
Lv 7
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2016-10-05 6:11 pm
Before the first endpoint only K3PO4 is reacting. PO4^3– (aq) + H3O+ (aq) ---> HPO4^2– (aq) + H2O (l)?
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2016-09-30 4:54 pm
For each of the following strong base solutions, determine [OH−],[H3O+], pH, and pOH.?
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2016-09-21 8:20 pm
Is the dipole moment of CHCl3=0 or not? If not then what is its value?
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2016-09-19 2:43 pm
Which addition to the map would be best?
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2016-09-05 2:39 pm
1-if the bond is large is it easier to break or harder 2-what does bond dissocation mean?
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2016-09-01 5:37 pm
Which has more dipole moment? 1) Cyclopropane 2) Cyclopropene And why?
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2016-08-09 7:55 am
the rate constant of a reaction is 1.5*10^7 s^-1 at 100°C calculate the activation energy for the reaction?
回覆: 2
2016-06-20 5:53 pm
Please Help?
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2016-06-17 6:06 pm
Kinda at a lost with this chemistry, Can someone please help me? (Picture below)?
回覆: 5
2016-05-27 7:56 pm
Chemistry question:?
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2016-05-25 4:24 pm
Calculate ?H for the following reaction of nitrous oxide with oxygen.?
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2016-05-25 4:25 pm
Ammonia (NH3) can be synthesized from nitrogen gas (N2) and hydrogen gas (H2) by the following reaction. N2(g) + 3 H2(g) → 2 NH3(g)?
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2016-05-25 4:27 pm
The total pressure exerted by a mixture of hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen gases is 2.1 atm.?
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2016-05-16 6:47 pm
______ Has a Hf of zero?
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2016-05-10 1:30 pm
What will be the pH of the solution?
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2016-05-09 5:50 pm
Given the following data, can you solve for the ph of solution in titration?
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2016-04-17 4:21 am
what is the mass of magnesium which completely reacts with 250cm^3 of 1 mol/dm^3 sulfuric acid?
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2016-03-29 3:38 pm
oxidation state of I in HIO?
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2016-03-25 5:12 pm
Chemistry, Titration quesiton + Equilibrium?
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2016-03-02 1:42 am
Chem101 Heat Transfer?
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2016-02-29 3:28 pm
How can we tell berylliumhas the same oxidation number in all of its known compounds?
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2016-02-26 7:32 pm
Chemistry Question Easy?
回覆: 4
2016-02-26 5:49 pm
Which of the following cannot be the formula of an alkene?
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2016-02-23 4:07 pm
If 465mL of oxygen at STP is used in the reaction, what volume of CO2, measured at 37.3 degrees Celsius and 0.973atm, is produced?
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2015-12-11 3:11 pm
Hydrogen with ununsetium?
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2015-10-20 2:41 pm
Freezing of water at 273K (1atm) and boiling of water at 373K (1atm) - Are they spontaneous processes? If yes, then why? Cuz their S>0? How?
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2015-10-08 6:25 pm
What is the mass formula for vanadium? Please help me?
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2015-09-15 6:41 pm
why the chemical structure of a carboxyl group causes it to act as an acid (release H+ into solution).?
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2015-09-04 6:59 pm
A company wants 700 sq ft of carpet,the carpet store sells only by square meter.How many sq meters does the company need to buy?1m = 39.37in?
回覆: 3
2015-09-01 8:42 pm
What is the molar mass of manganese(II) nitrate tetrahydrate Mn(NO3)2·4H2O)?
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2015-09-01 7:25 pm
Write the equiibrium expression for the equilibrium occuring when each of these solutes is added to water.?
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2015-08-01 5:36 pm
Which of the underlined atoms (C1, C2, N, and O) are sp hybridized?
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2015-05-26 5:43 pm
CHEMISTRY percent by mass of solute?
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2015-05-22 4:51 pm
Chemistry questions. Please helppp.?
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2015-05-06 6:20 pm
199.7 L of oxygen gas is initially at 1432 mmHg. If the pressure is changed to 5.22 atm, find the new volume of the gas in liters?
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2015-05-06 6:18 pm
Neon gas originally has a temperature of 111.8°C. Then the gas is moved to an environment with a...?
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2015-01-06 7:23 pm
Student has accidentally mixed up a bottle of ethanoic acid, hexane and hex-2-ene, how does pupil tells difference between the three bottles?
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2014-12-12 3:47 pm
calculate [N2] and [O2] in water under a barometric pressure of 735 torr?
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2014-12-12 3:41 pm
Find Van't Hoff factor for magnesium sulfate...?
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2014-09-05 5:40 pm
Is it a polar molecule? http://i.imgur.com/882FRuf.jpg?
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2014-03-03 4:47 pm
Calculate the molarity of a solution made by dissolving 0.740 grams of Na2SO4 in enough water to form exactly?
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2014-03-03 4:49 pm
Calculate the molarity of a solution of acetic acid made by dissolving 28.00mL of glacial acetic acid at 25 ∘C?
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2014-03-03 4:55 pm
At a certain temperature, the solubility of N2 gas in water at 2.04atm is 48.0mg of N2 gas/100 g water . Calcu?
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2014-01-29 7:15 pm
Balance the following chemical equations?
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2013-08-21 2:21 pm
What is the chemical equation of trilaurin to lauric acid?
回覆: 5
2012-12-07 8:46 pm
Rank the molecules from highest to lowest boiling point?
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2011-12-30 4:47 pm
Why PF3 doesnt obey octet rule?
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2011-12-14 5:29 pm
Find volume of CH3 to burn water while Delta H combustion of CH3 -891KJ/Mol?
回覆: 2
2011-12-07 4:12 pm
a sample of krypton had a volume of 10L at 1atm pressure and 273K. how many krypton moles were present?
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2011-02-25 4:35 pm
Help me with this Back Titration problem?
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