Is it not too long ago or not to long ago?

2015-05-18 11:36 pm

回答 (7)

2015-05-20 8:10 am
not too long ago

"Not to long ago" is wrong.
2015-05-19 2:43 am
The former one,that is not too long ago.
2015-05-19 2:40 am
"Too" can be a synonym for "very." Not very long ago.
2015-05-19 1:54 am
If you mean the time idiom, it's "not too long ago" ... where "too" means "more than wanted" / "excessively".
參考: Native UK English speaker, technical writer
2015-05-18 11:54 pm
not long ago -

Not too long ago.

Not so long ago.
2015-05-18 11:42 pm
Not too long ago.
To means for something or is used when you are going somewhere. You give a card TO your mom. You go TO the store.
Too means a lot or also. I want too go, TOO. You took TOO much pie.
Since you are saying that something happened not long ago, use too.
Hope this helps! :)
2015-05-18 11:41 pm
It is "not too long ago". This is because "too" usually refers to the quantity or amount of something.


"It was too expensive."

"I'm going to school."

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