Can somebody explain me why the following sentence is incorect?

2015-06-09 6:13 pm
"I will not betray God, never..."

回答 (6)

2015-06-09 6:15 pm
Double negatives - 'not' and 'never'.
One negative is enough. You could say, "I will not betray God, ever." Alternatively, in conversation or dialogue you could say "I will not betray God. Never!"
2015-06-09 7:14 pm
It should be ever not never. The use of never makes it a double negative.
2015-06-09 6:19 pm
It suggests a double negative, in other words, it suggests that the word "never" is a response to the first part. It's not like it's incorrect, it's just that the word "ever" is better in this sense because you avoid the suggestion of a double-negative.
2015-06-09 6:14 pm
Because God doesn't exist, so how can you betray someone who doesn't exist?
2015-06-10 1:39 am
I will not betray God ... ever!
2015-06-09 8:24 pm
ever, because you have already stated I will not

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