimes talk to my penis and it wetly replies
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-29 2:11 am
Yes it is normal. The keyword in your question was sometimes. Everyone talks to their self on occasion.
2014-11-29 1:26 am
very normal if you talk back not so much.
2014-11-29 1:21 am
It is actually statistically proven that sometimes people who talk to themselves are more intelligent. ... It also depends on the reasoning behind why you are talking to yourself.
2014-11-29 12:35 am
I talk to myself all the time without even realizing sometimes and I am normal lol
2014-11-29 12:14 am
2014-11-28 11:40 pm
Honestly, even if it hasnt been proven, at some point everyone talks to themselves... plus this whole thing about the "norm" is somewhat over rated... I relieve stress or even work out problems just by talking to myself.. Okay yeah, sounds cray but long as you do so in your own private environment, your fine.
2014-11-28 10:25 pm
2014-11-28 10:06 pm
yeah very normal..everyone does it.
2014-11-28 10:01 pm
It's normal to talk to yourself Its even normal to argue with yourself but if you're talking to yourself andoyurself says Huh what then you may have a problem
2014-11-28 8:27 pm
Well, in theory it completely depends on your specific situation because the term "normal" is so subjective. If you are aware that you are doing it and realize that you are doing it all the time subconsciously, it might be a problem. If it's not something that you have control over, it might become a problem, but i think everyone talks to themselves once in a while. The key would be seeing if you can stop doing it if you wanted to stop.
2014-11-28 7:54 pm
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-28 7:52 pm
Yep if you don't answer your own questions.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-28 7:44 pm
Yes. and encouraged by my counselor who claims that while driving in your car is the best time to have those personal in-depth conversations.. but do it while you are by yourself as the information may be private!!!!!
2014-11-28 7:25 pm
That is normal . As a matter of fact, studies have shown that people who talk to their-self are more intelligent opposed to those who don't.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-28 6:50 pm
Well...yes and no. Talking to yourself in your mind, or occasionally out-loud when you are on your own, is completely normal. However, talking to yourself out loud in public is not quite so normal, as is having frequent arguments with yourself or changing personalities when you talk to yourself. (I think that may be one of those moments where you think that you are the only one who does something when it is something that everyone does ;) ). Hope this helps.
2014-11-28 6:48 pm
Yess I talk to myself too but mostly in my head
2014-11-28 6:25 pm
No of course its not this indicates that you are depressed and need a best friend i recccomend a dinosaur. You need to get a X-ray of your brain I'm a doctor so know this stuff
2014-11-28 5:48 pm
It is normal but i think you should go to discuss with doctor.
2014-11-28 5:42 pm
Are you having conversations or just speaking out loud? If you are answering yourself. Than yes you have a problem and need help immediately.
2014-11-28 5:38 pm
Yes. It's just a way to release stress. Don't worry about it.
2014-11-28 5:22 pm
It's very normal. I work in a store where it gets quiet around this time of year so shifts are always a one man job. I talk to myself, sing to myself and even dance by myself because at least there isn't just quiet.
2014-11-28 5:08 pm
Out loud or in your head??
2014-11-28 4:51 pm
Talking to yourself is OK, if you are worried about what people may think of you doing this just get a Bluetooth mobile phone headset and they will think you are talking on the phone.

Many grown people have an imaginary friend to whom they talk, this happens particularly on Sundays and Fridays, but this is considered normal behaviour.

We could rank these in order,
Talks to himself,
Talks to imaginary friends,
Argues with himself,
Loses those arguments.
參考: Just 62 years of looking at life and others.
2014-11-28 4:46 pm
Don't worry, this is totally normal. If you are worried or want to sociaise/empthatise with ourself we do so, because we feel either socially incapable to speak to another person. Everyone goes through the same stage.
2014-11-28 4:24 pm
As long as you don't answer yourself back you should be good.
2014-11-28 4:23 pm
I didn't think so when I was a teenager and observed adults doing it , I used to be ashamed of my father when he did it . but as I got older and started doing it I realized it how we solve complex issues in our minds. when questioned about doing it by my children I had to explain that I felt the same way and one day they will probably do the same .
either that or we're all crazy and its passing down LOL
2014-11-28 4:20 pm
If you talk to God you're religious; if God talks to you, you're
schizophrenic :)
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-28 4:16 pm
I love talking to myself. Once my sister was ignoring me, reading, so I started to argue with myself. She laughed and talked to me after we turned to three as one tried to mediate between the the 2 of us arguing it was hilarious. She couldn't resist laughing!
2014-11-28 4:08 pm
It differs persons to persons
2014-11-28 3:45 pm
Its Normal bcoz if u talk to urself before any interview or exams(if u r a student) its absolutely normal bcoz it gives u some courage to face the problems or tackle fear and btw talking to urself may also lead that u speak well
2014-11-28 3:28 pm
As long as its not all the time. I talk to myself time to time. I dont think there is anything wrong with it.
2014-11-28 2:31 pm
Only if you want to have someone intelligent to talk to.
Just don't start an argument.
2014-11-28 2:23 pm
obviously, everybody do it and it is necessary to evaluate ourselves
2014-11-28 2:18 pm
2014-11-28 2:06 pm
Oh yes, I have private little conversations with myself ALL the time. :)
2014-11-28 2:04 pm
yes.. it is
2014-11-28 1:54 pm
lol duh, ditto here
2014-11-28 1:49 pm
I do frequently - Think of it as more of Thinking out load
2014-11-28 1:47 pm
2014-11-28 1:38 pm
I've started talking to myself... think its out of lonliness to be honest.. :(
2014-11-28 1:08 pm
Yap it's Normal
2014-11-28 1:04 pm
Yes it is completely normal to talk to oneself. Lots of people do it while reading newspapers,novels or when the mind is completely vacant. Some people get clarity of thought while doing worries at all.
參考: Self
2014-11-28 12:52 pm
yes, they say it is a sign of intelligence, because you're wondering
2014-11-28 12:38 pm
Yes it is normal. I do sometime. When I am deeply thinking of some solution or say some thing, I talk to myself.
2014-11-28 12:36 pm
I tlk 2 myself when nobody is around. But, it's not normal if u tlk 2 urself when everyone is around.
2014-11-28 12:32 pm
I think its normal
2014-11-28 12:23 pm
2014-11-28 12:08 pm
100% normal, in fact it is really relaxing this way that we could wholly speak to ourselves and believe me i did it almost all the time and it kind of rejuvenates me, makes me feel the true me!!! CHILL !!!....IT'S absolutely fine!!!!!
2014-11-28 11:42 am
Yeah, it's ok sometimes, but overdoing it can be a big problem.
2014-11-28 11:14 am
it is not normal but it is normal when you take it normaly
2014-11-28 10:58 am
Yes it is. . . but it also depends that how often you do it. . !!
2014-11-28 10:34 am
I talk to myself as you do, probably for the same reason which is that we like talking to intelligent and beautiful people.
2014-11-28 10:30 am
taking to yourself in a situation like "Hmmm, what should i wear. No no, that's not that one you idiot. Ah ha this is the one. You see, it has got..." these are the kinds which i consider normal, but the sayings like "yeah, he's a complete dumbass. i dont know why he does that, oh and what happened today, epic fail, haha" this i think is due to a lack of friends or response
2014-11-28 10:12 am
Yeah in my point of view it is normal. The persons should talk to themselves and even i say should ask to themselves the plans and the commitments. Because if you do commitment with yourself you will always gain the success.
2014-11-28 10:08 am
Totally normal. I talk to myself way too often. Sometimes i pretend i'm having an argument. I even pretend to be interviewed by Ellen.
Unless you're seeing things people cannot see, that's a different story
2014-11-28 9:35 am
Not sure but I do it as well, so if your crazy your in good company.
2014-11-28 9:32 am
Yes,,,,it's normal to talk to oneself. Whenever people catch me talking to myself and ask me why I do it, I
tell them, "I meet better people that way!"
2014-11-28 9:30 am
Yes it is Normal. But when it regularly happen then you have to take care about it.
2014-11-28 9:12 am
The fact that you talk to yourself is actually really good, because it helps to reassure yourself or keep note of something. Often i talk about the things i need to do, which helps to make my schedule more clear for the week.
2014-11-28 9:03 am
yes it is
2014-11-28 9:00 am
yap, its normal.
2014-11-28 8:48 am
I talk to myself when studying
2014-11-28 8:47 am
How old are you. I think you are going on mature stage.
2014-11-28 8:39 am
That depends. I talk to myself for a very brief period of time.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-28 8:36 am
Yes it is normal
2014-11-28 7:59 am
2014-11-28 7:55 am
2014-11-28 7:55 am
If you know your talking to yourself it's normal if you don't then that's a issue go see a doctor
2014-11-28 7:27 am
haha totaly
2014-11-28 7:26 am
I think it's healthy... sometimes we need to hear things we are thinking about out loud. And those of us who spend a great deal of time alone or who live alone, tend to talk to ourselves sometimes.

