The meaning of life?

2015-10-10 1:00 am

回答 (92)

2015-10-10 1:44 am
Well, since I don't like the idea of dying because I fear the unknown, I do my very best to control what I can in my life and I let go of what I cannot control. So, here I am and as long as I am here I will follow my conscience so I may live a happy, moral and productive life.........ya never know what's on the other side.
2015-10-10 6:53 am
The meaning of life?

~~~ What is life?



What is the purpose of life?

~~~ Close your eyes, for a moment.
Imagine a meadow on a beautiful sunny day.
In the center of the meadow stands a purple unicorn, and it is pooping sparkling diamond encrusted Twinkies!
Got that?
See it?
Now, I have a question for you;
What is the purpose of that diamond Twinkie pooping unicorn?

Therein lies your answer, grasshopper.
Whether or not it has any meaning, is strictly up to your state Consciousness!
Ponder it.


What is the meaning of life?

~~~ ALL 'meaning' exists in the thoughts/imagination of the beholder!

Life means whatever you imagine it to mean!
2015-10-11 7:02 pm
The only 'meaning, purpose or point of 'life', in a general sense, is to survive, procreate and evolve in nature.
The meaning, purpose and point to any 'individual'. as a sentient being, is the education and enlightenment of the 'Spirit'.
Your 'Spirit' may have to endure several of these life experiences before reaching "true enlightenment", and become a spirit master, and be advanced to Guardian status.

Your key purpose, in this particular lifetime, is too live for your benefit; and, for the benefit of all that is within your influence.

The key to success is: Always do the things that you love, and you will always love the things that you do.

Your mind has access to all the information in the Universe; however, it is your 'Spirit' that needs the education too be able to understand this information.
2015-10-11 3:34 pm
A rather seemingly simple question is actually quite complex. Since all of known life is both a participant and observer within reality you have a participant-observer symbiosis in which a higher form of full spectrum awareness becomes the constant.

In effect you have to take the whole Universe in account as we as individuals are a minute fragment of the same. Therefore a Universal code or running/recording script mechanism is in place that's using our experiences to further it's own development through some need to do so. An evolution through adaptation and compromise of given transactions through the participant-observer or the transformative process.

So for simplification: To both participate in and observe to provide information for the evolutionary transformation of Universal running script through it's agents which is both you and I, and all life in existence.
2015-10-10 8:42 am
The meaning of life is two major possibilities:
1. It could encompass all life that exists; in this case I'm stumped for an answer other than to simply be.

2. It could be different for each individual life, which would mean that the meaning of life is separately determined by the owner of that life. If you believe in a God, then he would own your life because he created it and he would therefore determine its meaning - which would most likely be for amusement. But if God gave you control over the life he gave you the you get to decide for yourself the meaning of your life.
I believe in that last sentence, you decide the meaning of life. However, if God gave you control over your life then he must have some reason for doing so, and if that is true then there is also an intended meaning of life that was made by God that may or may not be the same as the meaning you decide for your life.
Hope you understood that, GOOD LUCK!

If you need another answer, it could be death
2015-10-14 12:32 am
what i know is that we're all born with a purpose believe it or not. and life is a gift from God
2015-10-13 3:38 pm
ummmm.............for me life means...HAVING SUCCESS, being strong in downfall,LIVING HAPPILY, but should have ability to cope up from stress and depression, DREAMING BIG, but should BE willing to do hardwork, LIVING LUXURIOUSLY , but should avoid ego and attitude, LOVING SOMEONE FAITHFULLY, but not getting fooled by the lover , .......imagination doens not always work always if u do not put in ur efforts. this is life for me....
2015-10-12 11:12 am
Swag Money Bitches
2015-10-12 4:20 am
Life to me is the exact thing as When we start a vehicle. The reason that we are awakened from sleep every morning is because we are needed somewhere for something. Just as when you start your vehicle it is needed to preform a task. Life, even as repetitive as it is, is simply a game of give and take. I have to give time to this but take time from that for the first thing. To sum it all up life is waking up in the morning and do the task we are set to and ending our day with the taking of time for the giving to anything that you may do.
2015-10-11 9:42 pm
The CREATION of life was of no surprise at all. It was a physical likelihood.
