Touched a red box labeled "Biohazard"?

2016-09-18 10:10 pm
I have OCD and a couple days ago during a biology lab in my college, we used glass slides. Afterwards the professor told us to throw them away into a "biohazard" box. I touched the lid of it(on the inside of the flap cause i was trying to lift it open) and threw it away. I'm super paranoid that I could've touched a needle or something like that inside and it can give me HIV or something like that. Please help! I've been freaking out for days.

回答 (11)

2016-09-19 1:28 am
You got a good answer when you asked this question earlier.
o You didn't break your outer skin layer, so, no problem.
o You washed your hands, so, no problem.
o You're not working with HIV in an undergrad lab, so, no problem.
o You touched the lid. You did not touch the contents. So, no problem.
2016-09-19 4:08 am
First of all, there was no HIV in your lab (unless one of the students has it). That's restricted to labs with intense safety measures, including restricted access. If you were working without latex gloves, then you can't have been in the same room with anything dangerous.
The trash box was probably empty before your class started using it.

Second, HIV isn't actually very infectious. Even if you touched an infected person's fresh blood, you would only have like a 20% chance of getting infected. Hepatitis infection is far more common, but that's still from a needle prick or splash in someone's face. Washing your hands should be plenty to keep you safe.

Finally, those boxes are made to prevent you from puncturing your finger on a needle. Needles and glass are dropped through a hole in the top of a plastic box so that your hand doesn't come near them. Non-sharp objects go in a trash bag that gets sealed when you're done using it. So there shouldn't have been anything spilled on the lid.
2016-09-18 10:23 pm
First of all, it was a biology lab, you should have not been using anything extremely dangerous, so as long that you did not put your hand in your mouth, eyes, or private parts, there should be no problems whatsoever, and for the HIV issue, it is normally STRICTLY forbidden to deal with blood during experiments, specially from humans unless it was provided by a trusted source and tested. Also, biohazard has different levels, e.g. a needle is considered biohazard, but it is not something to be worried about normally. Another point is that the lid should not be contaminated since the waste should be going to the bottom.
2016-09-18 10:15 pm
As long as you washed your hands and did not put them in your mouth you will be fine. On another note, HIV is only transfered through blood or sexually transmitted.
2016-09-21 6:39 am
you have less chance of being infected than everyone else because you are more cautious. go see your doctor and ask to be prescribed efexor, that stuff worked for me, don't waste anymore time being OCD.
2016-09-21 4:13 am
Two things will happen.

A. Become a Zombie or

B. If Mutated, will become a super Tyrant.
2016-09-20 10:59 pm
2016-09-20 7:34 am
You'll be fine,
2016-09-19 12:40 pm
First of all calm down. Assuminng you are in college there is small chance you have had contact with something fatally dangerous.. The term biohazard does not necessarily mean all who touch it will die or get sick, it is a generall terminology to just stay out of that place as much as you can. My best guess is there is nothing wrong with you, but I unnderstand your anxiety, because you are probably not used with how laboratiories work :) In any case you don't miss anything by asking your preofessor about it, I am sure he is the one to make your worries go away. :))
2016-09-18 10:12 pm
Just wait it out, if your still alive in a couple years I guess your ok

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