
Lv 7
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2016-05-09 9:19 pm
The pressure on 1.50L of N2O changes from 115kPa to 41.5kPa. If the temperature does not change, what will the new volume be?
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2016-05-09 7:21 pm
What is the product of this equation?
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2016-05-06 5:32 pm
Calculate the volume of 2.5M Mg(OH)2 necessary to neutralize 34mL of .75M HCl?
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2016-05-06 12:30 pm
Is a mixture of Ar and N2, a mixture of atoms and molecules, or a mixture of 2 different elements?
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2016-05-06 3:56 am
Why are acids and bases conductors of electricity?
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2016-05-05 4:34 pm
Solve (2-√2)(2+√2)?
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2016-05-02 5:04 pm
Chemistry help?
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2016-04-27 4:28 pm
equilibrium constant (Kp)?
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2016-04-27 5:25 pm
Using identities find the value of (891)sq?
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2016-04-27 8:07 am
What is the maximum mass of KCl that can be added to1.0 L of a 0.010 M lead(II) chloride solution without causing any?
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2016-04-26 6:34 am
Use the properties of logarithms to simplify the logarithmic expression. (Simplify your answer completely.) log2 (sq.rt 20)?
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2016-04-26 4:58 am
A helium balloon has a volume of 55.0 liters at 37.2 celsius and 648 mm Hg atmosphere of pressure....?
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2016-04-13 11:22 am
在某地的地下水測得4種離子的比: 鈉離子:鎂離子:氯離子=4:5:8 如果鈉離子有4n 個 那硫酸根離子為幾n? #總覺得這種國中評量的題目有點無理頭 #求詳細解答?
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2016-04-11 7:23 pm
ionic equation for copper sulfate solutions and copper metal?
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2016-03-30 10:04 am
Find the amount of NO2 that must be added to 2.3 mol of SO2 (10 points)?
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2016-03-29 1:31 pm
A gas mixture is made by combining 6.8 g each of Ar, Ne, and an unknown diatomic gas. At STP, the mixture occu?
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2016-03-27 3:43 pm
請問如果已知一直線方程式(L1)且該直線方程式為某圓的割線,然後也知道該直線方程式與圓心的距離(d),但不知道圓心的座標(也就是說不知道圓心是在該直線方程式的哪一邊),請問這樣的條件下能否求出L1以圓心為基準,距離一樣為d的映射直線方程式? 感謝~?
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2016-03-28 2:48 am
How to calculate the concentration of Cu2+ in solutions when given volumes?
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2016-03-22 7:36 am
四邊形的頂點是P (0,- 9 /2), Q (0,-16), R (2y+1, 4-y),和 S(5,3) , 角S=90 度 1.求M PS和MRS , 2. 由此,求R點的坐標,3. QR是否垂直於RS, 4. PQRS是否一個梯形?
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2016-03-22 10:30 am
Determine the molecular formula of a compound with an empirical formula of NH2 and a formula mass of 32.06?
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2016-03-22 5:09 am
the question is below can anyone please help solve this step by step thanks?
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2016-03-15 12:25 pm
assign oxidation numbers to fe2O3 + 3CO -> 2Fe +3CO2. and identify the oxidants and reductants.?
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2016-02-19 10:52 am
請問幾百年前的生日,要怎麼排盤?因為萬年曆最多只能排200年 例如生日是1681-03-29 未時~?
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2016-02-19 2:58 pm
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2016-02-17 1:49 pm
0.1M鈉鹽溶夜NaA pH為11求水解常數? 還有Ka值?
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2016-02-15 1:58 pm
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2016-02-15 5:17 am
請問農民曆和電視上的人都說生肖相合,譬如說:羊兔豬合 但五行看來卻矛盾:譬如說:羊年1979己未年和豬1983癸亥,五行中己克癸, 譬如這樣的組合,生肖羊和生肖豬就相剋了 ,怎麼會合,更不用說互相幫助的生肖了,是嗎?謝謝?
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2016-02-15 6:38 am
請問一下八字中 [年月日時] 年月日加起來有六個而時辰只有一個字例如 子時 丑時 寅時我看別人寫八字不會把 [時] 寫出來 我想知道八字中最後兩個字要怎麼知道?
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2016-02-14 5:46 am
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2016-02-11 2:50 pm
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2016-02-10 5:49 pm
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2016-02-11 3:29 am
犯太歲 如果:用買樓/無婚嫁/添丁沖喜改運 (添丁)可否收養小動物代替嗎?
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2016-02-09 1:59 pm
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2016-02-09 8:54 am
若a b均為整數,且絕對值小於a的整數有11個,絕對值不大於b的整數有21的,則a+b=? 求祥解 謝謝~?
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2016-02-01 1:55 pm
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2016-01-26 10:34 am
An oxide of M (MO) reacts completely with carbon to give 12.4g of metal M and 4.29g of carbon dioxide .what is the relative atomic mass of M?
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2016-01-11 2:09 pm
How can I balance these equations using oxidation numbers?
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2016-01-07 2:00 am
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2015-12-23 3:05 pm
It is given that z=(3m+2)+(m-4)i, where m is real number and i^2=-1.If z is a real number, find the value of m.?
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2015-12-18 4:05 pm
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2015-12-18 8:53 am
稱骨歌中的三兩四錢 僧道門中衣祿多 離祖出家方得妙 請問是否指小弟要做出家人才能安生? 請高人指點。 多謝!?
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2015-12-17 2:54 pm
太久沒碰數學了 1. 45公里/小時等於每秒幾公尺? 2. 密度:1.2g/cm三次方 等於幾kg/m三次方? 3. (2m)二次方等於幾cm二次方?
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2015-12-08 12:13 pm
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2015-12-05 4:29 am
歲次的 「歲沖已丑」 是什麼意思?
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2015-11-12 7:13 am
C8H18O2 -> C8H16Cl2 的 SN1 反應?
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2015-10-30 10:27 am
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2015-10-23 3:11 pm
下列哪些金屬不可被HCl溶解? Au、Cu、Ag、Ni、Mg、Fe?
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2015-10-25 1:20 am
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2015-10-09 2:38 pm
某長方體積木的長、寬、高分別為二、四、六公分,則: 1.最少要幾塊長方體積木才能堆成一個正方體? 2.承1.,此正方體的邊長為多少公分? 3.若有長方體積木五百塊,盡可能堆成一個最大的正方體,則會剩下幾塊積木未用到?
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2015-10-07 6:00 am
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