Lv 5
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2017-12-28 7:54 pm
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2017-12-28 7:53 pm
Of all of the virtues, family duty is the first. -Chinese. What does this mean?
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2017-12-28 12:34 am
大打折扣 (中翻英)?
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2017-12-27 5:48 am
What does this mean in Chinese?
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2017-12-27 3:05 am
我想要刺青 但是翻譯有很多種 想請問大家 人生難免有遺憾 這句應該怎麼翻譯比較好 查了好多個 Regret is inevitable in life. this is life, nothing perfect?
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2017-12-26 6:30 pm
hi pleasse translte the lyrics to english and whats your opinions on this music ?+++ translate
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2017-12-24 1:33 pm
Alan Walker-all falls down歌詞?
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2017-12-24 12:05 pm
“Non-genetically modified soybeans do not contain genes while genetically modified soybeans do" 各位大神可以幫幫忙翻譯一下這段話嗎 我怎麼翻都怪怪的:(?
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2017-12-23 9:58 pm
translate 初聽到《灰色》demo時,徐佳瑩就被這詩般的歌詞意境與寬闊悠揚的音樂格局深深打動,尚未決定錄製時,這首歌早已被徐佳瑩視為療癒歌曲,強大的後座力與餘韻,讓她每次聆聽總會有被淨化洗滌的感動。?
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2017-12-23 9:09 am
英文文法─anticipated persuaded?
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2017-12-21 10:21 pm
lieve中文是什麼? GOOGLE翻譯是親愛,是嗎?
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2017-12-21 3:12 pm
請幫忙翻譯(急) 你的圖稿確認OK, 但最終確認仍必須以樣品為準?
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2017-12-21 8:25 pm
自信美 美麗來自於自信 這兩句英文怎麼翻?
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2017-12-21 2:58 am
Translate this email to mandarin Chinese Please!!?
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2017-12-21 7:12 am
Could someone translate these part for me please? thanks!
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2017-12-20 12:59 pm
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2017-12-19 9:35 pm
急)請大大幫我把以下心得翻譯成英文要做簡報用(急):瓜瓜園: 在這裡不只能動手做地瓜的創意料理,也能學習到關於地瓜的知識,在解說員的細心解說下,才知道一個小小的地瓜也有很多的故事。 蕭壠文化園區: 在蕭瓏的個個展室能看到各種藝術作品,原是糖廠的蕭壠有了新面貌,也是個拍照好景點!?
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2017-12-19 5:25 pm
Chinese language: why 店 and 电 are pronounced in the same way?
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2017-12-19 11:20 am
英文!想問如果要寫一封電郵回覆如下,英文可以點寫比較好呢? 基於與現有供應商有長期良好合作關係,故下年度服務將與其繼續合作,將來不排除與貴公司仍會有合作關係。?
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2017-12-19 1:44 am
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2017-12-18 8:20 pm
這個世界沒有永遠的敵人, 也沒有永遠的朋友。請精簡翻譯, 謝謝! 🙏?
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2017-12-18 6:49 pm
“悄然地走向生命中的盡頭” 的英翻中, 謝謝!?
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2017-12-18 4:55 am
How to count galaxy? I know we usually just say "the galaxy", and I rarely heard "a galaxy". Like a "pile" of water. A ____ of galaxy?
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2017-12-18 8:09 am
揑頸 english?
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2017-12-17 8:53 pm
請問一下, " 整整比別人快了 零點幾秒的時間 " 這句話裡面的時間 可以用 "整整"這的說法嗎 比如a比b快了 整整 0.3秒 or 0.4秒?
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2017-12-16 10:18 pm
我很高興看到... 英文是: I am glad to see... 還是 I am glad for seeing... 還是 I am glad seeing... 或都不是(請提供正確答案)?
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2017-12-11 10:50 pm
有人能幫能翻譯嗎?英文報告QQ ( 緊急 )?
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2017-12-12 6:23 am
Can someone please translate this for me ?
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2017-12-09 8:16 pm
請問wish away something或wish something away是什麼意思?
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2017-12-08 1:30 pm
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2017-12-07 11:29 pm
Could you please correct this email for me?
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2017-12-07 8:02 pm
what your name?
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2017-12-07 12:18 am
請問有一款app store的小遊戲,共有三階段,分別為rolling stone,iron cannon,laser weapon,一個人在6x6的格子中閃躲,忘記叫什麼名字了,請大神賜教,謝謝!?
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2017-12-07 12:10 pm
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2017-12-06 8:44 pm
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2017-12-06 10:56 pm
What is the meaning of "My yardstick got caught in my handle"?
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2017-12-06 10:38 am
BFME is a successful E commerce to help your business get into the most two bigger markets in this world, China and India?
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2017-12-05 5:28 pm
詢問英文翻譯 想跟妳確認我有年假嗎?
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2017-12-05 3:34 pm
临渊羡鱼不如退而结网 Have I return this chinese sentence (Proverb) correctly, if not could you kindly correct it.?
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2017-12-05 3:37 pm
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2017-12-05 3:22 am
Can someone translate the Chinese conversation the two of my friends are having?
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2017-12-05 11:29 am
What does "溺宠"?
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2017-12-05 9:32 am
Chinese: How to properly say "Hello, is anyone there?"?
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2017-12-04 6:40 am
用英文介紹朋友工作 請幫我中翻英 我的英文不好 盡可能不要太困難的單子 謝謝?
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2017-12-02 10:48 pm
What is ASAP?
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2017-12-02 7:53 pm
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2017-12-02 5:50 pm
他她們暑假要去露營嗎?(未來式助動詞) 英文?
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2017-12-02 9:36 am
Can you use the mandarin word 暖 to describe food or is it just to describe weather/climate/condition of the body etc?
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2017-11-30 7:49 pm
加拿大 哪一個國家公園位於洛磯山脈?
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2017-11-30 12:14 pm
Actually, we need to call them to confirm on Dec 13, 2017 at 9:00am. Thanks.?
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