It's ok.
2014-11-28 7:25 am
Only if the drugs r good
2014-11-28 7:16 am
2014-11-28 7:12 am
Yes. I do it is completely normal. I do it when im sad or just need to think out loud. Sometimes it can be weird when doing it in front of other people though
2014-11-28 7:06 am
2014-11-28 6:54 am
It's normal to talk to yourself when you are completely alone and you are rehearsing it on a mirror. But if you talk to yourself at public places where every ones looking at you that can be embarassing cause this can make people confused and they might think you are a crazy/ lunatic person and some ppl will just smile or laugh or call you crazy. So unless you want to avoid all those just do it somewhere where there is no one around.
2014-11-28 6:45 am
You might just be lonely
2014-11-28 6:06 am
May be it is normal but am not sure.
2014-11-28 5:55 am
Yes I believe it is. I talk to myself all the time. Usually, in front of a that normal?

Sometimes people do it because they have no one else to talk to or they don't trust a lot of people so they talk to themselves. Or atleast that's why I do it
2014-11-28 5:47 am
Well I do it all the time
2014-11-28 5:35 am
So do I.
I find I have a better conversation that way, instead of trying to start one with shallow, anti-social people.
2014-11-28 5:25 am
yea its normal
2014-11-28 5:06 am
sometimes can be normal
2014-11-28 5:01 am
It's very normal. Most people will admit to doing so at least mentally, if not vocally, when alone.
2014-11-28 4:42 am
I talk to my penis.
2014-11-28 4:35 am
yes you are good thinker
2014-11-28 4:24 am
Yes its normal
2014-11-28 4:02 am
Yes it is normal, I always have conversations with myself (in my mind not aloud) on different philosophies and what have you.
2014-11-28 3:31 am
i will also do so when i was boring or lack of confident
2014-11-28 3:06 am
Its normal. Make sure you talk to people around you and get along well with them.
2014-11-28 2:57 am
Depending on the depth of conversation, yes it is very normal. I'm bipolar and when I get manic, I can't stop talking. And when no one is there, I catch myself having a conversation with someone whom comes to mind and is not even there. I don't hear them but sometimes I will answer what I expect them to ask while in the conversation. No one could possibly understand the this unless they are manic and have actually done it themselves. I'm no longer manic and never do it. And of course when people hear voices and answer back, it's not normal.
2014-11-28 2:35 am
Yes, it's normal. I talk to my indoor plants so they will grow better and they do
2014-11-28 2:31 am
It is only normal to talk to yourself when you are (self`~confidenting)yourself.In other words talking yourself into trying your best and being tough as it gets.I talk to myself in typical difficult situations,like choosing between your crush and your friends or having stage fright and performing in front of thousands of people that could make your life miserable.Use this advice.
2014-11-28 2:16 am
as someone who works in a hospital... this concerns me
2014-11-28 2:08 am
Yeah I don't think un-normal people usually question whether they are doing something normal or not.
2014-11-28 2:01 am
everyone does talk to themselves, obviously, just it's most often done in their head. it's totally normal if you talk to yourself aloud if you're alone, even if you're in public, don't worry
2014-11-28 12:59 am
I talk to myself a lot to be honest, mostly to reassure myself or other things like that. I don't think it's abnormal.
2014-11-28 12:38 am
It's normal now days. It is thinking aloud and responding to self.
2014-11-28 12:24 am
ya this is normal, everyone talks to there self somtimes
2014-11-28 12:11 am
Totally normal. I talk to myself about 5 times a day, just because sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who understands my thoughts lol.
2014-11-27 11:51 pm
2014-11-27 11:32 pm
i was told it is. but then again... it was me who told me that :p
2014-11-27 11:11 pm
2014-11-27 11:08 pm
no it is not
2014-11-27 11:01 pm
i think it's normal..
2014-11-27 10:19 pm
Well.... I guess that would depend... Talking yourself everyone does that... But if your having full blown out conversations and actually answering your self back... We'll then its probably time you seek out a physicist to talk to instead...
2014-11-27 9:49 pm
Yes it's normal, but It's more commun in lonely people. Normally people who speak to theselves are the best thinkers and are the more intellegent!
2014-11-27 9:48 pm
yes its normal to talk to yourself just to double check within your self that your doing the right thing
2014-11-27 9:39 pm
l do that all the time , lm doing it right now actually lol -anyway imagine it like this -they're two people on a island you and someone else you dont know how you got there .

