If 465mL of oxygen at STP is used in the reaction, what volume of CO2, measured at 37.3 degrees Celsius and 0.973atm, is produced?

2016-02-23 4:07 pm

回答 (2)

2016-02-23 4:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It has been found that the reaction involved is :
C₃H₈ + 5O₂ → 3CO₂ + 4H₂O

At STP, 5 volume of O₂ produces 3 volumes of CO₂.
At STP, volume of CO₂ produced = 465 × (3/5) = 279 mL

Method 1 :

1 mole of gas occupies 22400 mL of volume.
No. of moles of O₂ used = 465/22400 = 0.02076 mol

5 moles of O₂ can be used to produce 3 moles of CO₂.
No. of moles of CO₂ formed = 0.02076 × (3/5) = 0.01246 mol

For CO₂:
PV = nRT
V = nRT/P

Volume of CO₂, V
= nRT/P
= 0.01246 × 0.082 × (273 + 37.3) / 0.973
= 0.326 L
= 326 mL

Method 2 :

C₃H₈ + 5O₂ → 3CO₂ + 4H₂O

At STP, 5 volume of O₂ produces 3 volumes of CO₂.
At STP, volume of CO₂ produced = 465 × (3/5) = 279 mL

For CO₂ :
At STP : P₁ = 1.00 atm, V₁ = 279 mL, T₁ =273
Now : P₂ = 0.973 atm, V₂ = ? mL, T₂ = 273 + 37.3 = 310.3 K

P₁V₁/T₁ = P₂V₂/T₂

Volume of CO₂ at the given conditions, V₂
= V₁ × (T₂/T₁) × (P₁/P₂)
= 279 × (310.3/273) × (1.00/0.973) mL
= 326 mL
2016-02-23 4:22 pm
In what reaction? Without knowing the reaction, we can't help.

Basically, use the stoichiometry of the reaction to calculate the volume of CO2 measured at STP. Then use the equation:
P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2
to calculate the volume measured under these new conditions.

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