how to give a first *******?

2016-07-05 9:52 pm
ok so me and my boyfriend have been planning to do this for a few months and I really want it to be good for him. we are both 16 and never done more than make out but we have been together for a year and fell ready to do this. I just have a few questions.
1. please explain how to make it good to me as if I was an alien and have no idea.
2. what is the best way to initiate it (we only have a couple hours)?
3.i have braces is that going to cause problems and if so how to I avoid them?
4. any other information you think I will need.
please don't start telling me we are too young we are both of the age of consent and so can make that decision our selves. thank you.

回答 (5)

2016-07-05 9:56 pm
here is some information
2016-07-05 11:25 pm
It's like everything else we do in our lives. Takes practice. No one can explain how it's done. You can watch videos, i guess?
2016-07-05 10:04 pm
To teeth, if really phucking hurts. I haven't done anything like that with a girl who has braces nor have a i had them before but i am guessing they're just plastered onto the surface of your teeth. So if you don't use your teeth like i mentioned it shouldn't be an issue. Your tongue is not some dead thing in your mouth and you don't have to keep him inside the entire time. If he grabs your head or hair, don't freak out it just happens sometimes. If you want to initiate it touch him there whilst making out, works every single time
2016-07-05 9:55 pm
Ask your mum, giving technical sex advice to underage teens is almost certainly a misuse of Y!A
2016-07-05 9:54 pm
If you don't know what to do then obviously you're not ready. Don't be a hoe

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