You talk to your self ,while he does not .

as time passes he loses the ablity to speak , as humans we talk to are selfs all the time , its just you talk to your self out loud , anyway its a good way to process stuff .
2014-11-27 9:34 pm
2014-11-27 9:07 pm
Ya it is
2014-11-27 8:44 pm
I very often talk to myself, but my parents think I'm crazy about it.
2014-11-27 8:44 pm
Yeah sometimes your the only person who will listen. Plus it a good tool in brainstorming ideas
2014-11-27 8:13 pm
I've read article that stated that talking to oneself is a sign of intelligence. Anyways, I think it's rather normal. Especially if it's really quiet there or when you're nervous. (:
2014-11-27 8:11 pm
Yes it's normal sometimes.
2014-11-27 8:04 pm
2014-11-27 8:04 pm
Every person does it
2014-11-27 7:53 pm
What way you talking to yourself is it loud or is it like thinking. If its like a fellow playing both black and white in chess then i think its abnormal. Try talking to others make friends go out of your home, stop your worries.
2014-11-27 7:43 pm
it's normal, don't worry everyone does it. it is a way to support yourself; even the best sports people do it to make them get into the game to make them more confident.
don't worry everyone does it, just don't only talk to yourself because that isn't right
2014-11-27 7:41 pm
2014-11-27 7:21 pm
Talking to yourself can actually help you remember stuff, think better, make you happier. It is completely normal.
2014-11-27 7:04 pm
I talk to myself too.. because some times i need expert advice ;)
2014-11-27 6:57 pm
yes its normal because when u feel urself lonely u start talking to urself
2014-11-27 6:52 pm
It is the ONLY intelligent conversation I get ALL DAY.
2014-11-27 6:50 pm
you're crazy
2014-11-27 6:43 pm
Yes it is normal.

Sometimes you could be talking to your self by thinking outloud.
Or other times to break the silence.

Still ya its normal.
2014-11-27 6:09 pm
I talk to myself ALL the time. It is normal. :)
2014-11-27 5:53 pm
2014-11-27 5:49 pm
Talking to own self is bad habit or good thing.?
Some times I talked to my self. Actually i talk to my self a lot. i don't know why? I am just curious is this bad habit or some some kind of freakishness.

Perhaps, it is a kind of self-reflection with a verbalization of your thoughts. It also seems to be type of gestalting with inner-thoughts to see if they will fit into a reasonable ego-consciousness in your own ego-boundaries.
Maybe, it might be considered to make the ideas more concrete, from the sub-consciousness to the consciousness. As the subconscious continuously enters the conscious mind, we might be trying to grasp a valid understanding by running a verbal-reality check on our thoughts.
In motivation psychology, it seems that the precognitive -ideas [those which are not completely conscious] will present as dreams, day dreams, and fantasies-before becoming a solid conscious idea.
These are clues to our subconscious-orientation: power, achievement, or affiliation which Carl Jung suggests are a rich source of creative material.
contours and boundries of geatalt psychology-?
gestalt psychology---wolfgang kohler
gestalt therapy--fritz perals
psychology of human human motivation---
2014-11-27 5:47 pm
You may be the only normal one left.
2014-11-27 5:41 pm
, é básico 2gb memoria, hd 350, intel celeron 2.29 ghz, uso windows 7 home premium, nao tenho muitos programas, porem tudo trava, audio, navegador, ... ja escaniei, nada de virus, abri limpei, etc, atualizei os drivers, tudo ok, nao sei o que pode ser.
2014-11-27 5:22 pm
It's normal. Derek Jeter did it a lot. Professional baseball players do it.
2014-11-27 5:17 pm
I talk to myself all the time. Right?
Right! I talk to him, he talks to me.
2014-11-27 5:03 pm
AS long as you don't answer yourself ! LOLLLLL :)
2014-11-27 5:01 pm
Talking to yourself is a sign of intelligence.
2014-11-27 4:34 pm
It's normal to talk to yourself, everyone does it to some degree. Personally, I talk to myself all the time because I'm simply imagining how certain social interactions could pan out. I'm a very quiet person who tries to eliminate any form of communication with other people as often as I can because I get very nervous when communicating with other people face to face; therefore, I try to imagine and prepare for those conversations before they happen.
2014-11-27 4:27 pm
Well, do you talk to yourself as if it's another person, or just you talking to you? Do you speak to yourself in a foreign language that you've never even heard before? That could be a sign something is seriously wrong. It depends also on the topics you discuss with you. If you're reviewing how to get ready for tonight's party--that's normal. If you're talking about the mating habits of geese....not too normal. Know whut I'm sayin'?
2014-11-27 4:20 pm
it's normal , i talk to myself all the time . i even got in a fight with myself yesterday because i was talkin trash to myself, that motherf***er punched me in the face . what did you call me ? . i said motherf***er . * another punch* . JK but seriously it's really normal .
2014-11-27 4:16 pm
2014-11-27 4:15 pm
Listen I Do It All The Time So It's Perfectly Normal Yes. (:
2014-11-27 4:12 pm
It's only not normal when you answer back . . . unintentionally.
2014-11-27 4:09 pm
Yeah, as long as you don't do it 24/7.
2014-11-27 4:06 pm
It's normal I do it too
2014-11-27 3:58 pm
even i do,but if u talk means speak like u r telling some 1 then that isn't,when u r alone & u talk & u laugh that's with self & god anytime as i do but see the thin difference u make for normal & to self...its healthy...:)
2014-11-27 3:39 pm
Why talk to yourself when you can just as easily talk to God, but the trouble is we all find it easy to talk whether its to ourselves or not, We talk when we should be listening, When you turn to the right or to the left you shall hear a voice behind you saying this is the way walk you in it.
參考: What's your Source Bible Old Testament,
2014-11-27 3:38 pm
Yes, obviously it is normal. I also talk to myself. Actually when I talk to myself then I feel something relaxed.
2014-11-27 3:36 pm
2014-11-27 3:25 pm
2014-11-27 3:22 pm
common ting not to worry about that..
2014-11-27 3:12 pm
its called single child syndrome I do it too :(
2014-11-27 3:06 pm
2014-11-27 3:05 pm
No its abnormal.
2014-11-27 2:52 pm
If you know you are talking to yourself ... then its normal... If I feel lonely I talk to myself..
2014-11-27 2:51 pm
I, personally I do talk to myself but not in a public place.
I do it when I'm alone.
2014-11-27 2:42 pm
its normal, its absolutely normal to talk to yourself specially if no one is around ^_^
2014-11-27 2:35 pm
it certainly is not abnormal!
2014-11-27 2:17 pm
Yes, nothing insane about it.
2014-11-27 2:04 pm
I think its normal. Everybody talks to themselves. It's totally normal.
2014-11-27 2:01 pm
2014-11-27 1:36 pm
Yes it is normal Ii also do this
2014-11-27 1:30 pm
of course normal because you think you have some supportive person inside you so you talk and consult with him
2014-11-27 1:28 pm
2014-11-27 1:19 pm
i sometimes talk to myself so its normal
2014-11-27 1:18 pm
If sometimes than normal.
2014-11-27 1:16 pm
It is often normal, not only is it normal but also the people who talk to themselves are often the best thinkers! Talking to yourself is not a problem at all, you should be kind of proud because it shows you're pretty good at thinking! Try a mind puzzle! xD
2014-11-27 1:04 pm
yes, most likely, yes. as long as you're not laughing with yourself, arguing with yourself and well almost anywhere, everywhere and anytime you talk to yourself... well, that's the time you need to see a doctor.
But if you only talk to yourself, in your house, alone then it's normal, it's called interpersonal communication, people do it before interviews, times of depression, to hone one's self-esteem and existential crisis.
Have fun bro, just try not to lose your sense of reality whilst talking to yourself
參考: psychology books, English books: Speech Communication, common sense, and well... uhm... from my experiences
2014-11-27 12:43 pm
Yes it is normal
2014-11-27 12:36 pm
yes,it's normal.rather it's necessary for self judgement.
2014-11-27 12:17 pm
yes .. you are just thinking but in a loud voice
2014-11-27 12:13 pm
Um, no
2014-11-27 12:06 pm
Completely normal. All do it. Say a problem out loud and sometimes the answer comes to mind.
2014-11-27 12:06 pm
Yes it is
2014-11-27 11:48 am
I joke that I talk to myself so I can have a conversation with an intelligent person who really cares about me! Of course, most anything can be overdone. Generally, talking to yourself needs to be a private activity. Talk nicely to yourself. Praise yourself when you do well. Talk to yourself to help you memorize things. What is not good is to say bad things to you about you or others.
Tell yourself that you are lovable and capable. You are!
2014-11-27 11:43 am
In my opinion, it's normal as I do so.
2014-11-27 11:33 am
I used to do this, now I have to sit in a white room all on my own as I make people feel uncomfortable.
2014-11-27 11:18 am
Yes, I think its normal
2014-11-27 11:15 am
The Short: Yes

