What do the numbers on my stove equate to in terms of temperature?

2016-06-18 7:19 pm
I have 1 - 9 and then max for my stove. Problem is, I don't know which settings to put it on when a recipe states I need to put it in "High Med" or "Mid heat" for example, as I don't know which numbers equate to Low/Mid/High Mid. Help?

回答 (9)

2016-06-22 8:22 am
I think that you need to stay AWAY from the stove/oven until you receive some training. Take a cooking class. Right now, you're useless and maybe dangerous.
2016-06-18 9:54 pm
You have numbers from one to nine. Which number is in the middle? C'mon, this is grade 3 stuff. Let's see now. 1, 2, 3, 4, FIVE, 6, 7, 8, 9. See? There are 4 numbers before FIVE and 4 numbers after it. FIVE is the middle number.
Mid low is going to be 4 or 3, a little lower than the five. Mid high is going to be 6 or 7, a little lower than the five.
Every stove is different, and different kinds of pan respond differently. You have to pay attention and learn what works on your stove with your pans.
If things are cooking too fast or starting to burn, turn the heat down. If they are cooking too slowly, turn the heat up.
2016-06-18 8:48 pm
Cooking is an art that is learned, the numbers aren't consistent, and very depending on size of pan compared to burner size.

Generally medium is the middle, medium high/low is generally just off of center, not usually half to the extreme, full low is normally just to keep something warm, high is just to boil or intentionally scorch.
2016-06-18 8:43 pm
9 is usually the highest
Mid heat would be around 4/6
Low is like 1-3

An oven thermometer is a good idea. I leave a stainless steel rotary one in a chicken and i can see without opening the oven exactly how hot is has got and if it is safe.
2016-06-18 7:49 pm
get an oven thermometer
put it in the oven and calibrate your dial.
set the oven on 1 then see what the thermometer reads when the oven gets up to temperature. Write down that number and temperature.
Set the oven on 2 see and repeat.
do that all the way to 9.
Use that chart to set the oven for where you want it...
2016-06-19 1:09 pm
I is usually the lowest and 9 is the highest.
2016-06-19 2:08 am
as roger says....any good hardware store will have an oven thermometer you hang on the front of the rack and can easily read. Now, it will be cooler at the front of the rack than in the middle, so keep that in mind.
2016-06-19 1:36 am
In my opinion, if you want to know the maneuver of stove in terms of temperature, do read the specifications
of various manufacturers.
2016-06-18 9:25 pm
In most cases, they DON'T. The higher the number the hotter the burner, but their isn't an actual temperature measurement.

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