The EVOLUTION of life to what we have today was a necessity. We changed as the Earth changed.
What we have TODAY is not what we'll have TOMORROW, though we're slowing natural evolution WAY down. Now, if something's not right in the environment, like Global Warming, instead of changing our bodies to better fit it, we try to change the environment to better fit US.
2015-10-11 8:29 pm
Life is the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
2015-10-11 10:32 am
There is no meaning of life. The meaning of life is whatever meaning you want to give it. Apparently the true meaning of life is pseudo-philosophers asking "What is the meaning of life?" on YA.
2015-10-11 9:56 am
since I don't like the idea of dying because I fear the unknown, I do my very best to control what I can in my life and I let go of what I cannot control. So, here I am and as long as I am here I will follow my conscience so I may live a happy, moral and productive life.........ya never know what's on the other side. happy Life
2015-10-11 8:00 am
the Meaning is to
follow what Jesus
teaches us in the
Luke, Matthew, Marks, John.
do these thing and you will live
and stuff.
2015-10-11 5:50 am
參考: HGTTG if you get ur awesome
2015-10-10 9:04 am
Short version of what nameless said: 42.
2015-10-10 4:49 am
Okay, I don't have an interpretation of what every kind of meaning is for every kind of life and terms that are called life.

List all the names of the snowflakes.
2015-10-10 4:01 am
There is no known meaning of life.
2015-10-12 10:18 pm
The meaning of human life on earth is the only one whose meaning I know. Humanity lives on earth in order to have a completely objective existence, so that the choice one makes can be completely independent. Where we come from, where our souls dwell, the love of the divine is obvious. But to know nothing of the rest of the galaxy, or the bias of love which is everywhere in the universe, in that scenario how will humanity behave? What will the species, and the individual, choose? When given absolute freedom, without judgement, to be anything, will we still find Love? Humans exist so that the soul may discover and experience itself.

☆ Sent from iOS Dr. Know! 1.0
參考: Kryon
2015-10-11 10:57 pm
No one really knows, but I think it will all make sense upon our death. All we can do is live well, love, forgive, and help the needy. And learn, learn as much as possible. I watch Anient Aliens and have learned SO much, about the different anomolies throughout the world. You don't have to believe in ETs, to enjoy this learning experience. Granite monoliths, carved with a precision that can't ge duplicated today, Karnak stones, 2,000 weighting many tons, in a 2 mile row...on and on. I recently learned that when salt water meets fresh water, a whirlpool occurs, and could be a wormhole. LOVE IS GOD
參考: my own thoughts
2015-10-11 3:01 pm
God gave us one chance to live on this earth. So I think this life is far precious than any other thing in the world. Just think would you give up your life for a diamond?? No, right.
2015-10-11 12:35 pm
Yeah, you know it's all very unlikely. Nothing can be understood as it is in its ideal state, but we know, along with the certain religious experiences that everything is One. The discipline of meditation can bring us a flash, a flash of Oneness.
And when keeping this in mind, emerging from the contemplative art, life must be resolved with this perspective, which is unique by being your own and happening at one point---an almost random point, of a moment in the cycle of eternity.
2015-10-10 2:45 am
2015-10-15 9:21 am
2015-10-14 6:26 pm
Life is a state of being. If there is any meaning to be had, it is based on what one does with her/his life. In other words, it is what we make of it.
2015-10-14 6:30 am
The meaning of life is simple. You make the meaning of your own life. What do you want your life to represent?
2015-10-14 2:27 am
Personally I think its just to live. Smile for today because nobody knows what happens next. You dont need to chage the world. Just smile and laugh and be free and make friends aand change lives and make relationships and dont regret anything because t once it was exactly what you wanted.
2015-10-14 2:08 am
The question may need to be rephrased since it has many different meanings to the people in life that make life what it is,.....LIFE. To some its love, others,....happiness, others.....God, others, live and let live,....and others, live in peace and harmony,....or for self.

Since there are so many definitions,.....the meaning of life should be rephrased as

What is the meaning in you life?; What makes life, life? or What does life mean to you?
2015-10-14 12:20 am
the purpose of life is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.
2015-10-13 9:07 pm
love everybody and hope they love you back. it is that simple.
2015-10-13 12:29 pm
Hard to live than dead.