The Long: People retain information in different ways, some learn best by different senses. Some learn best by hearing, watching, doing, or reading it. By specking to your self you are solidify the thoughts in your mind by Hearing them and Speaking them (Doing)
2014-11-27 10:41 am
yes it,s normal and i do the same thing with myself because i have a lot of problems surround me
and talking to myself sometimes rest my mind and my soul :)
2014-11-27 10:28 am
i talk to myself all the time, but im generaloly accepted as quirky so im not the best yard stick here.
2014-11-27 10:07 am
You need that
2014-11-27 9:58 am
Hell yeah it is, its what makes you who you are.
2014-11-27 9:57 am
yes its
2014-11-27 9:51 am
you're ok. I am a therapist
2014-11-27 9:50 am
same problem with me...i think it's normal.
2014-11-27 9:05 am
not unless the voices in your head are real enough to require you to answer ..
2014-11-27 9:02 am
I do that too!
2014-11-27 9:02 am
Perfectly normal.
2014-11-27 8:53 am
Yes its very normal. Even I talk to myself lots of times.
2014-11-27 8:48 am
Yes it is normal
2014-11-27 8:03 am
Talking to you're self is a good thing. It is normal , and the person who talks to them self is successful in life!
2014-11-27 8:00 am
2014-11-27 7:52 am
Yes,it is normal.I think sometimes everybody do this.
2014-11-27 7:37 am
This is quite normal
2014-11-27 7:36 am
yeah its normal, its also known as thinking out loud
2014-11-27 7:28 am
It's normal as long as u aren't the only one whom u talk to. It's kinda like thinking out loud. No worries. But remember to call a friend sometimes.
2014-11-27 7:14 am
2014-11-27 7:06 am
yeah it;s normal
but u know what other think ya!!!!
2014-11-27 7:01 am
I do it sometimes when I'm by myself. It just depends on your personality.
2014-11-27 6:56 am
if it happen too often then you must contact a psychiatric. it could be because of some disorder in brain as well.
2014-11-27 6:41 am
Ya, it is a normal thing.
2014-11-27 6:25 am
2014-11-27 6:17 am
Talk to self , without whispering or mutely or without lip movement will be treated always as normal , it is called self talk which is a close inter communication with our awaken soul which guides us and gives alert call when we tend to deviate from truth
2014-11-27 6:06 am
I guess its normal.
2014-11-27 6:00 am
yes its very normal
2014-11-27 5:50 am
I always talk to myself lol sometimes when you are a lone, that is good way :)
2014-11-27 5:44 am
I think it's normal, but then I some times do it, too.
2014-11-27 5:43 am
sure. I do, you just think out loud.
2014-11-27 5:39 am
It's completely normal, that means you think out loud so you think so much
2014-11-27 5:32 am
I don't think it is abnormality. Sometime you are in a mood when you don't want to talk with anybody and need silence. Or you are in some type of depression, so it is obvious you want to talk with your inner circle (soul) and need to clarify about yourself, that what I have done, is it right or wrong? It is best way to judge yourself.
2014-11-27 5:27 am
I talk to myself all the time. I also have versions of the people I meet in my head and I talk to them for advice or when I'm bored I talk to them for entertainment
2014-11-27 5:24 am
perfectly normal. unless your talking in third person, which i'm hoping is not the case. thats just creepy
2014-11-27 5:04 am
Talking to yourself also helps keep yourself in place, and organize all your thoughts! Don't worry it's natural and even though people classify it as insane, everyone does it at one time or another.
2014-11-27 5:03 am
Of course! I talk to myself all the time. How else am I supposed to get an intelligent conversation started around here?
2014-11-27 5:01 am
YEAH.......... sometimes we need to talk to ourself
2014-11-27 4:55 am
when im replaying a memory back in my head i may accidentally say something that was happening then.
or maybe your're to memorize stuff or your're just praying
other than that no, it's not normal
2014-11-27 4:54 am
HAHAHAHA I talk to myself all the time!
2014-11-27 4:38 am
it depends on HOW you talk to yourself... I mean like, if you have imaginary friends you talk to, then yes that's weird, but if you just talk to yourself about what your about to do, or if your reminding yourself not to forget this and that, then that's quite normal... :P
2014-11-27 4:35 am
it is normal, because when I try to solve a problem, I talk to myself.
2014-11-27 4:24 am
Talking to yourself is not a problem at all from my point view and i'm not a MD, but it's lot better than telling someone your problem, and having different kinds of answer from them, some of them can be hurting a lot, so keeping your things to yourself is far better.
2014-11-27 4:07 am
I am forced to do the same.
2014-11-27 3:51 am
if it's a one sided thing yes... but if you're answering yourself go to the councelors
2014-11-27 3:51 am
It could be normal but it depends a question I have is do you also refer to yourself in the third person?
2014-11-27 3:48 am
it's normal
2014-11-27 3:39 am
It's normal. Sometimes i talk to myself too.
2014-11-27 3:38 am
totally! I talk to myself more than I talk to others
2014-11-27 3:29 am
talk to Jesus and you will do great things
2014-11-27 3:24 am
I talk myself too
2014-11-27 3:04 am
Prior to making my final decision, I talk to myself first, using the scenario of "what if".....
2014-11-27 2:58 am
Yup! Even I talk to myself when I'm alone. I had no one to confide into when something amazing happened so I just talk to myself, squeal to myself and all that stuff. :)
2014-11-27 2:47 am
I always do that!
2014-11-27 2:43 am
Its very normal
2014-11-27 2:12 am
It is normal for as long as you don't do it in public. If you talk to yourself in public, then you are 100% crazy. Also if you ask a question to yourself and you answer yourself, you are insane. Try not to talk to yourself often.
2014-11-27 2:10 am
2014-11-27 2:06 am
2014-11-27 2:05 am
2014-11-27 2:04 am
It's pretty normal to me that's what I do A lot
2014-11-27 1:56 am
It depends on what you're talking about. I noticed that most people tend to talk to themselves when trying to assess a situation. I used to do that a lot when I was younger until I eventually stopped. So in most cases it is normal, unless you're hearing voices I guess..
2014-11-27 1:56 am
2014-11-27 1:34 am
Yes, absolutely. We all have that kind of experience.
2014-11-27 1:34 am
Yes. Anyone who says they never di ti us lying.
2014-11-27 1:29 am
Third person or even Fourth person writing is perfectly normal, also known as narrating. The thing is talking out loud with it, is in the older age a sign of what you been through and not holding your war not being head strong and a sign of weakness, after the Wormword book release and what I would say hotness through Christianity ranks, I would call, any story or craft of that nature perfectly normal. You may have to explain yourself later, or on spot with a harder person, ignorant as he is.
2014-11-27 1:28 am
It's normal for me. Sometimes I just want to talk to the smartest person in the room. Can I help if that is the same person most of the time.
2014-11-27 1:27 am
It depends on your specific conditions. In my eyes, it is normal, because I like to talk with myself too. And 2 years ago, I saw someone said that he liked to talk with his sofa, chair and others on the TV program. So, you can take it easy.
2014-11-27 1:27 am
If you had to ask then no. You seem really insecure about yourself. Find some friends.
2014-11-27 1:26 am
yes it is totally normal because sometimes you get lonely and you need someone to talk to so then you talk to yourself that happens all the time to me at school because not a lot of people like me at school so I do it to cheer me up.
2014-11-27 1:21 am
It's quite normal to talk to yourself. I like the saying I saw once. " Don't make fun of people who talk to themselves. Chances are, It's the most intelligent conversation they've had all day".
2014-11-27 1:12 am
not particularly, you should get that checked out
2014-11-27 1:02 am
I sometimes talk to myself when I am in troubles or emotional storm
2014-11-27 1:00 am
it's totally normal, you my friend aren't alone. :)
2014-11-27 12:59 am
Every person has his/her own sense of normal. Every person has a right to have his/her own sense of normal. So it is a relative term.
2014-11-27 12:58 am
2014-11-27 12:57 am
Sure it is normal. We all do that from time to time. Just watch it if you do it a lot, or if you get in heated arguments with yourself. Some occasional small dialogue is perfectly normal.
2014-11-27 12:51 am
It means you just had a conversation with your best friend
2014-11-27 12:41 am
What's normal? Some people can't even form an opinion on something. Most don't talk to themselves. At least not in public. Maybe in private they do. I've seen plenty talk to themselves when there trying to figure something out, or something that doesn't make sense. And, will say "What the h*ll"?
2014-11-27 12:32 am
I think it's normal. Like when you do something stupid and say to yourself outloud, "duh dummy"

