
Lv 7
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gu49y-am9g love Rammstein http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvePEzdMI-M
回覆: 3
2018-03-01 7:59 am
Anybody else find that anti-gun kid annoying?
回覆: 11
2018-01-28 8:49 am
Isn't it grand how Trump keeps outsmarting his critics and destroying his haters?
回覆: 2
2018-01-28 5:58 am
Why are liberal men so girly - is it the soy?
回覆: 4
2017-10-13 11:35 am
When will Monica Lewinsky accuse Bill of ruining a perfectly good cigar?
回覆: 12
2017-06-04 7:11 am
Do Muslims ever celebrate Ramadan with fireworks instead of killing people in London?
回覆: 8
2013-04-10 4:48 pm
james stewart vs humphrey bogart?
回覆: 9
2013-01-14 4:16 am
Who is a better actor?
回覆: 1
2012-12-30 2:42 pm
How to feel better before Wednesday? Please? :(?
回覆: 7
2012-11-01 7:08 pm
if trump has 5 milion for obama?
回覆: 4
2012-06-24 6:21 pm
POLL: What is the weirdest dream you've ever had?
回覆: 7
2012-03-22 7:57 pm
Write the name of somebody you hate & love.?
回覆: 3
2012-03-01 7:30 pm
What brand of cuban cigars, did Bill C.(slick willy) smoke,Cuban?
回覆: 1
2012-02-23 3:59 am
Lost my ROTTIE last Sunday, 8 yrs. Two yrs. and another rottie,lasted 8yrs.?
回覆: 3
2012-02-15 2:45 am
Why in Gods name, would BHO want to dismantle nukes, our deterrence?
回覆: 20
2011-11-06 8:08 pm
poll: what are you watching right now?
回覆: 27
2011-11-06 8:08 pm
What's Your Favorite Movie?
回覆: 8
2011-07-13 5:08 am
What is your 11:11 wish tonight?
回覆: 4
2011-04-09 7:11 pm
Best Use By vs Expiration?
回覆: 8
2011-03-01 6:04 am
what's the meanest/rudest thing a teacher has ever said to you?
回覆: 16
2011-02-27 4:57 am
I never realized this but?
回覆: 10
2010-08-10 7:51 pm
What has Obama done that's socialist?
回覆: 12
2010-08-08 5:52 am
farting/throwing up is a natural habit...so why does everyone deny doing it?
回覆: 11
2009-02-10 10:35 pm
Females and Males: Do females actually feel anything special when males touch their breast?
回覆: 4
2008-11-07 7:51 pm
Are enemy and communist leaders trying to suck up to Obama to get what they want?
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