
Lv 5
回覆: 92
2015-10-10 1:00 am
The meaning of life?
回覆: 24
2015-10-06 12:40 am
Why doesn't Canada have a mass shooting every day?
回覆: 58
2015-10-02 4:27 am
Which do you regret more?
回覆: 41
2015-09-29 4:49 am
How do English speakers pronounce 'obvious'?
回覆: 142
2015-09-27 5:49 pm
Does tonights blood moon mean the second coming of christ or something that will end the world?
回覆: 605
2015-09-24 6:53 am
What's your favorite soup?
回覆: 9
2015-09-12 5:17 pm
what is this 3 dots called "..."?
回覆: 7
2015-09-09 2:02 am
Why do Brits pronounce "leutenant" with an imaginary "f" in it, like "left-tenant"?
回覆: 9
2015-08-27 12:21 pm
what is the meaning of ala carte ? reply in 2 mins?
回覆: 6
2015-08-29 6:25 pm
do you think italian is hard to learn?
回覆: 20
2015-08-25 2:35 am
Whats the official language of the United States of America?
回覆: 15
2015-08-05 3:10 pm
what is the meaning of life?
回覆: 14
2015-07-29 4:19 am
what language is best to learn in the usa?
回覆: 9
2015-07-28 11:54 pm
A 50 yr. old hangs a college grad. tassel from their rear view mirror of car? Why?
回覆: 1716
2015-07-16 12:37 pm
Poll: What is something you do to feel good?
回覆: 336
2015-07-15 7:17 pm
parents- would you let your daughter get engaged at 20?
回覆: 316
2015-07-10 3:16 am
POLL: Ice-cream or Yogurt?
回覆: 768
2015-07-09 9:23 am
what is a color that has 3 letters?
回覆: 9
2015-06-27 10:07 am
Why do humans say "How" are you?
回覆: 1647
2015-06-23 4:00 pm
What' the last movie you saw in theaters?
回覆: 277
2015-06-16 2:14 pm
Coke or Pepsi?
回覆: 51
2015-06-09 10:33 pm
12 more that twice a number is equal to 48. What is the number?
回覆: 6
2015-06-09 6:13 pm
Can somebody explain me why the following sentence is incorect?
回覆: 1440
2015-06-02 5:56 pm
solve 2x+5=9?
回覆: 7
2015-05-18 11:36 pm
Is it not too long ago or not to long ago?
回覆: 15
2015-05-17 1:01 pm
Difference between effect and affect?
回覆: 5
2015-05-07 9:53 pm
smart way of saying at the end of the day?
回覆: 686
2015-05-10 7:05 pm
if a girl dog is called a *****, what is a boy dog called?
回覆: 63
2015-05-04 9:41 am
If A = 6 and B = 5, what is the value of (A^2 - B ^2)^2?
回覆: 9
2015-03-01 4:09 am
Grammar question?
回覆: 50
2015-01-12 1:50 pm
Is the death penalty appropriate? Or should it be banned?
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-12 19:59:52
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總收錄回答: 31 / 3809 (收錄率: 0.81%)