Please explain how is masturbation dangerous?

2016-11-26 10:50 pm
i heard if u don't do it correctly, it can cause damage. so what is meant by correctly?

回答 (10)

2016-11-27 5:43 am
Do it laying in the supine (on your back) position or standing, not prone (on your stomach).
2016-11-26 10:52 pm
well it's not dangerous
2016-12-24 7:51 am
not sure if you can do it wrong
2016-12-04 6:36 am
Male masturbation is done by stroking up and down the penis with one hand.

One particularly dangerous way of masturbating is to lie face down (prone) and thrust the penis into or against something. This is a demonstrated cause of sexual dystunctions in males.

It is also dangerous to insert anything into the urethra while masturbating (or any other time).

It is also dangerous to block the flow of semen at the point of ejaculation. Let it flow.
2016-11-27 1:43 pm
not sure if you can do it wrong
2016-11-27 6:00 am
masturbation dangerous
2016-11-27 2:22 am
Total BS. Man and Teen have been masturbating since before we were walking upright. Not anything special in how you do it, just solo sex and most guys figure out how to do it quickly. No way that it is dangerous.
2016-11-27 1:05 am
Yes it can ...Certain types of incompatibilities can cause problems that last a lifetime
2016-11-26 10:55 pm
Can't see how you could do it 'wrong', so long as you're not doing anything that's hurting afterwards then you're all good.
2016-11-26 10:52 pm
it is not. very little possibility of danger.
2016-11-27 3:21 am
That's utter crap created by a single doctor based on a convenience sample of three, that's right THREE men who masturbated prone. I am in a STEM field, and I have a terminal degree - let me ASSURE YOU, a sample of three is meaningless - when you extrapolate unsupported ideas from that tiny sample, it is even more meaningless. He argues, essentially, that if you masturbate on your stomach thrusting instead of on your back with your hands, you will harm yourself. He is, frankly, nuts. I know people who masturbate prone (about 8% of males do) and NONE OF THEM (and my sample is larger than 3) have ever been "damaged" - it really is crap he's spewing.


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