... nowadays there must be even more of that given that we are so absorbed in our own entertainment technology world. almost don't need people. But never go that road, we need one another and friendships super important.
2014-11-27 12:14 am
Yup but not close to your friends
2014-11-27 12:14 am
2014-11-27 12:11 am
I frequently talk to myself. And so do we.
2014-11-27 12:09 am
2014-11-27 12:04 am
i was just having a conversation with myself last night, and we agreed it is normal. completely...
參考: 10 years of waiting for the men in the white coats to figure it out
2014-11-27 12:00 am
Yes it is
2014-11-26 11:59 pm
its normal and can be good for you
2014-11-26 11:54 pm
it means your a genius! :D
2014-11-26 11:47 pm
Sometimes your the most sensible person to talk to.
2014-11-26 11:47 pm
Yeah, it's normal... I hope. I'm always having a go at myself.
2014-11-26 11:27 pm
It depends what you mean when you say 'talking to yourself'. I think almost everyone will mumble to themselves, say what they're thinking out loud when they're alone and other little things like that but if you're having actually conversations with yourself should probably get that checked out.
2014-11-26 11:25 pm
Sometimes, it is.
2014-11-26 11:13 pm
Absolutely. You are not complicated
until your other voices say otherwise.
2014-11-26 10:56 pm
2014-11-26 10:32 pm
I always talk to myself
2014-11-26 10:24 pm
sometimes. I do it to
2014-11-26 10:23 pm
We believe so, don't we? Yes.

2014-11-26 10:18 pm
Thoughts tend to escape me if I do not reaffirm them through oratory confirmation.
2014-11-26 10:17 pm
Yes, it helps us actually execute doing things ( as opposed to just thinking about it ).
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-26 10:15 pm
Its normal. There isn't nothing wrong with talking to yourself. If your bored or nervous, you find yourself talking to yourself.
2014-11-26 10:13 pm
Hell yeah XD

Studies show that people who talk to themselves actually have a lower risk of developing anxiety disorders and depression.

Hope this helped !!
2014-11-26 9:50 pm
Its only weird if you
2014-11-26 9:49 pm
Thinking is no different to speaking. Singing to self to keep spirits/neurons happy/looked after.
I think it's only disconcerting to have to confirm thoughts to the physical, the physical then treats me like a phonebox instead of a person; the world I know of doesn't need physical comfirmation of words... The world I know of is alike to being an embodied moving data centre but respected as a person as data moves and is resorted and so forth.