2015-10-13 11:19 am
In my opinion the meaning of life is about being successful, helping others, experiencing as much as you possibly can and keeping the human race going by reproducing.
2015-10-13 9:00 am
That question hit me so hard, my brain just went to nothing.
2015-10-13 4:20 am
Be good, do good. Survive.
2015-10-13 3:14 am
To serve the living God. Without God, life is meaningless.
2015-10-13 3:04 am
I like to believe that there is a purpose to life, that this is an experience that aids the understanding and delight of a creator. That the creator values this life and intends to advance life that demonstrates the same love from which he created us. That the creator created us in an environment of variety and free will to develop a richer understanding of love in all variations and challenges. That being created as physically vulnerable means nothing to the spark of love that endures beyond the memories of these bodies.
2015-10-13 12:34 am
I think there is no meaning of life. Watch the pale blue dot on YouTube. Although many people will push religious beliefs I think life is unexplainable thing and to have a faith in something gives you comfort to these questions.
2015-10-12 11:22 pm

And practicing it.
2015-10-12 10:51 pm
參考: Siri
2015-10-12 9:47 pm
For me it's pleasure. Love, fun, living each day to the fullest! Do whatever makes you happy :) That's all we have, really.
2015-10-12 7:27 pm
The meaning of life is to live it your way. Don't allow society to tell you what is right and wrong. Make this determination for yourself.
2015-10-12 6:44 pm
It's 42.
2015-10-12 6:28 pm
I think life is a big test.A test for the hunger of our body.Saying that means i belive in god or our creator .
I really do because there is no other options.
If i dont then i would think that just because my mom and dad had fun one night ,,,,,,nine month later i was born and i am destined to die.
In the end what matters is what you believe in.
2015-10-12 2:29 pm
2015-10-12 8:28 am
to care for the helpless
2015-10-12 6:19 am
2015-10-12 6:09 am
To make life better for generations that follower your own.
2015-10-12 5:01 am
Depends on what you make of it, I suppose. There is no one best answer.
2015-10-12 4:43 am
2015-10-12 4:02 am
Its a test for us , humans...
2015-10-12 3:46 am
Actually everything is simple, but we people make it complicated...So does life...A house, family, several friends, eating, drinking, sleeping, traveling....Just enjoy your life....
2015-10-12 1:51 am
all life that exists
2015-10-12 1:11 am
I believe that asking oneself for the meaning of like is akin to mind masturbation. It's the same when a kid asks you senseless questions just for the sake of talking and he gets senseless answers in return. You are basically mind *****ng and you are wanting to push others into doing the same.
2015-10-12 12:50 am
... is to die and try to reproduce before you go.
2015-10-12 12:09 am
We are all trying to figure that out
2015-10-12 12:04 am
2015-10-11 10:46 pm
Whatever u make it to be
2015-10-11 8:53 pm
Whatever thought preceeds entry of 9mm expended for legal reason(s).
Quick check-out is properly served due consideration of expectation(s).
2015-10-11 8:04 pm
We know in part, that loving, learning, earning, creating, and realizing are generally helpful. Related: "The Path of the Higher Self," "Man, Master of His Destiny."
2015-10-11 7:51 pm
taco bell
2015-10-11 7:17 pm
2015-10-11 6:05 pm
The purpose of life, which is apparently the meaning of life, is to keep finding that purpose or meaning till you die!
2015-10-11 5:21 pm
there is no meaning death is inevitable and our insides are rotting
2015-10-11 4:50 pm
The discipline of meditation can bring us a flash, a flash of Oneness.
And when keeping this in mind, emerging from the contemplative art, life must be resolved with this perspective,
2015-10-11 4:31 pm
2015-10-11 3:57 pm
What is the point of life, you can't take your assets and memories when you die.
2015-10-11 1:56 pm
The meaning of Life is to find your own meaning, to make your own destiny and purpose, to live to its fullest extent, even if it's short, to make friends along the way.
2015-10-11 12:57 pm
If our society seems more nihilistic than that of previous eras, perhaps this is merely a sign of our increased maturation as a species? That we at last are ready to confront life's fundamental truth: which is that the only purpose of Life: is Life itself.
參考: "Looking God in the Eye" ~ Chairman Shen-Ji Yang
2015-10-11 12:52 pm
Eat live and pray
2015-10-11 12:40 pm
2015-10-11 12:27 pm
Life is a constant self-replicating opposition to the force of entropy.
