Whats the official language of the United States of America?

2015-08-25 2:35 am

回答 (20)

2015-08-26 8:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
The USA does not have an official language.
2015-08-27 12:51 am
The US doesn't have one, but there has been attempts to set it to English.
2015-08-25 12:49 pm
No "official" language.

English (American actually) is widely used.
2015-08-25 2:38 am
Doesn't have an official language
2015-08-28 11:36 pm
The US doesn't have an official language.
2015-08-26 2:27 am
To represent the 'melting pot' nature of the U.S.A. where all people can come with their native languages, the dominant language is Americanized English.
2015-08-29 8:18 am
US does not have any official language
2015-08-28 2:23 pm
2015-08-26 12:56 am
Gobbledy guk and BS
2015-09-05 2:28 am
English but with an accent
2015-09-05 12:17 am
2015-08-31 1:38 am
Jive talk and Urbanism.
2015-08-29 5:09 pm
2015-08-28 5:26 pm
Judging by the spelling it is not English.
2015-08-28 1:32 am
2015-08-26 4:03 am
american english you nub
2015-08-27 2:29 am
2015-08-25 7:07 pm
2015-08-25 9:00 pm
American English
2015-08-25 3:06 am
參考: Biology major/chemistry minor

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