Lil babies are the most natural lovely creations by themselves (notice themselves well there for Mother Mary), some times they are looking at their baby toys saying la or ah or rah and other whispers that mean something to themselves lmai awwwwww.
2014-11-26 9:37 pm
i think it's normal because it's essentially thinking to yourself in a more or less phsical form. It's a human's nature ;)
2014-11-26 9:24 pm
It is normal depending on the situation and how often it occurs.
2014-11-26 9:23 pm
yes its normal. i talk to myself too. its when ya answer urself then u need to see a dr.
2014-11-26 9:23 pm
I do to. I guess we're both strange and not normal
2014-11-26 8:47 pm
yes it is,we all do it at some time my friend.
2014-11-26 8:42 pm
its normal, and i find it to be quite therapeutic. But a bit awkward to explain if you get caught.
2014-11-26 8:33 pm
Just call it thinking out loud.
2014-11-26 8:27 pm
Most of us does, in a limit of time , of course!!1

2014-11-26 8:18 pm
Hi.its totally normal,i talk to myself too we all do..sometimes my thoughts are in different language that is wierd.
2014-11-26 8:16 pm
Yes, I think so, simply because its an excellent opportunity to sort out a problem in your own mind and to your own satisfaction before committing yourself either publicly or openly.
Whatever the eventual decision, rarely do you get a daft answer.
2014-11-26 8:05 pm
that's normal. I actually heard that's a sign of intelligence because your mind is constantly working and thinking, so it needs to talk and make sounds even if no one else is there.
2014-11-26 7:24 pm
Yes man
2014-11-26 7:19 pm
yes 100% normal.
2014-11-26 7:16 pm
It's normal.Often I talk with God more than myself.
2014-11-26 7:13 pm
If talking to yourself out loud is normal then consider me a weirdo.
2014-11-26 7:12 pm
Sometimes I talk to myself because no one else is kind to me. It feels nice that at least I KNOW who I AM and that I'm not such a bad person as everyone thinks. Of course if you're overdoing it, you probably should get yourself checked lol
2014-11-26 7:07 pm
better than talking to plebs?
2014-11-26 6:51 pm
2014-11-26 6:48 pm
As long as you know there is only "one you" then it is very normal to do this. As a matter of fact, more than likely, you are a planner and intelligent . It is a way of "working out" a problem before opening your mouth. So don't be concerned if you do this from time to time . It is only a problem if you do it to avoid speaking to other people because you have a social phobia.
2014-11-26 6:48 pm
Yes i do that when I'm stressed sometimes
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-26 6:45 pm
its normal
2014-11-26 6:36 pm
not really
2014-11-26 6:28 pm
of course it is normal especiall it depend on your emotions or if something good or bad happens. It happens to me all the time. to be hounest it is like having an imaginary friend
參考: What's your Source (optional)
2014-11-26 6:25 pm
I sing songs in my head and sometimes bob my head to the beat. I never realized I did it until a friend asked me why I was bobbing my head.
2014-11-26 6:10 pm
normal creative ones talk to themselves
2014-11-26 6:06 pm
I think its normal in fact it is a step for personal development. Talking to yourself gives you confidence
2014-11-26 6:03 pm
well apparently its normal lmfao i thought i was weird doing it to ur post made me feel better lol
2014-11-26 6:03 pm
EVERYONE talks to themselves. Sometimes out loud but mostly in your own head. So no worries there my friend.
2014-11-26 6:00 pm
Of course it is.
2014-11-26 5:44 pm
I think it's normal because alot of people talk to themselves. I personally talk to myself all the time and my friends call me crazy :) But if you start talking to the wall or something as if it's someone then that's not normal haha xD but thats okay :) 2 of my bestfriends talk to themselves all the time and I get so confused cause i always think they're talking to me ;/
It's Normal :)
2014-11-26 5:41 pm
I guess you are still young, because when I was young, I did like you.
2014-11-26 5:36 pm
What is the definition of 'normal', that's the real question!
2014-11-26 5:35 pm
haha yeah its normal
2014-11-26 5:35 pm
seek professional advice immediately
2014-11-26 5:24 pm
Yes,its normal.But in public place its not normal.You have to take care about it.
2014-11-26 5:20 pm
it may be and sickness check with your gp or doctor
2014-11-26 5:16 pm
Oh yes......perfectly listen.....don't tell a soul but I found myself talking to my washing machine be was talking to me....noticed that before.....when it is dealing with a heavy load itsays "shove off/shove off" etc .....when a lighter load it is either "chaffinch/chaffinch" or "Watcha/watcha" I tell it not to be so rude when it's telling me to shove off and Watcha back when it's being friendly.

