Has Trump gone full-on Obama socialist with the 'stimulus payments' or is it just another vote-buying scam?

2020-06-23 9:41 pm

I don't buy the 'we are a consumer society' argument. This is the same handout as all the Democrats have done. It's nothing but a blatant backhander so people will vote for him. What's he going to do to reduce the resulting deficit? The same as Obama - kick the can down the road for the next sucker. 

回答 (6)

2020-06-23 10:02 pm
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Looks like a vote buying scam. He insisted on having his name on the letter announcing the payment.   It was only stimulus he would not have to do that...
2020-06-23 9:43 pm
Trump is focused on winning the election. As far as he is concerned everyone else can go to hell, or die. Wouldn’t bother him one bit. In fact he probably privately celebrates every time a presumed Democrat voter dies...
2020-06-23 9:42 pm
vote-buying scam with his name boldly signed on the checks. 
2020-06-23 9:55 pm
If empathy for American workers who are struggling because of the economic shutdown.
2020-06-23 9:46 pm
For the situation it was an appropriate choice. Barry never faced a similar situation.
2020-06-23 9:44 pm
I don't remember Obama sending any stimulus payments -  GW had one sent and maybe Obama sent one. 
But, there is an argument for them -   it puts cash into the hands of people who will spend it.  This is a consumer economy and nothing happens until somebody buys something.  Consumer confidence is a key ingredient.   
Now, the extended enhanced unemployment benefits are a different story , not sure if that hurts or helps. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:04:53
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