When you go to vote in person at a polling location, is the ballot your given have your name and registration on it? Or just blank ballots?

2020-11-08 6:12 am

回答 (18)

2020-11-08 10:19 am
The ballot paper must not have anything on it to identify the voter.  When you receive the paper your name is marked off. 
2020-11-08 6:49 am
ballots do not have direct identifiers
2020-11-08 6:43 am
It's blank; it doesn't have your name or any identifying information.
2020-11-08 6:21 am
The ballots are the same ballots given to everyone, no identification of the voter at all. You talk to a poll worker when you come in, they find your name in a booklet, tear out your ticket, have you sign it, then it gets saved. They aren't Trump ballots, they aren't Biden ballots.
2020-11-10 6:05 am
In Florida you go up to the counter and present your VALID Voter I.D. card AND a VALID state issued PHOTO I.D. then you then SIGN on a digital pad where they check your signature against they're database to ensure YOU are allowed to vote! AFTER you pass the identification process they print your ballot for you with ALL your options for federal, state and local choices then you go to your little booth and color in the little ovals with a BLACK ballpoint pen THEY provide. After you color your ovals YOU take YOUR ballot down to the tabulating machine and YOU insert the ballot where the machine counts your votes and you walk out the door where they hand you a "I VOTED!!" sticker and you go about your day! NOBODY touches YOUR ballot after YOU fill it out so NOTHING can be "modifixed" or altered in ANY way before it can be tabulated! I would like to have 1 feature added to the process and that would be a receipt so I could be able to go online and check to make SURE MY vote was tabulated correctly by the machine! 
In Florida there is VERY little chance of ANY voter fraud or ILLEGAL ALIENS casting ballots UNLESS they can obtain a valid social security card, VALID Fl. drivers license AND match the person's signature during in-person voting!! Too bad ALL states don't do they're voting this way!!! But after the 2000 election with the "hanging chads" issue that held up the election for quite awhile we wanted to ensure our election process was as fast, fair and accurate as possible!
2020-11-08 6:24 am
In-person ballots are blank.

It's part of the reason why it's so much faster to count them - they're all physically the same, and there's no extra envelopes or anything else with them.
2020-11-10 8:28 am
Well  Jill Stokey ( a Blind old lady) of Nevada when to her polling location and was told that Someone else voted for her by Mail in !!!.... ?????
Wasn't it the DEM's how wanted to send EVERYONE MAil in Ballots and said there would be not Voter Fruad ????....

Yeah that's right they are lying Criminals !!!
Here's your sign Dem Voters !
2020-11-10 3:22 am
Bar code that matches the other portion collected then the codes can be identified and matched.
2020-11-09 2:58 am
I voted early in a machine, after handing the desk a government issue photo ID.
Curious though, what would stop me from mailing is a ballot?
2020-11-08 11:34 am
You’re given.  No.  At a polling location, there is no name or registration on the ballot that you are given.  Certainly, not in Texas, anyway.  Being that it’s a secret ballot, that would be damned odd.  
2020-11-08 9:12 am
in my state if you vote in person there is no ballot,  its all done on a computer. 
2020-11-08 6:22 am
Nope. Just a sequence number. That is torn off when the ballot is scanned.
2020-11-10 7:44 am
You know what, this time the ballots did not have a number on them (where you get the stub torn off to keep for your records)!!!

Seems fishy
2020-11-10 11:12 pm
In New York State in person after signing in one receives the top paper form from a stack, take it to a booth to fill in, and insert it into a machine that reads it, keeps the form, and one gets a sticker (which I put on my car) that says "I Voted".
I've voted from the same location since 1976, so very well known and no problem with nonsense about identifying myself.
2020-11-10 6:47 pm
For a SECRET ballot, your name and registration should NOT be on it.
The clerks in the polling location/station should check your name/registration against a list . If you are found to be on the list, then they will give you a 'BLANK' ballot paper. 

Secrecy is the key word, so that there is no undue influence made upon you, before, during and after the election/voting. 
2020-11-10 5:21 pm
The only blank ballots are called provisional ballots and you have to have two forms of identity that show your current address. They don't count them until the end because they check that the person casting that ballot hasn't already cast another one first. 
Trumpsters are starting to remind me of the girl in an abusive relationship who gets the **** beat out of her by her boyfriend, the cops come and save her life, and then she goes and turns a few tricks so she can bail him out of jail because she's lonely.
2020-11-09 7:55 pm
In Ohio, voters show up at their polling places.   Some have electronic voting, mine uses a paper ballot.   Voters check in with a valid ID (or other form of identification like a utility bill), they sign in and receive a blank paper ballot.  They fill in the spots on their ballots- and then the ballot is scanned into a machine.  These machines have a memory card in them that stores the voted ballots.   I have never voted electronically, but I assume the process is similar.   No, there are no pre-printed ballots with voters names on them.   That would violate the privacy each voter has when entering the voting booth. 
2020-11-08 10:41 pm
A blank white card that is inserted into the voting machine.  My selections were made on the screen, verified by me, and then printed onto the card which I inserted into the secured container at the exit that looks suspiciously like an industrial grade shredder.
2020-11-08 11:40 am
Blank ballot. But they ask for your driver license. 

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