2015-10-11 12:26 pm
2015-10-11 9:40 am
參考: Soo much bacon.
2015-10-11 8:27 am
As I am getting older, I realize that I haven't done anything meaningful except for making money like anyone else. However because of this experience I became very interested in Buddhism. Buddha says repeatedly that everything happens in front of me as I think. Mind is very myterious and you can do everything with your mind. Our minds manupulate our bodies. Try to find out what mind is. It is nothing to do with physics or time. It is very interesting. I think humans really try to find out who we really are but most of them are wasting time by eating good food, buying good clothes or working without any doubt. Watch this video, Buddha also had the same thought as you.!!!
2015-10-11 7:23 am
The true meaning of life is explained in this video.

Like any philosophy it's a bit complicated and we have to listen to a lot of waffle before getting to the nity gritty of it all.
2015-10-11 6:30 am
the true meaning of your sentence, is sit yo a** down mister, and calm yo shiz. mkay?
2015-10-11 3:36 am
freedom, dignities, pride, happy
2015-10-11 3:23 am
the meaning of life is that if you fall into a coma your dog will eat your face
2015-10-11 3:18 am
Scientifically I can't help but believe that our purpose is that of any other animal- to procreate and keep our species alive and evolving.
Philosophically however I think our "purpose" is what we make it. What our purpose is depends on what our passion and love is and how we choose to use our time.
2015-10-11 1:41 am
According to me life is simple, easy and smooth. We sometime behave in a peculiar way while dealing with different types of people, because of which life becomes complicated, complex or cumbersome. Otherwise one can enjoy life and lead a happy and peaceful life.
參考: own
2015-10-10 11:45 pm
to be honest the longer i am alive ..the less i feel i know....not intelligent wise..but just the meaning of life..i honestly dont know..i see evil everywhere..i see greed..selfishness ...good things dont happen to good people..bad things dont happen to bad people...things dont always work out...............i honestly dont know..and that has to be ok ....for now.
2015-10-10 9:58 pm
"Life" can only ever hold a definitive value to each person individually. "Life" is meaningless when you consider every person that has ever lived and will live. Life is what you make of it.
2015-10-10 8:00 pm
the meaning of life is different for everybody.
2015-10-10 4:10 pm
To experience 3rd diminutional/physical reality, to comprehend a alter net state of consciousness and emotions then previous existence, and to be happy.
2015-10-10 11:37 am

The female human is the most beautiful creature in the universe. She is beguiling, infuriating, treacherous, loving, attractive to the point of insanity, and she causes us men (who are the strongest and most toughest mojos in the universe) to…

…melt like a stick of butter.


They rule, it may be subtle, but they do, and we're all their psychic victims, (fake cries, because I'm not serious, yet…)

(The women of the Dune novels are pretty vicious, and that's 10,000 years into the future.)
2015-10-10 5:11 am
I'm the offspring of a genetic experiment gone wrong
2015-10-12 4:15 am
find **** forget
2015-10-11 3:33 pm
its to serve god.
2015-10-11 1:42 pm
life is a test and a trust given by god to us, if you passed it, you can now pass to heaven, for more info read: The purpose driven life by rick warren :) it changes my life, god bless...
2015-10-11 10:18 am
There isn't really a meaning to life. We live, and die, and that's that. But I guess if you had a lot of achievements in your life, and were really important to a lot of people, say an actor, then when you die I guess you affect all of those people's lives. I'm not sure if the meaning of life is to create happiness for yourself or happiness for others, or to simply affect others in some way. but I think it might be that last one.
But still there is no actual scientific definition of the meaning of life
2015-10-11 7:14 am
making fun of black people and jews
2015-10-11 10:32 am
Life is to live. Wherever you go and whatever you read, at last you will come to a mere conclusion that life is to live, just to live. Human beings are just robots made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., and toys of the spirits for their games. The soft-wares for these robots are spirits or invisible elements. These robots are programmed by different people by oral talks, writing and actions too. Further these robots can program themselves when they wish. Whatever it is they are all just spirits or invisible elements. Even thoughts are not these robots' own. One after another they think and these robots either choose or reject. On death these spirits leave the body and go to different places. The memory is erased. No one lives in any form after death.

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