Ma and grandma
2014-11-26 5:02 pm
The best conversations happen with yourself :P
2014-11-26 4:57 pm
IT IS NOT NORMAL! just kidding, I talk to myself all the time... but then again I am far from normal. but id say nothing is wrong with you, its just a "Bad habit" like biting finger nails or swearing.
2014-11-26 4:44 pm
yes lol
2014-11-26 4:39 pm
it helps you to understand the situations some times...
2014-11-26 4:29 pm
for how long? if its over 20 seconds yes there is something wrong?
2014-11-26 4:26 pm
2014-11-26 4:21 pm
It is... A question: what about your self confidence? It might be a bit low, so that you are in need of being listened to, realised, learnt... Mind you! Just an idea...
2014-11-26 4:20 pm
it`s normal unless you start answering your own questions
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-26 4:19 pm
I find it to be normal.
2014-11-26 4:16 pm
Generally, yes. Sometimes it helps to sort things through by talking them out loud,
2014-11-26 4:02 pm
I do all of the time, and I get the best answers that way too.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-26 3:59 pm
I do it when I'm alone, not in public or anything. I do it to make my self feel less lonely or just for a laugh. Its like talking in your mind but saying it outloud! Soooo I say thats normal. c:
2014-11-26 3:59 pm
Yes it is normal, in fact, it actually shows your IQ level is higher than average...
2014-11-26 3:28 pm
It's very normal. I work in a store where it gets quiet around this time of year so shifts are always a one man job. I talk to myself, sing to myself and even dance by myself because at least there isn't just quiet.
2014-11-26 3:19 pm
yes completely i talk to myself all the time and ive seen one of my friends doing it but make sure you donttalk out loud like my mum but if you do talk to your self like with more people around you jst try and keep it all inside your head or slightly move your lips to mak people think your just moving your mouth
2014-11-26 3:15 pm
Everybody talk to them selves., especially in stressful conditions.
2014-11-26 3:07 pm
you're doing it again
2014-11-26 2:36 pm
its normal:D:P
2014-11-26 2:21 pm
Are you talking to me? Are YOU talking to me? Are you talking to ME?
Well, you must be talking to me cuz there's no one else here.
2014-11-26 2:11 pm
2014-11-26 1:50 pm
Yes it's fine to talk to yourself. Who better understands you but you? I consider it as 'thinking out loud'
2014-11-26 1:43 pm
Yes of course it is normal.
2014-11-26 1:36 pm
It is normal
2014-11-26 1:33 pm
Sometimes I do the same
2014-11-26 1:30 pm
It ok
2014-11-26 1:28 pm
it is normal.but it is better that u speak to someone who is close to you rather than to yourself.
2014-11-26 1:26 pm
2014-11-26 1:24 pm
Yes .. As long as you don´t answer yourself ! That would be outrageous
2014-11-26 1:17 pm
sure it is very normal but also pay attention at what you are doing
2014-11-26 1:11 pm
It's really normal
2014-11-26 1:09 pm
I think yes
2014-11-26 12:52 pm
It is normal. Smetimes I talk to myself too
2014-11-26 12:42 pm
It is normal.
2014-11-26 12:35 pm
I enjoy wood working. While working on a project that is difficult I will talk to myself and givem\ myself instructions on what is to be done
2014-11-26 12:33 pm
Yes, sometimes this is normal
2014-11-26 12:31 pm
yes, this is normal
2014-11-26 12:27 pm
Very normal. Many philosophers and geniuses did this to put thoughts and ideas in order. It is a sign that you are human,,,. No other animal does it
2014-11-26 12:21 pm
lols it's normal
2014-11-26 12:00 pm
My friend... I talk to my self hours and hours I'm my self best friend forever.. Me and my self have so much incommon, I know I sound retarded, hmmm idk how to prove that I'm not :/
2014-11-26 11:14 am
Yes, I thinkit's pretty normal, dear
2014-11-26 10:48 am
Yes it is. It's not if you answer yourself.
2014-11-26 10:16 am
yes its a coping mechanism
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-26 9:28 am
Everyone does it... even more when you are learning something important and new and surrounded by people would wouldn't care less. its all part of mental development.
2014-11-26 9:22 am
yes ,it is normal...
2014-11-26 8:14 am
dude its just thinkin outloud
2014-11-26 7:31 am
yes,,all of us can talk to might the reason or the way just to comfort us..
..and it is a sign for me that you are believing yourself..
2014-11-26 6:52 am
I personally think its ok it not like you're crazy or anything
2014-11-26 5:41 am
2014-11-26 5:34 am
ill put it this way if you don't talk to yourself your not normal. okay ? ;)
2014-11-26 5:25 am
2014-11-26 2:31 am
Yes. haha i do it all the time lol
2014-11-26 2:14 am
I talk to myself too and I always get caught doin it 😉
2014-11-25 10:45 pm
I do it all the time too. :)
2014-11-25 6:59 pm
Yeah, it is. I sometimes do it when I am in deep thought trying to get ideas what I am trying to do.
2014-11-25 6:57 pm
Yeah, I thinkit's pretty normal, dear
2014-11-30 4:12 am
Yes, it's normal, I do it all the time.
2014-11-30 3:58 am
I talk to myself all the time.
I'm usually always alone and I'll just say thing like "wow Celia why did you do that?" Or things like that.
Its normal, everyone does that.
2014-11-30 2:24 am
Its normal to a point . If you just talk to yourself for lets say motivation , like to pump yourself up , then yes that is normal. But if your having a full out conv. with yuself, you might wanna try not to do that . It could mess with your mind .
2014-11-30 1:07 am
yeah you're fine and people who talk themselves through difficult tasks have been proven to be more successful, it's also ok to mutter to yourself when youre working through something around other people but maybe not audibly about situations that kind of weird

but if youre talking out loud in a normal speaking voice to yourself around other people constantly thats kind of socially weird and you might have a slight social disorder but youre probably good
2014-11-29 10:59 pm
Yes that's normal if it don't happen to frequent.
2014-11-29 10:37 pm
Its normal.
2014-11-29 8:33 pm
i think its normal... its when you start arguing and slapping yourself that people stare. lol. i talk to myself all the time when im alone and bored. that's also how i figure stuff out... talk it out
2014-11-29 8:15 pm
I talk to myself while playing a videogame alone
2014-11-29 6:21 pm
2014-11-29 12:55 pm
Yes, it's normal. There's an adage that says "the best cautionary advice is the one you give to yourself." Most times very productive
2014-11-29 7:05 am
2014-11-29 6:25 am
Yes It is normal and necessary also in order to now ourselves.
2014-11-29 4:51 am
Of course I do it all the time. Im pretty sure its good for you. But just dont let it get out of control because then its not normal.
2014-11-29 12:34 am
2014-11-28 8:23 pm
If it's not normal then I deffs got something wrong with me. ahaha.
2014-11-28 6:41 pm
It's normal. Also quite healthy sometimes
2014-11-28 10:32 am
Yeahhhh.It happens sometime.
2014-11-28 6:20 am
Yes. It is normal. Sometimes if we sit alone, we talk to ourselves.
2014-11-28 5:50 am
yeah its necessary its call conscience
2014-11-28 4:55 am
it's common and in some cases maybe normal
2014-11-28 3:51 am
It is normal to talk to your self, self talking is a way for a person to realize what he/she has done if it's right or wrong. But if you're talking to your self with nonsense ideas, then that would be a problem.
2014-11-28 1:23 am
Yes. Intelligent people talk to themselves. Give yourself a break.
2014-11-28 1:13 am
I do it all the time. Call me crazy but it helps me understand things better when i analyze them out loud
2014-11-28 12:55 am
My Mom used to call it "Thinking out loud"
2014-11-28 12:30 am
2014-11-27 11:16 pm
2014-11-27 9:29 pm
Completely normal. I do it all the time. Sometimes I talk things out I'm having difficulty with when nobody else is around, and other times I'll just carry on monologues with myself and have a great discussion with myself. Which is nice, because sometimes there's nobody else around to listen when I need to talk :/
2014-11-27 8:47 pm
you talk to yourself ? looks like you forgot to take your medication
2014-11-27 7:51 pm
Yup, it's normal. I do it from time to time. Helps me think through certain situations.
2014-11-27 7:11 pm
Yes totally. I feel like i cant trust nobody and people always say "you should be able to talk to others about your problems, you'll feel better" but really that does nothing for me. When i talk out loud to myself, I can feel myself getting better.
2014-11-27 5:43 pm
Its quite normal, especially when you're trying to figure things out sometimes you're speaking it out loud. Its a good way of thinking thngs through. I expect more of us do it more than we realise too !
2014-11-27 4:37 pm
Yeah. Talking to yourself can be great. Having full conversations. That's frowned upon. Odds are. If you did have full blown conversations. That a indicator of a potential serious issue.
參考: Just letting you know that I'm no Doctor. Never got the bar. Just educated enough to give my opinion on this matter.
2014-11-27 4:07 pm
2014-11-27 3:06 pm
Yes, I do it all the time. It's called thinking out loud.
2014-11-27 2:50 pm
I'm going to be honest and tell you that it's odd. A clear symptom of schizophrenia is talking to yourself. I can't go into details, but I will say that I have a mild case of schizophrenia that I managed to stabilize with little to no medicine and is now an integrated part of my lifestyle. However, please note that this is the worst case scenario! Chances are you are fine and just have this odd habit.
If you are a teenager, then your bran is still in development and successful therapy with little medication should cure you back to new even if you have such a condition. If you are older, then medicine can help you integrate the disease, so that it really won't be a problem.
In any case, everything will be just fine, thrust me.
Also, don't take my opinion as a medical expertise, as I am not a trained medical professional, but take my advice and check it out. Do it for nothing else than the lolz!
2014-11-27 1:30 pm
Only if you make any sense
2014-11-27 1:02 pm
I,m totallycrazy and I talk to myself,answer is a sane yes.
2014-11-27 1:00 pm
it would not be normal if you didn't, whom else can you talk with that knows you better an whom is more intelligent ? but of course, we all do that
2014-11-27 12:32 pm
Yes. And f****** yourself is normal as well.
2014-11-27 12:04 pm
some people have this habit, but it ill harm a person when it increase day by day and lead you to disease, which is very dangerous for human. Some time if any do this will called it normal .
2014-11-27 11:39 am
no u crzy?
2014-11-27 10:05 am
It's normal
2014-11-27 9:49 am
Pretty Normal :)
2014-11-27 8:24 am
I think it's natural. When you talk out loud you are actually resonating more with what was in your mind.
2014-11-27 8:21 am
Everyone talks to themselves once in their lives. So I would say it's normal
2014-11-27 8:21 am
Welcome to the club ;)

