Why doesn't Canada have a mass shooting every day?

2015-10-06 12:40 am
Guns are extremely hard to get here. It is one big "no carry zone." Therefore, shouldn't there be anarchy in the streets without armed citizens to help?

回答 (24)

2015-10-06 12:43 am
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Because guns are not easily obtainable.
2015-10-06 12:41 am
Same reason the USA doesn't have a mass shooting every day

Mass murder is rare in general
2015-10-06 12:43 am
Because Canadians are brought up differently
2015-10-06 12:49 am
They are too busy standing in line for weeks to get to see a doctor.
The disgruntled die before they have the opportunity to retaliate.
Okay, just kidding.
Lets face it, mass shooters are Insane! Having guns does not cause insanity.
Study the attached chart and pay close attention to the shootings "per-capita".
2015-10-06 12:45 am
Look at how Canada was founded and how many wars Canada has been involved in. then look at how the United States was founded and how many wars we have been involved in. the United States, like it or not, was founded on violence and it's been a violent country ever since. people can try to be idealistic if they want to, but the facts are facts. when the most popular movies that come out are violence filled movies and war movies what does that tell you about a country's population? it has less to do with how many guns are available and more to do with the type of culture that we live in
2015-10-06 12:43 am
Perhaps you have fewer mentally ill people who think violence is a way to assuage their own sense of unease.
2015-10-06 12:42 am
Too damn cold in Canada- the mass shooting in the US really take off when the temperatures rise.
2015-10-06 12:41 am
Shhhh, you can't cite empirical evidence in the gun-control debate. Not allowed.
2015-10-07 2:45 am
Because they are all waiting in long lines for healthcare and don't have time to plan a murder.
2015-10-06 8:52 pm
If a person could identify what Switzerland and Canada have in common maybe a solution could be found. They are at opposite ends of the gun control issue.
I personally feel that it has to do with the interdependency of the societies. Which is just a fancy way of saying they are brought up thinking about their responsibility to the society instead of what society owes them.
My major point is this- Canada is not safer because of gun restrictions, Switzerland disproves that notion!
2015-10-06 2:48 am
This is just one more example of how Canada is superior to the US.
2015-10-06 2:19 am
Canadians are just different people with different beliefs. The simple fact that the Americans got their @rses kicked out of Canada in the war of 1812 should tell you something. The American 2nd amendment doesn't exist in Canada, because Canadians have more sense.
2015-10-06 2:07 am
There are only 35 million people in the whole country compared to 320 million in the U.S. Maybe Canadian killers get psychiatric treatment when they need it.
2015-10-06 12:44 am
Probably because a majority of Canada is just filler.
2015-10-06 12:41 am
Good point.
2015-10-07 7:56 am
The UK banned guns, but now there is a lot of murders by knives over there.
2015-10-06 9:43 pm
I guess you have never been to Surrey.
2015-10-06 11:43 am
First of all your over all population is less than 35 million people.
That is the entire population. Spread out over a geographic area
once again the size of the US. So to get 9 Canadians standing
in one area is pretty remote. ( Of course I jest).
2015-10-06 9:38 am
Because they have gun control.
2015-10-06 1:04 am
Because there is only like 47 people in the entire country...
2015-10-06 3:46 pm
Of course we have murders in Canada too.However I feel safer going to church,to a restaurant,to a park or having a ride in someone's car in Canada.In the U,S. many people may have a gun in their pocket.Many will use their guns at the slightest provocation.
2015-10-06 12:40 am
because canadians are way to nice look at drake for example
2015-10-06 1:21 am
Lack of population ever occur to you? You can't compare the number of deatths in my backyard to the number of deaths in Russia. It's funny, the day after Canada banned handguns there was a news story on the radio about teens hacking people to death with machetes in a Toronto park. Personally, I'd rather be shot! I used to live in Detroit and listen o Windsor radio! CIMX or CJOM.
2015-10-07 1:01 am
Maybe Canada doesn't have a bunch of paranoid right-wing cowards who can't defend their weak, miserable selves without a gun!

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