
Lv 7
Hello, my name is James Sinclair but that name is too long, and even shortening it to JSinclair got cut off. So I shortened it to JasSinc which would sound like "jazz synch" which is totally cool, right? But people kept thinking it was "JacSinc" so I changed it again to JazSinc. I want to help answering questions. Sometimes my avatar picture doesn't show right and I don't know why. I know freshman biology so those are the questions I will be answering the most.
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2017-03-26 11:20 pm
Can humans create lighting and if so what would they have to do ?
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2017-03-13 3:58 am
why are nerves so thick, how wide is a nerve impulse?
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2017-03-08 9:05 am
OVARIAN ECTOPIC PREGNANCY QUESTION! The sperm goes inside the ovaries so if it goes inside the ovaries whats the point of ovulation if the?
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2017-03-05 4:15 am
Before puberty can any form of pregnancy happen? What about ovarian extopic pregnancy, where sperm enters the ovaries?
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2017-02-14 8:29 am
Can you get HIV/AIDs from sheep's blood?
回覆: 8
2016-12-19 11:33 pm
Why are humans classified as one species but not different species like different species of dogs?
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2016-12-06 9:05 pm
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2016-11-30 4:35 pm
If you could see a movie for the first time again, what movie would you choose?
回覆: 6
2016-11-25 12:01 am
There's a bunch of spiders in my room forming a perfect circle around my Bible: what do I do?
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2016-11-23 6:50 pm
what happens to plankton during evaporation of the precipitation cycle?
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2016-11-22 10:35 pm
If a turtle had a laser gun on its back, its eyes powerful enough to aim properly?
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2016-11-13 2:38 pm
Why are Snails and Squids in the same phylum if so many differences exist between them?
回覆: 4
2016-11-06 6:14 pm
Which animal is least well suited to being kept in a zoo?
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2016-11-06 7:53 pm
Could you tell me which animal phyla evolved limbs first?
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2016-10-31 4:19 pm
What type of molecule is consumed in the production of energy by the cell?
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2016-10-30 7:38 pm
Describe the difference between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.?
回覆: 7
2016-10-29 9:09 am
Are people with down-syndrome biologically human?
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2016-10-25 2:42 pm
how i cheak my points?
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2016-10-18 11:25 pm
When cells are broken open, DNA is released from cells into solution. What two macromolecules are also released?
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2016-10-14 2:39 pm
After cytokinesis, are new cells identical or different ?
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2016-10-12 2:13 am
What type of microscope would be the best choice for viewing living leaf cells? Why?
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2016-09-29 2:37 am
Can I donate myself?
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2016-09-26 2:40 am
how much do biologist make a yearly?
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2016-09-18 10:10 pm
Touched a red box labeled "Biohazard"?
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2016-09-06 6:15 pm
Bringing my monkey to work with me?
Bow man
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2016-08-21 10:27 am
Anyone know what this movie is? It is about aliens and...?
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2016-08-12 11:22 am
How do we beat bacteria?
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2016-07-10 8:01 pm
Arguments against evolution?
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2016-06-05 11:41 pm
Can you explain why taxonomists suggested that the taxa containing birds and reptiles should be reorganised?
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2016-06-05 1:18 pm
Why can't humans remember their time in the womb or as little children?
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2016-06-03 10:41 am
Is it possible to create blood cells that produce their own oxygen?
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2016-05-05 3:49 am
Which organ system takes food, oxygen and chemical messages to the cell?
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2016-03-16 9:05 pm
Bio help -- 2 questions! Thanks!?
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2016-03-16 10:17 am
How the information to synthesize protein in nucleus is transferred to the ribsomes?
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2016-03-05 9:48 pm
Explain the need for transport systems in a multicellular organism?
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2016-02-29 4:46 pm
What are the two main factors that influence whether bacteria will become resistant to an antibiotic in a community?
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2016-02-29 4:46 pm
List and briefly describe four different ways that bacteria acquire resistance.?
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2016-01-30 11:24 pm
Help me answer a DNA question?
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2016-01-22 7:17 pm
Steel that is exposed to water and salt rusts quickly. If you were a shipbuilder, how would you protect a new ship? Explain?
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2015-12-16 4:26 pm
Biochemistry question: Protein subunits/polypeptides?
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2015-11-09 6:18 pm
In the future, if humans lived in tribes and didn't have transport/technology, how would they feed chickens?(Ie. no chicken feed available).?
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2015-11-08 6:29 am
What is the proper biological name for an earthworm?
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2015-10-24 10:45 am
Do you support human cloning?
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2015-10-23 11:03 pm
Do biology researchers do data analysis?
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2015-10-03 8:15 pm
Plasma membranes (both cell and organelle membranes) are made of ____ molecules.?
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2015-09-27 8:51 pm
How do cells know which allele to code from?
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2015-09-11 6:46 am
How and when do bacteria and/or viruses get into human feces? How does it get into your body to Develoup in your feces?
回覆: 19
2015-09-01 1:44 pm
As someone who believes that communicating the science of evolution do you agree that Richard Dawkins does more harm than good?
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2015-08-25 1:04 am
Is owning a motorcycle a death sentence?
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2015-08-22 3:05 am
Suggest two or three possible disadvantages in using staining in microscopic preparations.?
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