How do English speakers pronounce 'obvious'?

2015-09-29 4:49 am

I am a Japanese man and have difficulty pronouncing 'obvious'. I wonder how English speakers quickly pronounce 'bv' as in obvious. Do they skip either b or v? Or, do b and v make another sound just like t and h make the TH sound?

回答 (41)

2015-09-29 8:21 pm
As a brit, I say it as 'ob-vee-us'
2015-09-30 3:24 am
I pronounce both the b and v sounds. I was born in the American south and have never noticed the omission of the b. When I say it that way, it is clearly "obvious."

The initial vowel sound is the a in father and the second is a very short i. The third is written ou, but is simply the u in bus.

It is possible to pronounce the bv in the same syllable, but the syllable break is normally between the b and v.

So it's ab' vi us. or less frequently abv' i us.
2015-09-29 2:32 pm

Three syllables, you don't pronounce the b and v together.
2015-09-29 5:15 am
The b and v aren't pronounced together. Separate the syllables - ob - ve - us (or ous depending on dialect).
2015-09-29 4:52 am
ahb - vee - uss
2015-09-29 4:51 am
2015-09-29 8:52 pm
Dear Uncle Ng:-
A word of 4 syllables=rhythmic unit consisting of 4 vowels,b-v not connected:-eg:-ob--vee--yusss.=ob'vi'ous'.
2015-10-03 10:28 am
As an American woman, we don't make a 't' or 'h' sound when saying obvious. We pronounce the word using both the b and v in said word.
So spoken in proper english in America (the educated way to say obvious), it comes out sounding like this- obb-vee-us. The 'us' is an *uh-s* sound rather than a *you* sound, by the way.
It's a three syllable word.
Whether you are speaking to someone like your boss, or just saying "obvious" in a casual setting like among friends, it isn't pronounced any differently.
I believe the english language that americans use is sometimes strangely written and spoken (making words confusing or difficult) though, and I've lived here my whole life and was born here.

Hope this helps you!
Good luck :)
參考: Being born and raised, as well as thoroughly educated in America and in the language used here. (so the source would just be myself).
2015-10-02 10:27 pm
A soft b sound and then a v sound

2015-10-01 9:59 pm
It really depends on the speaker. If some people empthasize the B and v , making the speak slightly slower. But some people say it as a T H, meaning its a faster pronunciation. I would go with the one that you prefer.
Try and find a song that has someone saying both ways
2015-09-30 11:21 am
Ob-vee-(u)ss. Stress on "ob". That is my way, I am from southern England. I never omit the "b", as some people seem to do.

Pronunciation might be different in other parts of the vast English-speaking world, as seems evident by the answer from Wai Kei - he has probably learned his English in an American setting.
2015-09-30 9:27 am
If you wanna speak proper and slowly, then ob vi us.

However normally I skip the b. Ov yus
2015-09-30 5:31 am
2015-09-29 9:29 pm
I just say o vee us. I skip the B completely. Maybe its cuz I'm from the south?? How come no one else on here skips the B??
2015-09-30 1:07 am
O-vee-us is how I pronounce it. I'm a New Yorker, and everyone I know would pronounce it like this.
2015-10-04 11:59 am
I've lived in most parts of the U.K. and in most places it's commonly (informal) to say "ovious" leaving out the 'b' , but in more formal settings or if you're talking in a professional manner, obvious with the b
2015-10-04 1:00 am
2015-10-03 8:42 pm
wohl, herr kaleun = yes mr Kaleun ( I don't know if kaleun is a name)
Das Boot = the boat
mary · just now
2015-10-03 4:52 pm
2015-10-03 10:34 am
I have spoken English all my 86 years long life, in many parts of the British Isles, the West Indies, North America, and Trinidad & Tobago and when meeting Ozzies and Kiwis, and it has always been "ob-vee-us" in careful speech, but easily descending into "ov vee us" in hurried or slovenly English, a linguistic development known as assimilation, one so common that many speakers probably say the slovenly form without even realizing that they are doing so..
2015-10-03 1:08 am
Both are pronounced. Ob + vee + us.
2015-10-03 1:02 am
It is ->"Ob-vee-us"...
2015-10-02 8:40 pm
Well im from England Isle of wight and we pronounce it like. Ov-ee-us 'Obvious' a bit weird i know right lol. It mainly depends on which area that speaks english you are in, it is a bit like envelope loads of people pronounce that differently so really there's no real way to pronounce just the way you feel comfortable pronocing it
2015-10-02 6:45 pm
It depends on where you live and how the people around you pronounce it, but most people say "OB-vee-us"

Sometimes, such as in New York City, people omit the B and say "OV-ee-us" but nobody ever skips the V because that would sound weird: OB-ee-us.

Hope that helped!
2015-10-02 3:26 pm
OB vi ous
Or, in international vowels,
AB vi ìs

The reason we keep both consonant sounds is because they are in different syllables.
2015-10-01 11:38 pm
i my own point of view you dont need to prononce b insead v
2015-10-01 3:34 pm
I'm tempted to say, 'it's obvious.' I'm a Brit and I pronounce both the 'b' and the 'v'. Some might call me snobish.
2015-10-01 7:32 am
Hi. I live in Australia and I pronounce it like this:
2015-10-01 5:10 am
I live in CA and I used to pronounce it OB-vee-ous but then someone told me it's O-vee-ous so that's how they we pronounce here in CA. It really depends on where you live.
2015-10-01 1:58 am
2015-10-01 1:46 am
2015-09-30 10:31 pm
It isn't skipped or pronounced like th. Ob-ve-us.
2015-09-30 5:33 pm
Google translate will pronounce it for you. Click in the speaker icon below the word.
2015-09-30 1:06 pm
2015-09-30 5:00 am
2015-09-29 10:02 pm
ahb - vee - us
2015-09-29 11:08 am
obvious /ob-vee-us/
2015-09-29 5:54 am
ob vee us
2015-09-30 8:05 pm
I'm from Wolverhampton England, and don't pronounce the b
2015-09-30 4:08 am
2015-09-29 10:20 pm
correct grammar would be ob-vee-iss but the slang (which is how most English speakers pronounce it) is without the b.

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