and yes, it is normal - after all, from time to time, we have to talk to someone who really do understand us :)
2014-11-27 8:19 am
I do quite often, I'd say it's normal.
2014-11-27 6:51 am
Its completely normal bcause it happens always when we get lonely. Its only abnormal if we talk to ourselves with the presence of our friends or neighbours
2014-11-27 4:47 am
It's totally normal
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-27 4:16 am
i always talk to myself mentally im assuming its normal
2014-11-27 2:18 am
Yes! Many people do this (like me!)
2014-11-27 1:35 am
very normal... :)
2014-11-27 12:46 am
Extremely normal
2014-11-27 12:35 am
its awesome to talk to urself, Unless its like killer violently stuffs then i think ur ok
2014-11-27 12:30 am
As long as you don't answer yourself out loud. Then if you're in New York may Bellevue.
2014-11-27 12:18 am
Talking to yourself is normal.

*Hearing voices is not*
2014-11-27 12:16 am
pretty normal
2014-11-27 12:14 am
i just came here to read the comments
2014-11-26 11:35 pm
Depends what you think normal is haha :) But I do it too without even thinking.
2014-11-26 11:31 pm
2014-11-26 10:17 pm
Yes and I do it too
2014-11-26 9:01 pm
I always do so its absolutely normal :)
2014-11-26 8:50 pm
i ALWAYS talk to myself :D
very normal hehe c:
2014-11-26 8:50 pm
How you know ,that person you talk with ,it's yourself ? If you be yourself ,then you will not need to yourself or anyone else out of you .When you talk out ,you want to see your self out and when you talk your self in ,you want to see you self in .This confusion it cause you lost your self between in and out talking .when you find your self things it get clear ,and it's not normal to talk with it self ,this mean you are contact with some one else ,which you do not know who it is .
2014-11-26 8:29 pm
They say that's it's a sign of intelligence... I agree.
2014-11-26 8:11 pm
I think it depends on the degree of talking to yourself, and the degree to which talking to yourself positively or negatively effects your behavior. Honestly, I think everyone talks to themselves from time to time. However, it doesn't take a genius to recognize the difference between a mentally stable person talking to themselves vs. a mentally unstable one. Then again, anytime you are asking a question involving 'normality' you are creating a philosophical nightmare, because the degree of subjectivity inherent in normality creates many conundrums. Especially when you start trying to apply it to human psychology, because consciousness seems to be so individually unique, or at the least the experience of it.
2014-11-26 7:17 pm
Perfectly normal
2014-11-26 6:19 pm
ya its normal
2014-11-26 5:52 pm
Yep its actually considered unhealthy to not talk to yourself.
2014-11-26 5:02 pm
2014-11-26 1:45 pm
It's probably not normal, but I do it anyway.
2014-11-26 12:19 pm
Absolutely. If you are drunk. :)
2014-11-28 4:12 am
2014-11-28 1:43 am
Man everyone talks to themselves sometimes we don't even realize it. If someone say they don't then there the ones who isn't normal.
2014-11-28 1:41 am
Yes, I talk to myself all the time.
2014-11-27 11:43 pm
More normal than it is not
2014-11-27 9:18 pm
2014-11-27 8:39 pm
It is normal to do that and normal to question whether it is normal. It's a problem if you don't know you do it and you don't question yourself doing it!
2014-11-27 10:40 am
I think its crazy. What do you think Mitchell? I agree
2014-11-27 9:47 am
Yes it's normal
2014-11-27 7:50 am
Sure it's normal, just watch out for interrupting yourself. Best wishes
2014-11-27 7:18 am
2014-11-27 6:03 am
2014-11-27 4:53 am
2014-11-27 4:35 am
Yes it is! I give myself pep talk to motivate myself do better or complain about the worlds's unfairness. It's basically Intrapersonal communication.
2014-11-27 12:34 am
Yes, I do. Those are usually the best conversations.
2014-11-27 12:28 am
I certainly hope it is normal, because I do it on a daily basis.
2014-11-27 12:06 am
Yep. I do it a lot lol
2014-11-26 9:13 pm
Talking to yourself is a bad habit.
Thinking to yourself is the way to go.

If a thought is worth relaying to another person then do so, otherwise don't wast your time or theirs with you random talking for no reason. For many people self talk is exibitionism and a cry for attention.
Both of which are not ideal for a healthy mind.
2014-11-27 10:16 am
Situation and circumstances sometimes make some people to do that. Whatever it is, the spirits are the reason for every activity, talks and thoughts. But these spirits cannot possess people without their permission. When you accept a behavior you accept a spirit. If you know this truth you can easily control anything.

Human beings are ruled by spirits but humans must learn to control and rule the spirits. Spirits possess people according to the mental state of the human beings and keep them in the same state until they are rejected and replaced by another. This is an all time phenomena occurring in all humans. Human beings are always under the influence of spirits. Often thinking and talking about bad subjects or bad imaginations even for fun can take serious turns on one who think and talk.

All of your activities, talks and even thoughts determine what kind of spirits you will have for your life. Generally spirits determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. All knowledge, skills, emotions, feelings, interests and everything are spirits. Even thoughts are not your own. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another they think and you just listen and choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being during his/her lifetime is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. Human beings are just unprogrammed robots made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., by birth and toys of the spirits for their games.
2014-11-27 6:43 am
yes. just don't answer lol
2014-11-27 4:28 am
just as long as u dont answer urself lol

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