A 50 yr. old hangs a college grad. tassel from their rear view mirror of car? Why?

2015-07-28 11:54 pm

回答 (9)

2015-07-30 6:26 pm
1. Recent college grad- not all are traditionally aged (18-24)
2. It could be their son, daughter, grandchild's tassel
3. Why do you really care?
4. See number 3. If you do, ASK THEM.
5. How are you certain that it is THEIR CAR!?!?!??!
6. You need to get a life.
2015-07-28 11:56 pm
Maybe the person recently graduated college. There's nothing that says only people in their early 20's can graduate college.
2015-07-29 1:29 am
Proud of their child's accomplishment.
2015-07-29 12:20 am
Because they find it amusing.
Because their child has graduated and they are proud.
Because they have a weird sense of humour.
Because they finally threw their old cap away and kept the tassel as a memento.

Take your pick.
2015-07-29 12:08 am
Because they're probably proud of the one (or their self) for graduating college. They're showing it off because it makes them happy.
2015-07-28 11:56 pm
Maybe he is especially proud of that degree.
2015-07-30 4:10 pm
Because he wants to.
2015-07-29 12:27 am
he's proud of his accomplishment
2015-07-29 12:14 am
They are afraid of getting old.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:21:54
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