Lv 7
回覆: 18
2020-11-08 6:12 am
When you go to vote in person at a polling location, is the ballot your given have your name and registration on it? Or just blank ballots?
回覆: 6
2020-06-23 9:41 pm
Has Trump gone full-on Obama socialist with the 'stimulus payments' or is it just another vote-buying scam?
回覆: 9
2020-02-25 6:05 am
Will the Earth be destroyed?
回覆: 3
2020-01-16 2:37 pm
How to create a loop that user enters?
回覆: 6
2019-06-15 5:46 am
What are your thoughts on parents who don't give their kids the sex talk at any point in their lives?
回覆: 7
2017-12-06 12:28 pm
why do i feel like i am in the 1920s?
回覆: 2
2017-11-26 4:48 am
what weight of nettles would I need to make a square meter of material?
回覆: 6
2017-11-16 12:10 am
What is the noun form for "unadorned"? Like "simpleness" for simple.?
回覆: 6
2017-11-07 5:20 am
can silver/iron alloy be used for weapons?
回覆: 2
2017-07-21 12:53 am
please solve: For each of these statements find a domain for which the statement is true and a domain for which the statement is false.?
回覆: 8
2017-06-29 3:28 am
do you ever go to Pizza Hut all-you-can-eat lunch?
回覆: 6
2017-06-08 3:36 am
Yeah engineer dears guide me that what is the minimum ac voltage will give shock to child woods.?
回覆: 2
2017-04-15 8:51 pm
Why do scuba divers fall backwards off of the boat?
回覆: 7
2017-04-15 9:03 pm
What is the meaning of life?
回覆: 4
2017-02-18 10:42 am
Why are there no wind currents from there?
回覆: 1
2017-01-29 2:51 am
What place is this?
回覆: 1
2017-01-18 2:59 am
How do I paste and seal leaves, bark, electrical wires, etc. on canvas/foam core?
回覆: 10
2017-01-15 2:42 am
What are those plugs you have to screw in called?
回覆: 6
2017-01-14 8:31 am
Would your life been better if you didn't have children or marriage or both? BE HONEST?
回覆: 5
2017-01-07 11:33 pm
Water won't turn on due to cold weather suggestions?
回覆: 3
2017-01-03 3:11 am
Is there any way to MAKE(not buy) a switch that when it is turned on the circuit gets broken and LED turns off and vice versa?
回覆: 4
2016-12-23 1:03 am
SAT math question?
回覆: 2
2016-12-22 10:09 am
Is steel wool in contact with a radiator a fire hazard?
回覆: 9
2016-12-19 2:55 am
Someone's wearing your undies. What do you do?
回覆: 10
2016-11-26 10:50 pm
Please explain how is masturbation dangerous?
回覆: 9
2016-11-22 3:21 am
How many of you guys find Yahoo answers useless?
回覆: 3
2016-11-14 8:48 pm
I enjoy Fantasy and Sci-Fi books! Can you recommend any good reads and why?
回覆: 2
2016-11-09 2:47 am
Where can I find a rental car in a bike shop?
回覆: 12
2016-11-03 10:53 pm
Trump or Clinton?
回覆: 80
2016-10-22 10:16 pm
describe donald trump in one word?
回覆: 5
2016-10-19 12:35 am
What number has two digits after the decimal point and is equivalent to 1.4?
回覆: 10
2016-10-13 4:04 pm
Hey Everybody I just found out my birthday is the same day I was born, WOW life's crazy 🍞?
回覆: 2
2016-10-10 3:48 pm
Definition of a function- C programming?
回覆: 7
2016-10-06 6:04 pm
Riddle help?
回覆: 6
2016-10-03 8:17 pm
Is the evolution of life like a ladder, leading from lowly microorganisms to lofty humanity?
回覆: 2
2016-10-04 11:55 am
Defining Functions- c programming?
回覆: 3
2016-09-28 6:04 pm
Match binary coding with character or numerical value?
回覆: 2
2016-09-21 9:03 pm
C programming help?
回覆: 5
2016-09-21 2:08 pm
Would the world be better off if people didn't wear pants?
回覆: 7
2016-07-23 9:35 pm
how much wood can a wood chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
回覆: 11
2016-07-12 7:58 am
Which are the best electrical wires?
回覆: 9
2016-07-12 11:42 am
Why is wood used to make table and chairs?
回覆: 2
2016-07-11 6:47 pm
how many molecules does H2O have? How many Hydrogen atoms? How many Oxygen Atoms? How many molecules does 6O2 have? how many oxygen atoms?
回覆: 5
2016-07-05 9:52 pm
how to give a first *******?
回覆: 10
2016-06-24 8:33 pm
What kind of engineers fix things?
回覆: 10
2016-06-21 4:51 pm
What is the mass of 1.00 liter of nitrogen at STP?
回覆: 9
2016-06-18 7:19 pm
What do the numbers on my stove equate to in terms of temperature?
回覆: 5
2016-06-16 10:01 pm
god = dog...... thoughts?
回覆: 1
2016-06-11 3:10 pm
Is there a way to convert a 3-way switch into a 4-way switch?
回覆: 14
2016-06-09 5:52 pm
residential wiring ?
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